What I didn't know before the baby was born
If I could travel back in time, I would go back five years and say to myself, who is still dreaming of having a child, the following:
Why is the baby crying? A lot of people will say, “Mom knows.” This is total nonsense. In the first months of our daughter's life, my husband and I were constantly solving the puzzle of why she was crying. In the end, each time the solution was found by the method of exclusion. While the child grows, parents learn to recognize the cry of the baby when he is tired, hungry, when something hurts or he just wants to handle.
Why is breastfeeding important? Breast milk is best for the baby. Immunoglobulin. Perfect food. And so on and so forth. In fact, it is, and many mothers will choose breastfeeding after reading this. Some people prefer an artificial breast milk substitute. Has anyone told you that this is very convenient? I'm serious. When breastfeeding, the mother always has milk ready, perfect temperature, perfect consistency, always and everywhere. She just needs to lift her jacket and place her breasts in a small mouth. That's it. With artificial feeding, the situation is somewhat more complicated. Nurses in maternity hospitals should talk about it to convince moms to breastfeed.
Don't spoil the baby, really. I was intoxicated with love for my daughter, did not understand that some of my actions can lead to the emergence of bad habits in the child. While the baby is 8-10 months old, you can not worry about spoiling. The understanding of how “bold” it is comes to children later. My love for my daughter had no limits, so at the slightest cry I took her in my arms. It's okay, I don't regret anything.
At the first time after the hospital, I was disturbed by the seam from cesarean section. Getting up at night was very hard. I felt like a wreck, so one night, mentally sending everything away, I took my daughter to bed. I slept a lot better, all of us. Night feeding became easier, my husband and I had the opportunity to relax a little. Everyone was fine, in general, I think any parents do everything possible to be comfortable for both the child and themselves. Some people will say, “This is dangerous.” Yeah. If you are a drug addict, a drunk or a disabled person. Now there are many recommendations on this topic. You just have to remember and keep things in mind. Google to help you!
“It was different these days...” Wait, I don't want to hear that! Go back to your days and keep your mouth shut! Advice is a good thing, but only if it is not imposed! I'll take your advice, maybe even take it, maybe let you know if he helped or not.
Dear Mothers, remember that you are a parent. Not your mom, dad, uncle, aunt, neighbor or friend. You, only you, make a decision about your child.
I am well aware that nursing mothers experience a certain set of difficulties, and the decision to do or not to do something is a personal decision of every mother. At first, breastfeeding was so painful that it drove me crazy.
I am very sorry that there was no one who could tell me how to facilitate the process of breastfeeding (especially at 3 a.m. when a hungry child screams). On the contrary, there were only those who lectured me on its advantages and much more. Many moms don’t want or actually can’t breastfeed, and that doesn’t make them bad moms. Don’t let anyone pressure you to do anything against your will. published
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption, we change the world together! © Join us on Facebook , VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: mixstuff.ru/archives/92106
Why is the baby crying? A lot of people will say, “Mom knows.” This is total nonsense. In the first months of our daughter's life, my husband and I were constantly solving the puzzle of why she was crying. In the end, each time the solution was found by the method of exclusion. While the child grows, parents learn to recognize the cry of the baby when he is tired, hungry, when something hurts or he just wants to handle.

Why is breastfeeding important? Breast milk is best for the baby. Immunoglobulin. Perfect food. And so on and so forth. In fact, it is, and many mothers will choose breastfeeding after reading this. Some people prefer an artificial breast milk substitute. Has anyone told you that this is very convenient? I'm serious. When breastfeeding, the mother always has milk ready, perfect temperature, perfect consistency, always and everywhere. She just needs to lift her jacket and place her breasts in a small mouth. That's it. With artificial feeding, the situation is somewhat more complicated. Nurses in maternity hospitals should talk about it to convince moms to breastfeed.
Don't spoil the baby, really. I was intoxicated with love for my daughter, did not understand that some of my actions can lead to the emergence of bad habits in the child. While the baby is 8-10 months old, you can not worry about spoiling. The understanding of how “bold” it is comes to children later. My love for my daughter had no limits, so at the slightest cry I took her in my arms. It's okay, I don't regret anything.
At the first time after the hospital, I was disturbed by the seam from cesarean section. Getting up at night was very hard. I felt like a wreck, so one night, mentally sending everything away, I took my daughter to bed. I slept a lot better, all of us. Night feeding became easier, my husband and I had the opportunity to relax a little. Everyone was fine, in general, I think any parents do everything possible to be comfortable for both the child and themselves. Some people will say, “This is dangerous.” Yeah. If you are a drug addict, a drunk or a disabled person. Now there are many recommendations on this topic. You just have to remember and keep things in mind. Google to help you!
“It was different these days...” Wait, I don't want to hear that! Go back to your days and keep your mouth shut! Advice is a good thing, but only if it is not imposed! I'll take your advice, maybe even take it, maybe let you know if he helped or not.
Dear Mothers, remember that you are a parent. Not your mom, dad, uncle, aunt, neighbor or friend. You, only you, make a decision about your child.
I am well aware that nursing mothers experience a certain set of difficulties, and the decision to do or not to do something is a personal decision of every mother. At first, breastfeeding was so painful that it drove me crazy.
I am very sorry that there was no one who could tell me how to facilitate the process of breastfeeding (especially at 3 a.m. when a hungry child screams). On the contrary, there were only those who lectured me on its advantages and much more. Many moms don’t want or actually can’t breastfeed, and that doesn’t make them bad moms. Don’t let anyone pressure you to do anything against your will. published
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption, we change the world together! © Join us on Facebook , VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: mixstuff.ru/archives/92106