Overweight or overweight
What figure should a woman have? Should she be like a model? Or can you afford any parameters?
Often you see women who want to look like a model. They have a flat stomach, nothing superfluous. Even where it is "extra" would not hurt. They eat lettuce leaves with lettuce leaves – and often their eyes go hungry. The appearance and figure are like the only capital of such a woman.
And often you see another type of woman – the figure of which says no – shouts: “It doesn’t matter how I look, I still don’t like myself!” And the key here is not body volume. Sometimes it can look like someone who wears 44 sizes. It's just an abandoned body. Nobody needs anything.
These are, of course, two inflections. Two extremes. At one point, the meaning of life becomes 90-60-90. At another point, the figure doesn't matter.
But there is a harmonious middle, right?
In my opinion, a woman should be healthy and well-groomed. And then there are options. There are three different constitutions. They will not be able to recover even if they eat the whole refrigerator at night. And others will not be able to lose weight even if they stop eating at all. There are still thirds – the middle, which are usually not thin and fat. But they do not like it either, they complain about their large broad or heavy bone and other innate data.
Many are guided in search of the ideal for glossy magazines. There are girls with perfect figures, no signs of cellulite or other defects. Photoshop helps them a lot, although this is not the case now. Comparison with them makes you sad and sick. It's too far from perfect. And you can pursue this ideal – at least for the whole life. But happiness from such a race will not increase.
Constant restriction of food leads to stress. Which you want to eat again. Women who are constantly on a diet are rarely kind. And often envy those who pop ice cream or cakes. And then why do you need a wasp waist, if her mistress herself turned into an angry wasp?
The body on the diet is at war with the host of the body. He is trying his best to hide something else so that there is a supply for a rainy day. The longer and more severe the diet, the more strongly the body believes that a black day will be and the hostess is not herself. So he can break after the end of the diet – and gain even more weight than was lost.
In a state of diet, it is also difficult to perform their duties - feeding the home, for example. Many people try to put their husband on the leaves of a salad, but are faced with the fact that a hungry tiger pounces on them. You can destroy a family like that.
At the same time, excessive fullness is a huge load on the body. And if you’re a pussy, that’s no reason to turn into a big cake. In order to live a full life, the weight of a hundred can already become a hindrance. .
A body that has so much extra in it is not good either. It starts to hurt, here and there. At the same time, it can no longer bear physical exertion. It's like there's no way out. Dead end.
Men often do not like excessive fullness. Even if a man loves clumps, at some point he may lose all desire to touch his wife. Especially if she doesn’t like to touch herself.
The way out is to accept your figure as God gave it and not run it. Fiftieth size of your clothes is good. Keep yourself in that shape, don't get to sixtieth. And vice versa. Do not try to immediately crawl from the fiftieth to the forty-second. Because it's better to have a healthy and happy woman in the fifties than an irritable grunt on an eternal diet in the forty-four.
And by the way, men don't just like models. Most often they love women who love themselves. In the form that God gave them.
Don’t think I’m a theorist on this topic. Before my first pregnancy, I weighed fifty kilograms. And she left to give birth, all eighty. And after giving birth, she fell into depression about weight - how and where to put it. Nothing worked. At all.
Then food diaries appeared in my life (just eat and write down what I ate and why), and with them psychology. And minus ten kilos is easy. No diets or gyms.
Now my weight is not pregnant – about sixty. He is comfortable for me, he makes me happy. Because where the bones were now beautiful. And rounds where they're needed. It wasn’t immediately possible for me to accept myself as I am now.
That's why this article came up. I thought a lot about it, worked a lot with the girls about it, talked a lot. And I wanted to somehow organize my thoughts about excess and excess weight. On the health and beauty of women of different forms
Let’s go back to what I think is the middle ground.
What does the figure of a healthy woman mean?
How to do it (what helps and helps me)
How to make natural shampoo at home: 7 best recipesSuper Hair Loss Remedies – 3 Simple Recipes
The main thing is that the woman remains healthy and well-groomed. So she doesn't care what she looks like in the evening when she undresses in the shower. She likes what she sees in the mirror. And in her life to end the eternal struggle for the figure - in one form or another. And another fascinating chapter began: The Way to My Health and Happiness. published
Author: Olga Valyaeva
Source: www.valyaeva.ru/lishnij-ili-nelishnij-ves/
Often you see women who want to look like a model. They have a flat stomach, nothing superfluous. Even where it is "extra" would not hurt. They eat lettuce leaves with lettuce leaves – and often their eyes go hungry. The appearance and figure are like the only capital of such a woman.
And often you see another type of woman – the figure of which says no – shouts: “It doesn’t matter how I look, I still don’t like myself!” And the key here is not body volume. Sometimes it can look like someone who wears 44 sizes. It's just an abandoned body. Nobody needs anything.
These are, of course, two inflections. Two extremes. At one point, the meaning of life becomes 90-60-90. At another point, the figure doesn't matter.

But there is a harmonious middle, right?
In my opinion, a woman should be healthy and well-groomed. And then there are options. There are three different constitutions. They will not be able to recover even if they eat the whole refrigerator at night. And others will not be able to lose weight even if they stop eating at all. There are still thirds – the middle, which are usually not thin and fat. But they do not like it either, they complain about their large broad or heavy bone and other innate data.
Many are guided in search of the ideal for glossy magazines. There are girls with perfect figures, no signs of cellulite or other defects. Photoshop helps them a lot, although this is not the case now. Comparison with them makes you sad and sick. It's too far from perfect. And you can pursue this ideal – at least for the whole life. But happiness from such a race will not increase.

Constant restriction of food leads to stress. Which you want to eat again. Women who are constantly on a diet are rarely kind. And often envy those who pop ice cream or cakes. And then why do you need a wasp waist, if her mistress herself turned into an angry wasp?
The body on the diet is at war with the host of the body. He is trying his best to hide something else so that there is a supply for a rainy day. The longer and more severe the diet, the more strongly the body believes that a black day will be and the hostess is not herself. So he can break after the end of the diet – and gain even more weight than was lost.
In a state of diet, it is also difficult to perform their duties - feeding the home, for example. Many people try to put their husband on the leaves of a salad, but are faced with the fact that a hungry tiger pounces on them. You can destroy a family like that.
At the same time, excessive fullness is a huge load on the body. And if you’re a pussy, that’s no reason to turn into a big cake. In order to live a full life, the weight of a hundred can already become a hindrance. .
A body that has so much extra in it is not good either. It starts to hurt, here and there. At the same time, it can no longer bear physical exertion. It's like there's no way out. Dead end.
Men often do not like excessive fullness. Even if a man loves clumps, at some point he may lose all desire to touch his wife. Especially if she doesn’t like to touch herself.

The way out is to accept your figure as God gave it and not run it. Fiftieth size of your clothes is good. Keep yourself in that shape, don't get to sixtieth. And vice versa. Do not try to immediately crawl from the fiftieth to the forty-second. Because it's better to have a healthy and happy woman in the fifties than an irritable grunt on an eternal diet in the forty-four.
And by the way, men don't just like models. Most often they love women who love themselves. In the form that God gave them.
Don’t think I’m a theorist on this topic. Before my first pregnancy, I weighed fifty kilograms. And she left to give birth, all eighty. And after giving birth, she fell into depression about weight - how and where to put it. Nothing worked. At all.
Then food diaries appeared in my life (just eat and write down what I ate and why), and with them psychology. And minus ten kilos is easy. No diets or gyms.
Now my weight is not pregnant – about sixty. He is comfortable for me, he makes me happy. Because where the bones were now beautiful. And rounds where they're needed. It wasn’t immediately possible for me to accept myself as I am now.
That's why this article came up. I thought a lot about it, worked a lot with the girls about it, talked a lot. And I wanted to somehow organize my thoughts about excess and excess weight. On the health and beauty of women of different forms
Let’s go back to what I think is the middle ground.
What does the figure of a healthy woman mean?
- The figure is as it should be according to its constitution, without excesses. Not too thin, not too full, not a piece of muscle. A woman's body as it is. What should you have? With its own characteristics.
- It should have a place for fatty deposits. But in the right places and in a reasonable amount. Even doctors say that fat cells in the body of women are necessary for the normal functioning of all systems.
- Rounds in the right places - as far as possible in this Constitution. Someone will have a lot of rounds, someone they may appear only after the birth of the child. Someone, even after four births, large roundnesses are not allowed. That's life!
- A relaxed stomach. That doesn't mean he's hanging to his knees. It means it moves, it breathes, it's not nailed to the spine. The abdomen is the life of a woman, in it the life of her children grows, there is also her female health. It should not be flat or with cubes. Leave it to the men! The main thing is that he is beautiful. It's nice to see my husband. And the woman herself. Perhaps that is the main criterion.
- A woman likes to look in the mirror. We are all different, different beautiful. One is good at 42 sizes, the other is charming at 48. And that's okay. Marilyn Monroe wore a size 50. Was she fat? It was in her case that there was a healthy female figure that she embraced and loved.
- She's doing well. That is, her weight does not prevent her from living, she can run, jump, walk. At the same time, he does not faint into hunger, is not in a state of physical exhaustion. Rouge cheeks and glint in the eyes.
- She's in a good mood. Yeah, yeah. That's right. When a woman is healthy and likes herself, it is easier for her to be in a good mood most of the time.

How to do it (what helps and helps me)
- Copy.The extra is postponed when we do not accept our body. The more we do not love and accept our body, the more we mock it. The skinny ones dream of big boobs. Women in the body dream of seeing their ribs in the mirror. Instead of appreciating the merits of our figure, we look for its shortcomings. And we're torturing ourselves for nothing.
- Healthy eating solves almost all problems. Stop eating at night because in fact it is a rape of the body. Drinking more water is often what we think of as hunger. Stop eating harmful things - fast food, soda. Eat more fresh. We all know that, but we don't. Why? Because we don’t really care about our health and beauty. Unfortunately.
- Movement. Someone likes to run, someone likes the gym, someone likes the pool. For the load it is enough just to walk. Every day for several kilometers. The issue is regularity. Walking is also fresh air. A good load gives dancing, yoga, Pilates. The question is again the regularity of training and the absence of fanaticism.
- Don't eat the stress.If you have tried to keep a food diary, you may have noticed it. When we track why we're eating right now and what, it turns out that hunger isn't the most important thing. Most often we eat when we are upset, when we are lonely, sad when something happens. It is also for the company, and because you have to eat. And you can not throw away food – you need to finish for everyone. As a result, we get the same stress increased by a few pounds of our body. Not good enough. What do we do? In difficult moments, keep calming herbal teas on hand. They're definitely not gonna lay down on their hips. It'll calm you down, too.
- Analysis. See where you usually put all the excess. These areas need to learn to love first. There may be clues as to what is wrong with me. Where I have clamps to work with. Experts say, for example, that often the cause of the remaining abdomen after childbirth is the wrong behavior of the mother. Who immediately tries to pump the press, without waiting for everything to return to its place. Now the tradition of postpartum swaddling mother is returning. There are different assumptions of psychologists, which problem is associated with excess weight in a particular part of the body. There are many options – sometimes it is protection from the outside world, sometimes an attempt to become more important, sometimes a generic reminder of someone forgotten, sometimes a desire to avoid sexual contact with men. Look, look, think. If we remove the cause, the effect changes.
- After childbirth, do not run straight to the gym, it has a bad effect on milk. You don’t need a stressful figure race right now either. Give yourself time to come back. In addition, during this period, nature itself makes us a little “bigger” to ground the restless female mind, soothe and pacify. The best diet for a young mother is breastfeeding. You don’t know how many calories you burn while you’re just feeding your baby. Long-term breastfeeding - more than a year - can restore your figure. No food restrictions and hilarious gyms. Just healthy eating, activity and breastfeeding.
- Communication.Scientists conducted an interesting study. It says that the more obese and unhealthy people around you, the more likely you are to become the same. This is understandable without statistics. If at home it is customary to drink tea with cakes at night, no one does sports, then you do the same by inertia. If all the friends after childbirth "swimmed up", and somehow ugly splashed, or rather just launched yourself, you will not worry about your problems. And with them you will go to a cafe with fast food. If all your friends and relatives play sports and watch themselves, then it will be natural for you to drink only milk at night and move a lot. Add to your environment women with a healthy attitude to your figure and weight. It will be easier for you to follow the simple rules of beauty.
- Pregnancy is not the time to eat for two. This is the time when you need to eat for two – more nutrients, fresh vegetables and fruits. Many at this time begin to start themselves – eat everything and a lot, little move. I know for myself that the healthier the diet during pregnancy, the easier it is to return to pre-pregnant forms. If that's what you want.
- Take care of your body. Lush women are quite charming when they are well-groomed. When the skin is velvet, and hair is silk, and manicure, pedicure. And clothes that emphasize dignity. And at the same time, even quite thin women with a washcloth on their head and bruises under their eyes are frightening. The more we pay attention to the health and beauty of our body, the more joy it brings us in the reflection of the mirror.
- You're a soul. It is important to remember that the body is not eternal. Putting all your energy into it is unwise. One day each of us will have wrinkles on our face and body. It's inevitable. We're souls after all. Thinking about your inner beauty is better now. So that when you and I were eighty, we could safely walk in a swimsuit along the beach. Not because I had one hundred and fifty plastic surgeries. Because inside this body there is a bright fire that overshadows everything else.
How to make natural shampoo at home: 7 best recipesSuper Hair Loss Remedies – 3 Simple Recipes
The main thing is that the woman remains healthy and well-groomed. So she doesn't care what she looks like in the evening when she undresses in the shower. She likes what she sees in the mirror. And in her life to end the eternal struggle for the figure - in one form or another. And another fascinating chapter began: The Way to My Health and Happiness. published
Author: Olga Valyaeva
Source: www.valyaeva.ru/lishnij-ili-nelishnij-ves/