The mode of feeding of dogs

Each owner is aware that special attention should be paid to feeding dogs. But how and what to feed the dog that her food was correct and balanced diet? For many pet owners it can become a big problem.
So, feeding (food) dogs should be varied, wholesome, quality, age, biological state, the time of year. Feed should be high in calories and contain all the necessary substances to the body. The daily requirement of an adult large dog to feed on average, in summer 2000-2100 winter 2300-2400 kcal. The nutrient content of different feeds varies.
Feeding dogs: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, Proteins are the main source to build cells in the body of animals. A lot of them contains, meat, fish, cereals. Feed them per day 75-100 g per animal. Fats — high calorie source of energy in the body. Main sources are fats of animal origin. The demand for them is 25-30 g per animal per day. Carbohydrates (sugar, starch) necessary for the formation of the propulsion energy, support the work of the muscles. They are contained in the plant feed.
Minerals necessary for growth and development of KOs "Yak, nutrition and the nervous system and other body functions. They come into the organism with food. Table salt should enter into the diet gradually in the amount of 10-20 g per day per animal. Vitamins are the regulators of various physiological processes. They can be found in vegetables, fruits, herbs, fish oils, liver, milk, and other foods. When they lack use special vitamin supplements.
Water plays an important role in the animal body. She participates in all biochemical processes. Enters the body with food, and fed her and in a pure form.
Dog food dogs Fed mixed food animal and vegetable origin. The diet includes meat, fats, various cereals, vegetables, salt, and grain products, meat and canned fish, fish, raw, boiled, dried, food concentrates, dairy products.
Very often dogs are fed leftovers from the table of first and second courses. They are suitable for power, but first they should check that there was no acute bone or foreign objects. Better to feed the dogs from separate utensils in a certain place. Food should be cooked before feeding, as during prolonged storage it can deteriorate. The dishes after feeding should be carefully washed in hot water.
The mode of feeding of dogs, Dogs are fed 2— 3, puppies 3-4 times a day at the same time, because the dogs quickly get used to a similar routine.
Puppies are not recommended to feed at night. Latest dog feeding must end no later 20-21 h.
Source: vetsait.com