Scientists say breast — feeding is indispensable
After discharge from the hospital, many young mothers encounter problems with breastfeeding child. It would seem that the nature of everything before us, and nothing complicated in the process of feeding there. But every year more and more children are deprived of mother's milk in favor of artificial feeding.
Let's look at the most popular issues associated with the establishment of breastfeeding, and will find ways of their effective solutions.
Each woman gave birth to a baby, is breastfeeding as a pleasant process. And very disappointed when in the first days of breast feeding are cracks and even bleeds, causing severe pain. Many women give up at this stage, preferring to Express milk and feed baby from a bottle.
Some even transferred the baby to artificial feeding, hoping that after healing of cracks will be able to return to full breastfeeding. As a result, the child is getting used to the bottle, altogether refuses the breast. If you intend at any cost to maintain lactation, in any case not odlucite your baby from the breast even for a while.
The appearance of the cracks suggests that the baby grasps the nipple incorrectly. To solve this problem will help a specialist breastfeeding, which will give competent advice on the correct grip. And while cracked nipples heal, you can use silicone pads for the chest, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.
Another common problem in breastfeeding is insufficient milk supply in women. However, according to experts in the field of breastfeeding, this problem occurs only in the case if the child is fed hourly as strongly recommend advisers of the older generation.
The three-hour interval between feedings is too large for a newborn child and is allowed only in case if the baby for one reason or another is on artificial feeding. Experts who recommend to feed the children at their request.
The fact that during the application of the child to the breast of the mother produces a special hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. Therefore, the more often and longer will carry the baby, the more milk will be produced for the next feeding. Thus, you will be able to feed the baby without worrying about the amount of milk.
Often mothers and grandmothers give insistent advice to Express milk in between feedings. If you follow the who recommendations and feed your baby on demand, and to do it categorically it is not recommended. Let's look at why. During pumping, the same above mentioned a hormone prolactin, promotes the production of more milk.
As a result, the woman becomes dependent on pumping, because then the milk will produce far more than required to the baby. If the Breasts are not regularly emptied, can develop diseases such as mastitis or extacts. To empty a breast – work of the baby. So let's not contradict the nature!
Breastfeeding paves the invisible thread that connects the woman with a child. The task of every mom is to make every effort to save it. By following these tips, you will be able to establish lactation quickly and painlessly!
Source: globalscience.ru
Let's look at the most popular issues associated with the establishment of breastfeeding, and will find ways of their effective solutions.
Each woman gave birth to a baby, is breastfeeding as a pleasant process. And very disappointed when in the first days of breast feeding are cracks and even bleeds, causing severe pain. Many women give up at this stage, preferring to Express milk and feed baby from a bottle.
Some even transferred the baby to artificial feeding, hoping that after healing of cracks will be able to return to full breastfeeding. As a result, the child is getting used to the bottle, altogether refuses the breast. If you intend at any cost to maintain lactation, in any case not odlucite your baby from the breast even for a while.
The appearance of the cracks suggests that the baby grasps the nipple incorrectly. To solve this problem will help a specialist breastfeeding, which will give competent advice on the correct grip. And while cracked nipples heal, you can use silicone pads for the chest, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.
Another common problem in breastfeeding is insufficient milk supply in women. However, according to experts in the field of breastfeeding, this problem occurs only in the case if the child is fed hourly as strongly recommend advisers of the older generation.

The three-hour interval between feedings is too large for a newborn child and is allowed only in case if the baby for one reason or another is on artificial feeding. Experts who recommend to feed the children at their request.
The fact that during the application of the child to the breast of the mother produces a special hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. Therefore, the more often and longer will carry the baby, the more milk will be produced for the next feeding. Thus, you will be able to feed the baby without worrying about the amount of milk.
Often mothers and grandmothers give insistent advice to Express milk in between feedings. If you follow the who recommendations and feed your baby on demand, and to do it categorically it is not recommended. Let's look at why. During pumping, the same above mentioned a hormone prolactin, promotes the production of more milk.
As a result, the woman becomes dependent on pumping, because then the milk will produce far more than required to the baby. If the Breasts are not regularly emptied, can develop diseases such as mastitis or extacts. To empty a breast – work of the baby. So let's not contradict the nature!
Breastfeeding paves the invisible thread that connects the woman with a child. The task of every mom is to make every effort to save it. By following these tips, you will be able to establish lactation quickly and painlessly!
Source: globalscience.ru