When it is necessary to take a hospital
Our mentality involves going to work even with fever and severe malaise. Furious workaholics ignored flu and SARS: cough, sneeze, but continue to work.
Being sick at work is more harmful than drinking and smoking. Many of us, having barely noticed a cold, throatThey use a handful of antibiotics and go to work unabashedly. With such a frivolous attitude, the body will definitely take revenge in the future!
People think that they are irreplaceable, that without them everything will stop. But it turns out that they infect other employees and this leads to unnecessary costs. All doctors agree that during an epidemic of influenza and SARS, employees should stay at home, not spread viruses.
According to the results of a survey conducted by the website “Health Mail.ru”, it became clear that two-thirds of Russians visit work with SARS and influenza virus.
Only 19% of employees are sick, and the rest of men and women choose to get sick at work. 9 percent of respondents said they could continue to work remotely from home while on sick leave.
Nearly a third of respondents admitted that in 2018 they did not visit a doctor. At the same time, more than 62% of respondents found chronicity. 27% of Russians wait to visit the clinic until the last, and 44% seek help only in a critical situation.
The DepositPhotos survey also found that women are more likely to be concerned about their health than men. 69% of Russian women diligently follow the doctor’s prescriptions, while 58% of men start the disease.
Despite the irritation of colleagues, sick people very often come to work. The authorities offer employers to punish such employees to the fullest extent - fines. First, these workers spread the infection in the team, and secondly, provoke complicationsOne way or another will force them to go to bed with bronchitis and take sick leave.
DepositPhotos But under the threat of a fine, workers can hide symptomsFor fear of losing his job. We have a common practice when the authorities do not welcome hospital patients. The management believes that the employee quits work, and for poor health can be fired. At the same time, a person is often forced to write statements about leaving just because he is often sick.
Women with young children are particularly affected by this attitude. They have to hire a nanny or quit their job. After all, bosses do not meet mothers if their children are sick at home.
Pressure from above is the main reason why patients have to endure leg-illness. A quarter of the surveyed employees admitted that their superiors expect maximum return from them. The principle of “give life, but do it!” forces employees to consider the hospital an unprecedented luxury.
It is difficult to find logic in this regard of the authorities. After all, sick employees jeopardize the health of the entire team, which will further affect the budget of the enterprise.
Can I take a sick leave?What if you just have a mild cold or a cough? Doctors unanimously say: “Not only is it possible, but it is necessary!” It is absolutely impossible to go to work when sick – this is absolute disrespect for others and a disregard for oneself.”
A mild cold can at any time worsen, affect internal organs, provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases and even lead to disability. Do not take such risks and treat the cold carelessly. It is better to lie in bed for a few days than to deal with the consequences all your life.
DepositPhotos In addition, sick-work The days when the body is struggling with the first signs of a cold will be ineffective. During illness, our cells are stressed, and the “state of inconstancy” suggests that you need to sleep (at least lie under a blanket) and recover. Trying to artificially preserve vigor and relieve fatigue with “miracle” powders in bags, you will not increase productivity, but only aggravate the problem.
Recall that, continuing your normal life, you will carry germs and infect others in transport, at work and other public places.
Our people believe that walking around with snot and ruining your health at work is noble. It is customary to go to the clinic if it is already impossible to tolerate. Obviously, this is why we have such a low life expectancy compared to Westerners.
Editorial "Site" He strongly recommends that you moderate your unhealthy enthusiasm and stop mocking yourself. Get sick at home! Is it better when the blush on the cheeks and shine in the eyes will be from health, not from high fever? Or do you prefer to go to work despite a cold? Write your opinion in the comments.
Photo by depositphotos preview.
Being sick at work is more harmful than drinking and smoking. Many of us, having barely noticed a cold, throatThey use a handful of antibiotics and go to work unabashedly. With such a frivolous attitude, the body will definitely take revenge in the future!

People think that they are irreplaceable, that without them everything will stop. But it turns out that they infect other employees and this leads to unnecessary costs. All doctors agree that during an epidemic of influenza and SARS, employees should stay at home, not spread viruses.
According to the results of a survey conducted by the website “Health Mail.ru”, it became clear that two-thirds of Russians visit work with SARS and influenza virus.

Only 19% of employees are sick, and the rest of men and women choose to get sick at work. 9 percent of respondents said they could continue to work remotely from home while on sick leave.

Nearly a third of respondents admitted that in 2018 they did not visit a doctor. At the same time, more than 62% of respondents found chronicity. 27% of Russians wait to visit the clinic until the last, and 44% seek help only in a critical situation.

The DepositPhotos survey also found that women are more likely to be concerned about their health than men. 69% of Russian women diligently follow the doctor’s prescriptions, while 58% of men start the disease.

Despite the irritation of colleagues, sick people very often come to work. The authorities offer employers to punish such employees to the fullest extent - fines. First, these workers spread the infection in the team, and secondly, provoke complicationsOne way or another will force them to go to bed with bronchitis and take sick leave.

DepositPhotos But under the threat of a fine, workers can hide symptomsFor fear of losing his job. We have a common practice when the authorities do not welcome hospital patients. The management believes that the employee quits work, and for poor health can be fired. At the same time, a person is often forced to write statements about leaving just because he is often sick.
Women with young children are particularly affected by this attitude. They have to hire a nanny or quit their job. After all, bosses do not meet mothers if their children are sick at home.

Pressure from above is the main reason why patients have to endure leg-illness. A quarter of the surveyed employees admitted that their superiors expect maximum return from them. The principle of “give life, but do it!” forces employees to consider the hospital an unprecedented luxury.
It is difficult to find logic in this regard of the authorities. After all, sick employees jeopardize the health of the entire team, which will further affect the budget of the enterprise.

Can I take a sick leave?What if you just have a mild cold or a cough? Doctors unanimously say: “Not only is it possible, but it is necessary!” It is absolutely impossible to go to work when sick – this is absolute disrespect for others and a disregard for oneself.”
A mild cold can at any time worsen, affect internal organs, provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases and even lead to disability. Do not take such risks and treat the cold carelessly. It is better to lie in bed for a few days than to deal with the consequences all your life.

DepositPhotos In addition, sick-work The days when the body is struggling with the first signs of a cold will be ineffective. During illness, our cells are stressed, and the “state of inconstancy” suggests that you need to sleep (at least lie under a blanket) and recover. Trying to artificially preserve vigor and relieve fatigue with “miracle” powders in bags, you will not increase productivity, but only aggravate the problem.
Recall that, continuing your normal life, you will carry germs and infect others in transport, at work and other public places.

Our people believe that walking around with snot and ruining your health at work is noble. It is customary to go to the clinic if it is already impossible to tolerate. Obviously, this is why we have such a low life expectancy compared to Westerners.
Editorial "Site" He strongly recommends that you moderate your unhealthy enthusiasm and stop mocking yourself. Get sick at home! Is it better when the blush on the cheeks and shine in the eyes will be from health, not from high fever? Or do you prefer to go to work despite a cold? Write your opinion in the comments.
Photo by depositphotos preview.