Dr. Komarovsky's advice on newborn care

Like any adult, a child from the first days of life feels hungry. And if he is malnourished, he will cry and cry, demanding milk. And the baby himself feels how much he needs for satiety. And if there is not enough milk, he will demand it again. But he doesn’t want to drink more than he needs, no matter how much you insist.

Everything seems very simple, but here lies the main difficulty. Sometimes young mothers and do not know what frequency should pass feeding. And this is fraught with serious problems for the child.

I gave birth 5 days ago, have already discharged from the hospital. I breastfeed my baby every 4-5 hours, but he is very lazy and does not want to work at all. He sleeps all the time. What are you asking? No, Doctor, the baby hasn't written yet.

The woman does not yet realize that her child is dehydrated due to lack of nutrition. And although the reasons for this lack remain unclear, there is no time to look for the extreme. We need to save the baby.

“This is obvious because newborns lose moisture not just quickly, but very quickly. And when dehydrated, they demonstrate behavior that inexperienced parents take for laziness or temperamental characteristics, explains pediatrician Komarovsky.

“Surprisingly, loud crying, which shows that the child is strong and can express discontent, bothers parents, but long sleep and occasional meals do not. Although the latter indicates that the baby does not even have the strength to demand breasts. And the absence of urine is a sign of danger that hangs over the child.”

Therefore doctor advises Do not waste a minute and act urgently. Here is what he recommends doing in the first place.

  1. Express the milk and feed the baby. You can use a syringe or resort to finger feeding.
  2. If for some reason it is not possible to pump milk, then you should feed the child with a mixture. And the mixture should be chosen with the doctor, and not buy what you just like.

  3. Be sure to consult your pediatrician, why the child did not receive sufficient nutrition and how to do to prevent this in the future.

Here's what Dr. Komarovsky categorically discourage.

  1. You can't expect the dehydration to go away on its own. It won't pass.
  2. You can not drink the baby with water, because dehydration at this age is also a lack of nutrition. And with water, the need for useful and nutrients is not satisfied.

To avoid dehydration, breastfeeding It should be frequent and regular. Dr. Komarovsky recommends putting the baby to the breast every 2-3 hours, even if the child herself does not ask so often.

Earlier we talked about a young mother Carly Benear, who manages everything. For example, she can do yoga and feed the baby at the same time. It seems that the lack of nutrition her baby is not threatened.

Also read about a woman who was accused of feeding her baby too long. But in the end, she was right, because her milk cured her daughter of the disease.


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