I breastfeed my baby in public and consider it normal! And you don't want to - don't look...
It’s great that today’s mothers can afford the indescribable luxury of staying home longer with their children, staying socially active and having freedom of movement. Moms don't sit at home anymore, and that's great! But what should a mobile mother do when she needs to feed her baby in a public place?
"Site" He wants to know if it is permissible. breastfeeding In public places, or is it beyond decency?
Breastfeeding the baby Young mothers' lives This is not the way our mothers and grandmothers live. The emergence of new spheres of life, and with them situations that are not described in any book on etiquette, often confronts modern mothers with a difficult choice: do not care about public opinion or sit for days on end within four walls.
Feeding a child is a sacred and extremely personal process. Women's breasts turned into an object of vulgarity, it became indecent to expose, apparently, people have long forgotten about the true purpose of women. Public reaction to mothers baring their breasts varies from judgmental views to public scandals.
A nursing mother can be escorted out of a coffee shop or asked to cover herself with a napkin in a fashionable restaurant, and public figures often make loud statements, equating breastfeeding with exhibitionism. It is worth noting that supporters of natural feeding sometimes defend their position no less aggressively, they say, I am a mother and have the right, I don’t care about everyone, for me the child is more important.
Why in modern society feeding The baby becomes the reason for mass protests, which are attended by hundreds of mothers, ready to feed in front of everyone, even at gunpoint?
You want to feed, well, feed, do not want to cover your chest - do not cover. Whether or not to follow the rules of etiquette is a personal choice. Raised man And she doesn't look at the way a mother feeds a baby in the park, because it's just inappropriate to stare.
This raises the question: why is this absurd assertion of the right to an already natural process? It seems to be a dispute between two parties who have not heard of the fundamental norms of decency.
No one has the right to make us worry about other people’s feelings, much less to make our existence difficult to solve other people’s problems. However, society does not give us the right to violate the well-being of others. For this purpose, the norms of behavior called etiquette were invented.
Showing naked breasts During feeding, it can embarrass a girl or guy sitting next to you, offend religious feelings and even discourage the desire to become a father or mother.
It is not difficult to see that the attitude towards public feeding is closely intertwined with the war of women for the right to dispose of their bodies and defend their interests. The prohibition of society to publicly use breasts for their intended purpose - the result sexual objectification. Although there is no sexual subtext in breastfeeding and should not be.
Taking into account the indignation of mothers about the fact that it is increasingly possible to meet on the street women with a neckline to the navel, no one is embarrassed, we can say only one thing: everyone chooses for themselves. measure. You can allow yourself the same as uncultured persons, or strive to be a well-bred person with good manners.
Observance of simple standards of decency is the hallmark of a civilized society. How do you feel about feeding children in public places? Be sure to share your opinion with our editorial staff in the comments.

"Site" He wants to know if it is permissible. breastfeeding In public places, or is it beyond decency?
Breastfeeding the baby Young mothers' lives This is not the way our mothers and grandmothers live. The emergence of new spheres of life, and with them situations that are not described in any book on etiquette, often confronts modern mothers with a difficult choice: do not care about public opinion or sit for days on end within four walls.
Feeding a child is a sacred and extremely personal process. Women's breasts turned into an object of vulgarity, it became indecent to expose, apparently, people have long forgotten about the true purpose of women. Public reaction to mothers baring their breasts varies from judgmental views to public scandals.

A nursing mother can be escorted out of a coffee shop or asked to cover herself with a napkin in a fashionable restaurant, and public figures often make loud statements, equating breastfeeding with exhibitionism. It is worth noting that supporters of natural feeding sometimes defend their position no less aggressively, they say, I am a mother and have the right, I don’t care about everyone, for me the child is more important.
Why in modern society feeding The baby becomes the reason for mass protests, which are attended by hundreds of mothers, ready to feed in front of everyone, even at gunpoint?

You want to feed, well, feed, do not want to cover your chest - do not cover. Whether or not to follow the rules of etiquette is a personal choice. Raised man And she doesn't look at the way a mother feeds a baby in the park, because it's just inappropriate to stare.
This raises the question: why is this absurd assertion of the right to an already natural process? It seems to be a dispute between two parties who have not heard of the fundamental norms of decency.

No one has the right to make us worry about other people’s feelings, much less to make our existence difficult to solve other people’s problems. However, society does not give us the right to violate the well-being of others. For this purpose, the norms of behavior called etiquette were invented.
Showing naked breasts During feeding, it can embarrass a girl or guy sitting next to you, offend religious feelings and even discourage the desire to become a father or mother.

It is not difficult to see that the attitude towards public feeding is closely intertwined with the war of women for the right to dispose of their bodies and defend their interests. The prohibition of society to publicly use breasts for their intended purpose - the result sexual objectification. Although there is no sexual subtext in breastfeeding and should not be.

Taking into account the indignation of mothers about the fact that it is increasingly possible to meet on the street women with a neckline to the navel, no one is embarrassed, we can say only one thing: everyone chooses for themselves. measure. You can allow yourself the same as uncultured persons, or strive to be a well-bred person with good manners.

Observance of simple standards of decency is the hallmark of a civilized society. How do you feel about feeding children in public places? Be sure to share your opinion with our editorial staff in the comments.