An amazing transformation of horse
Poor Polly was found drained to the last stage with two other horses that looked no better in Buckinghamshire, England. When the British Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals «RSPCA» found her, Polly was already almost one hoof in the grave. Employees of the company said that Polly was very emaciated horses that they had ever seen, and they saw every passion is not enough. Two other horses have died, but with the help of caring people in the organization and a burning desire to live, Polly was able to get out. An incredible recovery horses Polly look further.
When the foundation staff found Polly, she weighed no more than 317 kg, at first glance it does not seem lightweight, but it's only half the normal weight of a horse.
After Polly got into good hands, she slowly began to recover.
In addition to the depletion of Polly also had to battle with skin conditions such as rain rot and dermatitis.
But thanks to the care personnel fund Polly was able to fully recover and become a beautiful horse with a shiny mane.

When the foundation staff found Polly, she weighed no more than 317 kg, at first glance it does not seem lightweight, but it's only half the normal weight of a horse.

After Polly got into good hands, she slowly began to recover.

In addition to the depletion of Polly also had to battle with skin conditions such as rain rot and dermatitis.

But thanks to the care personnel fund Polly was able to fully recover and become a beautiful horse with a shiny mane.