Go to the pool
Swimming improves the exchange of blood, stimulates heart activity, strengthens the respiratory system, bone, spine, forms the posture and improves overall health. It involves all muscle groups, but due to the horizontal body position and the specifics of the aquatic environment load on the circulatory system in swimming is less than running or walking on skis.
Besides all the above, swimming can burn 450-600 calories per hour.
This is one of the most affordable sports. To achieve the desired health effect when swimming, you need to develop a large enough the rate at which the heart rate would have reached the zone coaching regime (at least 130 beats/min).
Energy supply of muscle activity when swimming has a number of features. The mere stay in the water (without performing any movements) causes an increase in power consumption by 50% (compared to the level of the rest), maintaining the body in the water requires an increase of energy consumption in 2-3 times, since the thermal conductivity of water is 25 times greater than air. Due to the high resistance of the water at 1 m distance in swimming consumes 4 times more energy than walking with the same speed, ie about 3 kcal/kg per 1 km (walking — 0,7 kkal/kg/2).
Swimming can be an excellent tool the normalization of body weight under the condition of regularity of the load (S0 min/3 times a week). With the mastery of technique swimming, intense and prolonged load — it can be effectively used to improve the functional state of the circulatory system.
The best watches for swimming — early morning, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and the evening from 18 to 20 hours. The body in the morning is more relaxed and receptive to such stress, after all, plunging into water, you get into a more dense medium, and immediately changes the coordination of movements and strength of the load. So, you will be able to swim with maximum efficiency. Evening hours also have a positive effect on the systematization of the load. The body has already received the daily load and will not respond to changes in environment, just go maximum return of calories. Due to this, you not just restore health, but will drop some weight. But this will happen only in the case if you keep to a diet, exclude from the diet of too rich food.
As for walking, for swimming no contraindications exist, there are only a few restrictions, and mandatory medical certificate on the absence of any skin diseases.
Source: /users/104
Besides all the above, swimming can burn 450-600 calories per hour.

This is one of the most affordable sports. To achieve the desired health effect when swimming, you need to develop a large enough the rate at which the heart rate would have reached the zone coaching regime (at least 130 beats/min).
Energy supply of muscle activity when swimming has a number of features. The mere stay in the water (without performing any movements) causes an increase in power consumption by 50% (compared to the level of the rest), maintaining the body in the water requires an increase of energy consumption in 2-3 times, since the thermal conductivity of water is 25 times greater than air. Due to the high resistance of the water at 1 m distance in swimming consumes 4 times more energy than walking with the same speed, ie about 3 kcal/kg per 1 km (walking — 0,7 kkal/kg/2).
Swimming can be an excellent tool the normalization of body weight under the condition of regularity of the load (S0 min/3 times a week). With the mastery of technique swimming, intense and prolonged load — it can be effectively used to improve the functional state of the circulatory system.
The best watches for swimming — early morning, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and the evening from 18 to 20 hours. The body in the morning is more relaxed and receptive to such stress, after all, plunging into water, you get into a more dense medium, and immediately changes the coordination of movements and strength of the load. So, you will be able to swim with maximum efficiency. Evening hours also have a positive effect on the systematization of the load. The body has already received the daily load and will not respond to changes in environment, just go maximum return of calories. Due to this, you not just restore health, but will drop some weight. But this will happen only in the case if you keep to a diet, exclude from the diet of too rich food.
As for walking, for swimming no contraindications exist, there are only a few restrictions, and mandatory medical certificate on the absence of any skin diseases.

Source: /users/104