Child development at 11 months
11 months is the last important milestone before the round date of the child. This is the time when the baby becomes more active, the amount of awake time per day increased significantly, and mental ability and social adaptation are improved.By the end of the first year of life, rapid growth rate and weight is reduced. Usually by this age the baby weighs about 10 kg, and his height ranges from 72 to 78 cm In the last month of life the child becomes heavier in average 400 g, however, this figure may be less if the baby is actively moving on their own at this age.
The muscles of the child for 11 months is well enough for teaching independent walking. The first attempt of movement in the legs babies usually take 8-9 months, and by 11 they are often confidently and quickly move around the room. On the street to walk in the shoes their own child is still difficult, but Hiking in the pen with adults is a favorite pastime.

After the kid began to walk confidently, you must take care of proper shoes for it: it should fit locking the foot, have a hard heel and arch support. The choice of the wrong size or design of the actual Shoe can cause early development of flatfoot.It
By the end of the first year of life the child begins to actively explore the verbal communication of others. It can copy of words spoken by adults to imitate the intonations, to repeat the animal sounds or of the mechanisms.
At this time the child's memory already allows you to capture a large number of words, but say their baby is not yet able. At this stage of development he is subject to separate syllables of a simple word: Mama, Baba, Papa etc. Pediatricians say that early language development in infants is not due to their mental abilities in older age. Girls often outperform the boys, but it's not uncommon to talk when the child begins already closer to two years. To stimulate language development in a child can be a simple dialogue with him. Children for 11 months beginning to memorize the names of things around them, simple logical chain. At this age they become very curious: there are first favorite picture books, interest in noise from appliances or Pets.
A lot of attention in modern Pediatrics is paid to the study of the relationship of language development and fine motor skills of infants. It is scientifically proven that fine motor skills beneficial to the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds and thereby stimulates the vocal apparatus. Useful from this point of view, for eleven months the baby will be playing with sortirai, pyramids, beads, lacing, mosaic. Also is this the age of the child to offer to draw using finger paint or whiteboard for drawing water.
By 11 months, children usually sleep during the day only once. Awake time increases significantly: the more time a child plays with enthusiasm, exploring the world. Nevertheless he's not ready to completely abandon the NAPbecause his nervous system is still under development and new knowledge and skills substantially it a bit.
Children who at 11 months are still breast-fed, less likely to Wake up at night to eat. Often by this age, the children get a chest just before bedtime and at night. Despite the fact that the number of breast feedings in comparison with the first months decreased significantly, to preserve milk for a long time it is due solely to the night feedings.Dream eleven-child still may be restless and anxious. The main reason for this strong emotional stress during the day, which inevitably arises in the process of exploring toddler with the surrounding reality. A beneficial night sleep of the child will affect evening walk in the fresh air, bathing before bed, a good ventilation of the bedroom.
If up to this age practiced co-sleeping, in this age, you can try to relocate the baby to sleep in his playpen. Leave the sleeping child on regular bed is still unsafe, because you will master the principle of careful dropping on the floor it's a little late.Social development
Intensive knowledge of all that surrounds the child, provokes the first problems associated with obedience. The baby focuses on one process or one thing and may not hear as parents warn him of possible danger.
The child is increasingly manifested in the desire for independence: he pulls the hand on a walk, he tries to overcome the obstacle, to climb on a chair or sofa. A strong emotional bond with the mother and the dependency persists no longer in physical form and in terms of training, promotion.
At this stage of development of the baby before the parents, the task is gradually to adapt the child for life in society. Useful in this regard will be walking on the Playground with peers, visiting children's events. First, the child is alerted to the other children, plays alone, always strives to be near mom. Eventually he will get used to children, realizes that he can interact with them and gradually begin to join the team.It is especially important to teach the child to have contact with other people already at such a young age of the mothers who plan to give soon the baby in the manger.
An important element of social adaptation of the child are the child's fears. If parents do not help children to cope with them, not teaching him how to avoid scary or unpleasant moments, they can stay with them forever, forming phobias and serious psychological problems in the future.From this time begin to form a deeper and socially meaningful relationships between the child and the parent. Adults set the limits of the permissible, acquaint the baby with rules of behavior in the house, indicate the points that should be done or not. The baby is actively remembers everything that surrounds it. He adopts the habits of adults, imitate them, seeks to establish verbal and non-verbal dialogue. He remembers not only good, but also bad, so parents should be more careful in their expressions and actions.Already from this early age is to teach baby to a clean house, cleaning teeth and washing, care of Pets. Mom often necessary to attract the baby to the traditional household rituals to help load the washing machine, to bring the linen to the balcony, wipe the dust on the table, etc. So the energy the baby consumes at the direction and in parallel there is a process of teaching responsibilities.Food
In the traditional scheme of introduction of complementary foods at 11 months old is recommended in the diet to add fish. The list of meat products, also it is already possible to expand at the expense of offal, particularly liver and chicken (Turkey) hearts.
Breastfeeding in modern Pediatrics is recommended to keep to the age of the baby. Weaning after two years as carefully as possible and safe for the baby to roll breastfeeding, while at 11 months the baby is still mentally and emotionally not ready for such innovations.
The child's diet becomes in this age of increasingly diverse and rich. The portions are considerably increased. The child is actively interested in the contents of the plates of the parents prefer to eat the same thing they are.In season vegetables and fruits to the baby can be to offer products, which are sure the parents of: raspberry, currant, cherry, peaches. It is important to note that an allergic reaction to these fruits may not manifest immediately, and to have a cumulative effect. In this case, to identify the specific allergen can be difficult, treatment is delayed.
Possible and probable medical problems in children of this age
1. Intestinal infections: are most often the result of dirty hands and that the baby pulls constantly in his mouth. All also the kid's body is very susceptible to intestinal diseases that are transmitted through poor quality and spoiled foods.2. SARS: the immunity the infant received from mother in the process of breastfeeding is gradually declining, and your own slowly formed, causing the risk of colds increases sharply. Often pediatricians with this age is recommended to drink courses immunomodulators.
3. Bruises, cuts, bruises and abrasions, as a result of independent movement and settling of the territory.
4. The nuances in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system: when the child begins to walk without support, can appear problems with the incorrect foot put, its deformation. Also at this stage can be fully diagnosed problems with joints, their atypical placement that does not allow the child to begin to walk independently.
5. Teeth: usually the first 11 months of life the child cut the first molar that delivers an unpleasant or strong pain. Last may and a week in which the baby is restless, tearful and irritable.
6. Constipation: against expansion of the diet, the inclusion in the menu of fish and meat dishes, which can give such a reaction.
Source: natural-medicine.ru