Why the child refuses breast milk?
The baby refused the breast? This is a reason to consult a doctor, but not a reason to panic! Mom, tuned to prolonged breast-feeding, have to deal with any obstacles. 1. The lack of mother's milk: the baby is hungry, greedily clings to his chest, but not eats, begins to worry, off the breast, crying. Understand that the reason is not difficult: the child is naughty, not gaining weight. Therefore, every mother should know about the so-called lactational crises – periods when the milk in the breast is very small. But remember that these phenomena are short-lived, and often lactation is quickly restored in full. The lack of milk may be associated with accumulating fatigue. The situation here is correct rest, nutrition, fresh air, and most importantly – a mindset for successful and prolonged breast-feeding.
2. Feeding with a bottle, even one-time, can permanently discourage breastfeeding: no effort, soma pours milk in her mouth! Possibly it is better not to acquaint the child with the bottle. And when the need arose (leaving mother, her illness, etc.) to blame specially designed horns that mimic the breast.
3. Infant colic is almost the most frequent cause of failure of the chest. The baby does not sleep, is restless, painful cry. And when applying after a few minutes, sharply off the breast and crying out loud: the first portion of milk enhances the motility of the stomach and intestines, have pain that cause the baby to refuse feeding and to cry. Then you need to find out the cause of colic and how to resolve it.
4. The irregular shape of the nipples my mother – but this problem is easily solved. There is a huge selection of linings, correcting the shape of the nipple. May not immediately get comfortable and learn to use them properly will not immediately, but if you want to keep breastfeeding.
5. Diseases of the kid – stomatitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, teething and others. The baby becomes lethargic, Moody, and has fever, he has a stuffy nose, cough, bad breath. Only a pediatrician will be able to identify the cause of illness and prescribe treatment, which in consequence will preserve this important breast-feeding.
Source: /users/147

2. Feeding with a bottle, even one-time, can permanently discourage breastfeeding: no effort, soma pours milk in her mouth! Possibly it is better not to acquaint the child with the bottle. And when the need arose (leaving mother, her illness, etc.) to blame specially designed horns that mimic the breast.

3. Infant colic is almost the most frequent cause of failure of the chest. The baby does not sleep, is restless, painful cry. And when applying after a few minutes, sharply off the breast and crying out loud: the first portion of milk enhances the motility of the stomach and intestines, have pain that cause the baby to refuse feeding and to cry. Then you need to find out the cause of colic and how to resolve it.

4. The irregular shape of the nipples my mother – but this problem is easily solved. There is a huge selection of linings, correcting the shape of the nipple. May not immediately get comfortable and learn to use them properly will not immediately, but if you want to keep breastfeeding.

5. Diseases of the kid – stomatitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, teething and others. The baby becomes lethargic, Moody, and has fever, he has a stuffy nose, cough, bad breath. Only a pediatrician will be able to identify the cause of illness and prescribe treatment, which in consequence will preserve this important breast-feeding.
Source: /users/147