Dog Secrets
Dogs and people live side by side for about 15 thousand years, so it would seem, we know each other very well. However, there are things about dogs known only to specialists. Please find some little-known facts about man's best friend.
Dogs can get sick our diseases
About 6 million dogs are diagnosed with "cancer" each year, in addition, there are "canine version" and other human diseases. And for a man it is rather a plus, because this situation makes it possible to arrange clinical trials of new drugs on animals.
They could smell our illnesses
If a person oncology, diabetes or epilepsy, it is theoretically the first dog can report it. Studies have shown that dogs can be trained to detect cancer of the lung, breast, skin, bladder and prostate. In addition, dogs feel fluctuations in blood sugar of diabetics and may warn of the dangers of their owners even before they feel symptoms. The most mysterious fact is that dogs can feel a seizure for about 45 minutes before it starts.
Not all dogs are equally smart
Dogs may be smart as 2-year-old child: it says study presented at the 2009 meeting of the American Psychological Association. Collie capable of understanding up to 200 words, in the ranking of leading intellectuals dogs and poodles, German shepherds, golden retrievers and Dobermans The top five most intelligent breeds. By the way, the old hunting breeds such as beagles and bulldogs are at the end of the list, since the nature of their muscles more developed than the brain.
Dogs can infect human
Like other animals, dogs can be carriers of pathogens, which are harmful to humans, causing rage and neurological diseases. People can become infected by dogs with Salmonella bacteria and parasitic worm Ascaris, just stroking the hair of infected animals. Therefore, in order to prevent need to wash hands thoroughly after each contact with the dog.
Dogs feel envy
According to a study published in the journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences", when some dogs get encouragement, others left without reward, waves, scratching themselves and prefer not to look at the awardees relatives. A similar situation occurs in the event that some dogs receive as an incentive sausage and others - a bread.
Dogs have no sense of guilt
"Puppy dog eyes" of your pet - it's just a response to the accusation, regardless of whether the fault is actually a dog or not. Experimentally confirmed that this penetrating look at the reality does not reflect any introspection.
Obedient dogs live longer
In a study published in June 2010 in The American Naturalist, compared the energy consumption, the growth rate and life expectancy of 56 dog breeds. Scientists have discovered that members of the bold, aggressive breeds, died young. However, they grew faster than the docile, more capable of training a dog, and had higher energy needs.
Dogs - a wide variety of mammals looking
These four-legged show an amazing variety of body shapes. According to a study published in The American Naturalist in 2010, the differences between the skulls of various breeds of dogs can be just as pronounced as between very different species of mammals.
Dogs can help you communicate
According to a survey conducted by the American Association of manufacturers of pet products in 2010, 39% of American households have at least one dog, and 80% of dog owners give their pets more than two hours a day. The study, published in the Journal of the British Psychological Society, shows that when a person walking with a dog, the number of his social interactions with other people will be more three times. And the dog evokes positive social contact, even when the animal looked angry, or the owner was slovenly dressed.

Dogs can get sick our diseases
About 6 million dogs are diagnosed with "cancer" each year, in addition, there are "canine version" and other human diseases. And for a man it is rather a plus, because this situation makes it possible to arrange clinical trials of new drugs on animals.

They could smell our illnesses
If a person oncology, diabetes or epilepsy, it is theoretically the first dog can report it. Studies have shown that dogs can be trained to detect cancer of the lung, breast, skin, bladder and prostate. In addition, dogs feel fluctuations in blood sugar of diabetics and may warn of the dangers of their owners even before they feel symptoms. The most mysterious fact is that dogs can feel a seizure for about 45 minutes before it starts.

Not all dogs are equally smart
Dogs may be smart as 2-year-old child: it says study presented at the 2009 meeting of the American Psychological Association. Collie capable of understanding up to 200 words, in the ranking of leading intellectuals dogs and poodles, German shepherds, golden retrievers and Dobermans The top five most intelligent breeds. By the way, the old hunting breeds such as beagles and bulldogs are at the end of the list, since the nature of their muscles more developed than the brain.

Dogs can infect human
Like other animals, dogs can be carriers of pathogens, which are harmful to humans, causing rage and neurological diseases. People can become infected by dogs with Salmonella bacteria and parasitic worm Ascaris, just stroking the hair of infected animals. Therefore, in order to prevent need to wash hands thoroughly after each contact with the dog.

Dogs feel envy
According to a study published in the journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences", when some dogs get encouragement, others left without reward, waves, scratching themselves and prefer not to look at the awardees relatives. A similar situation occurs in the event that some dogs receive as an incentive sausage and others - a bread.

Dogs have no sense of guilt
"Puppy dog eyes" of your pet - it's just a response to the accusation, regardless of whether the fault is actually a dog or not. Experimentally confirmed that this penetrating look at the reality does not reflect any introspection.

Obedient dogs live longer
In a study published in June 2010 in The American Naturalist, compared the energy consumption, the growth rate and life expectancy of 56 dog breeds. Scientists have discovered that members of the bold, aggressive breeds, died young. However, they grew faster than the docile, more capable of training a dog, and had higher energy needs.

Dogs - a wide variety of mammals looking
These four-legged show an amazing variety of body shapes. According to a study published in The American Naturalist in 2010, the differences between the skulls of various breeds of dogs can be just as pronounced as between very different species of mammals.

Dogs can help you communicate
According to a survey conducted by the American Association of manufacturers of pet products in 2010, 39% of American households have at least one dog, and 80% of dog owners give their pets more than two hours a day. The study, published in the Journal of the British Psychological Society, shows that when a person walking with a dog, the number of his social interactions with other people will be more three times. And the dog evokes positive social contact, even when the animal looked angry, or the owner was slovenly dressed.