Wild beasts Chernobyl
All probably already seen the scenery Bayan Pripyat zafotografirovannoe up holes ferris wheel hotel "Polse" and other locations. Today, I suggest you take a look at the wild world of the Chernobyl exclusion zone, the inhabitants of the forests 30 km Exclusion Zone, through the eyes of camera traps.
In order not to happen in human life, as if it was not for us, good or bad, but millions of years, the sun still rises, rivers flow to the sea and the warmth of spring and the awakening are replacing dank and consternation. Now, when day and night over the city screaming flocks of migrating geese and Forest announce the marital fraction of woodpeckers and thrushes first play flute, I still live in the winter, learning materials winter and autumn Photoshoot ...
In contrast to previous cycles of filming this fall and winter "park" my camera traps has been extended. Firstly, it was possible to test ScoutGuard 880MK-8M, which worked Shkvyrya Marina and Denis Vishnevsky, it placed on the outskirts of the village near the main portion of our research (part of the pictures from this camera with the permission of the authors represented here). Second, similar to the camera of a sudden got a gift from Western colleagues. Finally, I purchased "on trial" new camera Welltar 8210A (aka - Ltl Acorn 5225BR or Ixium Ltl 8210A), is relatively cheap, but like a good performance. As a result, the same five points added three more, and this is - is out!
Checking the camera, willy-nilly, divides the course of events in some periods, in this case, the late autumn (October-November) and winter (December-February). And I must say, they are not only different views of the landscape.
Passion in families of wild boar
Autumn foliage remnants of trees and bushes, yellowed grass still standing in full growth, but wild boar begins a responsible and rapid period: they are rutting. Motherboard herd previously consisted only of adult pigs and restless offspring replenished escort boiling testosterone boars. Although the fighting and "domogany" has not got into the sight of camera traps, captured the concentration of beasts can not help but impress. Some of the sparring partners are so huge that it's hard for them to imagine a worthy opponent, and indeed it is possible to "love" such ...
Boars with the "waterline" on the sides
Ahead of the herd is one of the mothers of the pigs
Wherever visited black attack, not a stone was left. Dozens of hectares - both harrow past. Turn over and plowed everyone in the neighborhood, torn roots, smashed trails, torn up rotten stumps. It is picked up every single acorn, but runs as a day - and the scene and the actors are the same. Yet in November broodstock began to appear less often, and from mid-December and disappeared altogether. During the winter only lonely boars and ran. Where did the basic "population" is hard to say, perhaps closer to the reed and wet meadows. For example, in February, I saw them in an abandoned village near these lowlands. Change forage land has always been the key to survival, and in the Polesie region there is always something to choose.
Posted in [mergetime] 1395918047 [/ mergetime]
A herd of wild boars in the oak
Broodstock with boars in November
Notes from the life of moose, deer and roe deer in autumn and winter
The area abounds with alder and birch forests, marshes and meadows. Pine forests there are relatively few, and oak and grabnyakov generally very small. On the one hand, it is - the typical landscape of Kyiv Polissya, but not dominant. In some seasons, it is very attractive for animals, but others seem to have more kormnye conditions.
In the second half of autumn, the frequency of shooting moose fell also, like wild boars. If in September, he experienced the peak wedding activity and elk all calibers and a stunning variety of crowns only shastali front of the cameras, in October, they became much smaller, and since November - and did - "one, two and miscalculated." Ghosn has passed, the emotion subsided, it's time to think about was their daily bread. Even the horns - and they seem superfluous, by December a unit carries around with this burden. Most elk somewhere gone. Apparently, the study area in the winter of their not very attractive. Nevertheless, single individuals or small groups of two or four moose were observed periodically in our photo studio.
Among the large animals that live in the target area, the most numerous are deer. Here and twig food enough, and watering, and places where you can retreat from the wolves. The high frequency of shooting preserves all fall and winter.
Howling Bull
In the gallery, there are solitary animals and olenuhi with the grown calves, and groups of 4-6 animals. Very often they fall in November and December. To be honest, before the start of these studies, my understanding of the rut in deer limited to such images: a sort of golden autumn, roaring bulls banging clashing horns. And it is not expected that this period lasts at least until January! Groups of 2-6 animals stags wander around the neighborhood when a purely male company when pursuing females. Three of these beauties, fawned over six olenuhami, the camera recorded the 12 February!
Olenuhi route
Posted in [mergetime] 1395918261 [/ mergetime]
It is interesting to look and sparring. Peacefully grazing bulls suddenly for no reason, no reason at shlestyvayutsya in a duel. Trigger Hide excitation can serve as a fear of them. Ghostly flickering infrared flash or crunching branches - and have one or two pairs of wheezing, hook horns. In one of the documentaries about wildlife stated that such "unreasonable" the battle is crucial for the younger generation as the training courses. Without excessive aggression and danger, they are trained for combat, strengthen their muscles, to later when the moment of truth, not to fall face into the dirt.
Focus Przewalski horse
Getting Started with automatic cameras, I almost from the beginning the idea of thinking about: how to adapt to their observations of the Przewalski horses. As long as it remains in the discharge plans for the future, but the ability to shoot even in forest areas preserved. Time passed, but even in the observations themselves horses in the immediate vicinity of the photos did not come and it was not. In October alone, a lone stallion defiled by a camera mounted just inside the forest. The first group photos were obtained in the nearest village. The herd consisting of a stallion, mares 5 adults and two grown up foals once "lit up" in November. Was there another group of 5 adults and zahazhivali lonely stallions. But in December and January, the horse became a compulsive, although only two points. Judging by the mind, it was all the same animals: the maternal herd of 8 individuals and single males.
Old lone stallion
By studying the photographic material, you know how much the behavior of wild horses on the behavior of other ungulates. Przhevaltsy look more confident than any other animal in the area. They are not careless, but did not show nervousness, tension. If a vanity and happening, more in touch with the inner relationship than with the danger from without. If the animals walk past the camera, it is always easy, and if they stop, it is often a long time. Currently, there is no reliable information describing the relationship of horses with the wolves, but I myself had once watched as a large flock past tried to come to his horses. Whether it was just a game, whether people are prevented - but the wolves themselves are gone. Whether there are cases of hunting of wolves on the Przewalski horses - I do not know, is no reliable evidence. According to rumors, supposedly someone saw wolves chase the horses, but they were talking and otherwise. In principle, no one nor the other does not contradict the laws of nature. On the difficulties of relationships buffaloes and lions, where the victim is transferred to one another as the baton, probably everyone knows. Why not be similar between prezhevaltsem and wolf. Automatic photographing once opened page of their relationship. At night sped past the camera, one or two wolves, and just three minutes later in the same direction as the horse passed quietly. Judging by the behavior loschadi, the smell of the predator is clearly not embarrassed. Say what you like, and przhevaltsy very powerful and somewhat arrogant beasts. Maybe just a little afraid of the wolves communicate with them.
Photos horses amused and a few observations. Firstly, it turned out that even very healthy foals are still trying to drain the mother. Secondly, they, like all the other kids, filled with the desire to fool around and need toys. In this case, a toy ... she served as camera traps. The fact that the camera sniff, amazing not name. But these rascals twirled it as wanted. As they did not have broken and crushed, I do not know. Destroyers camera traps in tropical countries are elephants in North America - the bears. I never imagined that in our part of the role will try to master the horse. Another observation, I would say, touching its contents: colts of different ages and from different mothers apparently are friends, they are pressed against each other, rub their heads. "Such an amour, such love" - the tears break through.
Posted in [mergetime] 1395918524 [/ mergetime]
We decided to ask the camera.
Large predators in the winter. Wolves
Of course, among the results still stand shooting scenes with wolves and lynx. They had enough.
In winter, the wolves were grouped, and even occasionally appear near the chamber of 1-2 individuals, it is more like a part of the overall hunt than visits "bespritulnyh siromantsiv." A flock usually consists of the leading alpha male and alpha female, grown cubs, juveniles and non-breeding adult relatives. This integration not only serves to facilitate hunting, but also for the "certification" of the hierarchy and determining the rights on these puppies. In the northern part of the region, near the village kept a flock of up to 12-14 individuals. At another point once ran 6 individuals, possibly because of the same family. Calculate the exact number of photographs of wolves is extremely difficult, as well as to determine the relationship between the different groups, but it is definitely well concerted military units capable to produce any animal in the most difficult conditions.
Posted in [mergetime] 1395918665 [/ mergetime]
Passage of the wolf family. If you look closely, the wolf's fur coloration varies from gray to red.
Posted in [mergetime] 1395918720 [/ mergetime]
Winter sketches of the Chernobyl lynx
Another major predator - the lynx - very pleased with the activity. If in September and October has not been a single case of occurrence of the lynx, in November - just nine points in four! In December - 10 to 5, and in January - 11, 5 points! Unfortunately, in February of machinery summed up four cameras fully or partially stopped working. But in February could not be less than productive.
If we recall that 20 years ago the issue of presence of lynx in the region was almost the discussion, it is good that now, as a result of the automatic photographing it - absolutely normal predator. Moreover, a significant part of the story is not alone account for the beasts, and the mother with cubs. So, three points rysihi appeared even the grown two kittens! The quality of images does not give 100% certainty of the number of families, but a set of attributes and the circumstances of their likely two. Moreover, even at one point appears multiple times with a single mother calf. Thus, in an area of 20 sq km inhabited by about up to three females with kittens, which is very good!
Number of single lynx is much more difficult to determine, they are not more likely to come during the night, causing poor shots. It might be sexually mature males in their territory and illegally dangling offspring of previous years. To all of them into account, we need a very reliable clues. These could be spots on the face and legs, but to catch and study need a camera with only the "white" flash, and even better - and with a quality matrix (so-called «homebrew», non-serial camera mounted on the base of an ordinary digital "Soap "). These devices are able to describe the nocturnal visitors in every detail, one can only question whether they return here after the "bright" revelations? .. Example deer and wolves says that even silent ghostly flickering red spots able to draw the beast fled.
Whatever it was, and the number of lynx pleases. Wolves are not a hindrance to them, and feed enough. Moreover, in my mind sneaking suspicion that the lynx is much more than the wolves, are not indifferent to the strange object in the tree. They often learn them, and when the animal is a long time in front of the camera and posing almost already abound. What is it? Risk Assessment? Or "hello" photographer? ..
Looking through photos of this animal, you can not help but delight. To what it was beautiful! Why are your eyes, brush, plastic! Pussy and she got a pussy. However, it is very dangerous. Suffice it to compare its size with the size of roe deer or humans. According to my estimates, large individuals (presumably males) at the withers up to 70 cm, according to the literature, can weigh up to 35-38 kg! I admit that the seasonal decline in the number of deer is not only the result of their carting in more favorable habitats. This is one of the main objects of hunting lynx. However, judging by the photos, roe deer - not so simple. They manage to live for a year on the same site, eluding clawed paws.
In the analysis of the photos can not get rid of the influence of their own human perception of the world. Intellectually I understand these animals - the wild, and the fact that for us the extreme - for them as usual, as the sky overhead. And yet, when the piercing cold wind blowing, and the sky pours and underfoot champs, cold or vice versa, such that the bones ache, I often think, and what is it there? .. Of course, seen in the photographs often surprises and delights. This winter in photos discovered that the same przhevaltsu, deer, elk or even lynx (!) Does not cost anything to climb into the water, and let its temperature around zero.
But even more amused by another series of shots.
As you know, the end of winter and beginning of spring flow from the lynx under the pressure of sexual hormones. Pictures, unfortunately, do not reflect the intimate aspects of life, but the evidence of the suffering of love, apparently, are available. So, for whatever reason, just in front of a camera lynx decided to make a territorial marker. At least twice to fit single individual. Do not remain indifferent, and the mother of two teenagers. A one cat, appearing for a long time was arranged and rubbing, moaning in lust, as it should be all the cats from the home to the lion Vaska. And then - just asleep. Half an hour later got up and left. That in itself is funny, but adds piquancy outside temperature display. This male half hours at almost lain open, when there was 25 degrees below zero! That's really really warm hormones, and "blows the roof»!
Posted in [mergetime] 1395919043 [/ mergetime]
This winter the camera recorded only 15 species. Apart from the above, it was still ubiquitous raccoons (the most frequent visitors photo salons), a little fox, hare, otter, marten, badger, weasel and jay.
Tails "pipe" at the raccoons
Jay found an acorn
Ussuri raccoon
In the photo below otters.
In general, the winter turned out to be more calm, vanity disappeared, small animals are not pleased with the plot, but as soon as heavy snow fell, and frosts hit, the nature and all numb. In the second half of January have gone somewhere horse somewhere hiding elk and deer. For several days the camera at all worried about nothing but the snow falling from the branches and ran sunbeams. But in February the snow come down, the beasts come to life, and although the camera does not transmit no smell, no sound, was felt throughout the approach of spring.
This is the third spring to start using camera traps, and, hopefully, the same unique and full of surprises, as all previous seasons.
All. I apologize that somewhere in the posts for broken due to the video ... so do not understand why so
Thank you all for your attention.
You can kick
Source: http: //

In order not to happen in human life, as if it was not for us, good or bad, but millions of years, the sun still rises, rivers flow to the sea and the warmth of spring and the awakening are replacing dank and consternation. Now, when day and night over the city screaming flocks of migrating geese and Forest announce the marital fraction of woodpeckers and thrushes first play flute, I still live in the winter, learning materials winter and autumn Photoshoot ...
In contrast to previous cycles of filming this fall and winter "park" my camera traps has been extended. Firstly, it was possible to test ScoutGuard 880MK-8M, which worked Shkvyrya Marina and Denis Vishnevsky, it placed on the outskirts of the village near the main portion of our research (part of the pictures from this camera with the permission of the authors represented here). Second, similar to the camera of a sudden got a gift from Western colleagues. Finally, I purchased "on trial" new camera Welltar 8210A (aka - Ltl Acorn 5225BR or Ixium Ltl 8210A), is relatively cheap, but like a good performance. As a result, the same five points added three more, and this is - is out!
Checking the camera, willy-nilly, divides the course of events in some periods, in this case, the late autumn (October-November) and winter (December-February). And I must say, they are not only different views of the landscape.
Passion in families of wild boar
Autumn foliage remnants of trees and bushes, yellowed grass still standing in full growth, but wild boar begins a responsible and rapid period: they are rutting. Motherboard herd previously consisted only of adult pigs and restless offspring replenished escort boiling testosterone boars. Although the fighting and "domogany" has not got into the sight of camera traps, captured the concentration of beasts can not help but impress. Some of the sparring partners are so huge that it's hard for them to imagine a worthy opponent, and indeed it is possible to "love" such ...
Boars with the "waterline" on the sides

Ahead of the herd is one of the mothers of the pigs

Wherever visited black attack, not a stone was left. Dozens of hectares - both harrow past. Turn over and plowed everyone in the neighborhood, torn roots, smashed trails, torn up rotten stumps. It is picked up every single acorn, but runs as a day - and the scene and the actors are the same. Yet in November broodstock began to appear less often, and from mid-December and disappeared altogether. During the winter only lonely boars and ran. Where did the basic "population" is hard to say, perhaps closer to the reed and wet meadows. For example, in February, I saw them in an abandoned village near these lowlands. Change forage land has always been the key to survival, and in the Polesie region there is always something to choose.

Posted in [mergetime] 1395918047 [/ mergetime]
A herd of wild boars in the oak
Broodstock with boars in November

Notes from the life of moose, deer and roe deer in autumn and winter
The area abounds with alder and birch forests, marshes and meadows. Pine forests there are relatively few, and oak and grabnyakov generally very small. On the one hand, it is - the typical landscape of Kyiv Polissya, but not dominant. In some seasons, it is very attractive for animals, but others seem to have more kormnye conditions.
In the second half of autumn, the frequency of shooting moose fell also, like wild boars. If in September, he experienced the peak wedding activity and elk all calibers and a stunning variety of crowns only shastali front of the cameras, in October, they became much smaller, and since November - and did - "one, two and miscalculated." Ghosn has passed, the emotion subsided, it's time to think about was their daily bread. Even the horns - and they seem superfluous, by December a unit carries around with this burden. Most elk somewhere gone. Apparently, the study area in the winter of their not very attractive. Nevertheless, single individuals or small groups of two or four moose were observed periodically in our photo studio.


Among the large animals that live in the target area, the most numerous are deer. Here and twig food enough, and watering, and places where you can retreat from the wolves. The high frequency of shooting preserves all fall and winter.

Howling Bull


In the gallery, there are solitary animals and olenuhi with the grown calves, and groups of 4-6 animals. Very often they fall in November and December. To be honest, before the start of these studies, my understanding of the rut in deer limited to such images: a sort of golden autumn, roaring bulls banging clashing horns. And it is not expected that this period lasts at least until January! Groups of 2-6 animals stags wander around the neighborhood when a purely male company when pursuing females. Three of these beauties, fawned over six olenuhami, the camera recorded the 12 February!

Olenuhi route
Posted in [mergetime] 1395918261 [/ mergetime]
It is interesting to look and sparring. Peacefully grazing bulls suddenly for no reason, no reason at shlestyvayutsya in a duel. Trigger Hide excitation can serve as a fear of them. Ghostly flickering infrared flash or crunching branches - and have one or two pairs of wheezing, hook horns. In one of the documentaries about wildlife stated that such "unreasonable" the battle is crucial for the younger generation as the training courses. Without excessive aggression and danger, they are trained for combat, strengthen their muscles, to later when the moment of truth, not to fall face into the dirt.

Focus Przewalski horse
Getting Started with automatic cameras, I almost from the beginning the idea of thinking about: how to adapt to their observations of the Przewalski horses. As long as it remains in the discharge plans for the future, but the ability to shoot even in forest areas preserved. Time passed, but even in the observations themselves horses in the immediate vicinity of the photos did not come and it was not. In October alone, a lone stallion defiled by a camera mounted just inside the forest. The first group photos were obtained in the nearest village. The herd consisting of a stallion, mares 5 adults and two grown up foals once "lit up" in November. Was there another group of 5 adults and zahazhivali lonely stallions. But in December and January, the horse became a compulsive, although only two points. Judging by the mind, it was all the same animals: the maternal herd of 8 individuals and single males.


Old lone stallion


By studying the photographic material, you know how much the behavior of wild horses on the behavior of other ungulates. Przhevaltsy look more confident than any other animal in the area. They are not careless, but did not show nervousness, tension. If a vanity and happening, more in touch with the inner relationship than with the danger from without. If the animals walk past the camera, it is always easy, and if they stop, it is often a long time. Currently, there is no reliable information describing the relationship of horses with the wolves, but I myself had once watched as a large flock past tried to come to his horses. Whether it was just a game, whether people are prevented - but the wolves themselves are gone. Whether there are cases of hunting of wolves on the Przewalski horses - I do not know, is no reliable evidence. According to rumors, supposedly someone saw wolves chase the horses, but they were talking and otherwise. In principle, no one nor the other does not contradict the laws of nature. On the difficulties of relationships buffaloes and lions, where the victim is transferred to one another as the baton, probably everyone knows. Why not be similar between prezhevaltsem and wolf. Automatic photographing once opened page of their relationship. At night sped past the camera, one or two wolves, and just three minutes later in the same direction as the horse passed quietly. Judging by the behavior loschadi, the smell of the predator is clearly not embarrassed. Say what you like, and przhevaltsy very powerful and somewhat arrogant beasts. Maybe just a little afraid of the wolves communicate with them.
Photos horses amused and a few observations. Firstly, it turned out that even very healthy foals are still trying to drain the mother. Secondly, they, like all the other kids, filled with the desire to fool around and need toys. In this case, a toy ... she served as camera traps. The fact that the camera sniff, amazing not name. But these rascals twirled it as wanted. As they did not have broken and crushed, I do not know. Destroyers camera traps in tropical countries are elephants in North America - the bears. I never imagined that in our part of the role will try to master the horse. Another observation, I would say, touching its contents: colts of different ages and from different mothers apparently are friends, they are pressed against each other, rub their heads. "Such an amour, such love" - the tears break through.


Posted in [mergetime] 1395918524 [/ mergetime]
We decided to ask the camera.

Large predators in the winter. Wolves
Of course, among the results still stand shooting scenes with wolves and lynx. They had enough.
In winter, the wolves were grouped, and even occasionally appear near the chamber of 1-2 individuals, it is more like a part of the overall hunt than visits "bespritulnyh siromantsiv." A flock usually consists of the leading alpha male and alpha female, grown cubs, juveniles and non-breeding adult relatives. This integration not only serves to facilitate hunting, but also for the "certification" of the hierarchy and determining the rights on these puppies. In the northern part of the region, near the village kept a flock of up to 12-14 individuals. At another point once ran 6 individuals, possibly because of the same family. Calculate the exact number of photographs of wolves is extremely difficult, as well as to determine the relationship between the different groups, but it is definitely well concerted military units capable to produce any animal in the most difficult conditions.


Posted in [mergetime] 1395918665 [/ mergetime]
Passage of the wolf family. If you look closely, the wolf's fur coloration varies from gray to red.
Posted in [mergetime] 1395918720 [/ mergetime]
Winter sketches of the Chernobyl lynx
Another major predator - the lynx - very pleased with the activity. If in September and October has not been a single case of occurrence of the lynx, in November - just nine points in four! In December - 10 to 5, and in January - 11, 5 points! Unfortunately, in February of machinery summed up four cameras fully or partially stopped working. But in February could not be less than productive.


If we recall that 20 years ago the issue of presence of lynx in the region was almost the discussion, it is good that now, as a result of the automatic photographing it - absolutely normal predator. Moreover, a significant part of the story is not alone account for the beasts, and the mother with cubs. So, three points rysihi appeared even the grown two kittens! The quality of images does not give 100% certainty of the number of families, but a set of attributes and the circumstances of their likely two. Moreover, even at one point appears multiple times with a single mother calf. Thus, in an area of 20 sq km inhabited by about up to three females with kittens, which is very good!



Number of single lynx is much more difficult to determine, they are not more likely to come during the night, causing poor shots. It might be sexually mature males in their territory and illegally dangling offspring of previous years. To all of them into account, we need a very reliable clues. These could be spots on the face and legs, but to catch and study need a camera with only the "white" flash, and even better - and with a quality matrix (so-called «homebrew», non-serial camera mounted on the base of an ordinary digital "Soap "). These devices are able to describe the nocturnal visitors in every detail, one can only question whether they return here after the "bright" revelations? .. Example deer and wolves says that even silent ghostly flickering red spots able to draw the beast fled.

Whatever it was, and the number of lynx pleases. Wolves are not a hindrance to them, and feed enough. Moreover, in my mind sneaking suspicion that the lynx is much more than the wolves, are not indifferent to the strange object in the tree. They often learn them, and when the animal is a long time in front of the camera and posing almost already abound. What is it? Risk Assessment? Or "hello" photographer? ..

Looking through photos of this animal, you can not help but delight. To what it was beautiful! Why are your eyes, brush, plastic! Pussy and she got a pussy. However, it is very dangerous. Suffice it to compare its size with the size of roe deer or humans. According to my estimates, large individuals (presumably males) at the withers up to 70 cm, according to the literature, can weigh up to 35-38 kg! I admit that the seasonal decline in the number of deer is not only the result of their carting in more favorable habitats. This is one of the main objects of hunting lynx. However, judging by the photos, roe deer - not so simple. They manage to live for a year on the same site, eluding clawed paws.
In the analysis of the photos can not get rid of the influence of their own human perception of the world. Intellectually I understand these animals - the wild, and the fact that for us the extreme - for them as usual, as the sky overhead. And yet, when the piercing cold wind blowing, and the sky pours and underfoot champs, cold or vice versa, such that the bones ache, I often think, and what is it there? .. Of course, seen in the photographs often surprises and delights. This winter in photos discovered that the same przhevaltsu, deer, elk or even lynx (!) Does not cost anything to climb into the water, and let its temperature around zero.
But even more amused by another series of shots.
As you know, the end of winter and beginning of spring flow from the lynx under the pressure of sexual hormones. Pictures, unfortunately, do not reflect the intimate aspects of life, but the evidence of the suffering of love, apparently, are available. So, for whatever reason, just in front of a camera lynx decided to make a territorial marker. At least twice to fit single individual. Do not remain indifferent, and the mother of two teenagers. A one cat, appearing for a long time was arranged and rubbing, moaning in lust, as it should be all the cats from the home to the lion Vaska. And then - just asleep. Half an hour later got up and left. That in itself is funny, but adds piquancy outside temperature display. This male half hours at almost lain open, when there was 25 degrees below zero! That's really really warm hormones, and "blows the roof»!
Posted in [mergetime] 1395919043 [/ mergetime]

This winter the camera recorded only 15 species. Apart from the above, it was still ubiquitous raccoons (the most frequent visitors photo salons), a little fox, hare, otter, marten, badger, weasel and jay.


Tails "pipe" at the raccoons

Jay found an acorn

Ussuri raccoon

In the photo below otters.
In general, the winter turned out to be more calm, vanity disappeared, small animals are not pleased with the plot, but as soon as heavy snow fell, and frosts hit, the nature and all numb. In the second half of January have gone somewhere horse somewhere hiding elk and deer. For several days the camera at all worried about nothing but the snow falling from the branches and ran sunbeams. But in February the snow come down, the beasts come to life, and although the camera does not transmit no smell, no sound, was felt throughout the approach of spring.
This is the third spring to start using camera traps, and, hopefully, the same unique and full of surprises, as all previous seasons.
All. I apologize that somewhere in the posts for broken due to the video ... so do not understand why so
Thank you all for your attention.
You can kick

Source: http: //