How to force to hide the veins in the legs: 6 recipes from varicose veins
6 recipes from varicose veins, which seem to do the most effective traditional medicines to combat this disease at home. All are available, simple to prepare, and most importantly – completely safe, because they are made entirely of natural ingredients!
Very effective vein treatment is consideredfresh garlic butter.
For cooking this means you need to chop the peeled cloves of white garlic, and then mix one part with two parts of soft fresh butter.
The prepared mixture must be applied to the affected areas overnight and the mixture has not faded and not disappeared, commit it warm with a scarf or elastic bandage. In the morning you need to wash your feet and then wear socks.
There is also an effective method of treatment of varicose veins with the help of tomatoes.
It is necessary to cut into slices one or two green tomatoes, then fix them with a bandage or gauze. After about three hours it is necessary to remove bandage and soak your feet in warm water fifteen minutes.
To prepare the following folk remedy of varicose veins you need to mix the crushed dry grass of a wormwood bitter with a warm, heated in a water bath with milk to a paste, and then impose the resulting mass to the affected areas of the body and insulate it with plastic and bandage (you can use any warm scarf).
Also, using this tool, you should eat applesauce, which is not difficult to prepare this recipe. Pour three or four Apple varieties "Antonovka" one liter of boiling purified water, and then wait two to three hours and mash the fruit to a pulp. The mashed potatoes need to eat two or three scoops (tablespoons) for Breakfast and dinner.
The following treatment of varicose veins is quite long but very effective and completely safe!
Within five to seven months is required to have a means prepared according the following recipe.
Pour two large spoons of chopped herbs Urtica dioica, let steep for about an hour in a warm place under a lid, then strain the liquid through a sieve or cheesecloth and drink a quarter Cup three times a day.
After about three to five weeks of use of the infusion should take a short break for ten to fourteen days, and then again to resume treatment. Along with this method, you must follow the correct your diet, namely – do not eat fatty and fried foods!
Dry hop cones pour one full Cup of boiling water, and then boil on a slow fire for three minutes and leave in a warm place under a lid for steeping.
This means it is recommended to take half a Cup twenty minutes before meals for two to three months daily. You can also use this infusion to make warm compresses that should be applied to the feet at night.
You need to chop into the flour a few nutmegs (it's easiest in a coffee grinder, but a mortar).
Now pour one large (dining room) a spoon of prepared powder with a full glass of boiling purified or melted water, and then wait five to ten minutes and dilute the infusion of one tablespoon of honey.
Allow the infusion to stand for several hours in a warm place, and then use it three times a day a quarter Cup twenty minutes before a meal. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: rus-health.info/Kak-zastavit-spryatatsya-veni-na-nogah-6-retseptov-ot-varikoza-3718.html
Very effective vein treatment is consideredfresh garlic butter.
For cooking this means you need to chop the peeled cloves of white garlic, and then mix one part with two parts of soft fresh butter.
The prepared mixture must be applied to the affected areas overnight and the mixture has not faded and not disappeared, commit it warm with a scarf or elastic bandage. In the morning you need to wash your feet and then wear socks.

There is also an effective method of treatment of varicose veins with the help of tomatoes.
It is necessary to cut into slices one or two green tomatoes, then fix them with a bandage or gauze. After about three hours it is necessary to remove bandage and soak your feet in warm water fifteen minutes.
To prepare the following folk remedy of varicose veins you need to mix the crushed dry grass of a wormwood bitter with a warm, heated in a water bath with milk to a paste, and then impose the resulting mass to the affected areas of the body and insulate it with plastic and bandage (you can use any warm scarf).
Also, using this tool, you should eat applesauce, which is not difficult to prepare this recipe. Pour three or four Apple varieties "Antonovka" one liter of boiling purified water, and then wait two to three hours and mash the fruit to a pulp. The mashed potatoes need to eat two or three scoops (tablespoons) for Breakfast and dinner.
The following treatment of varicose veins is quite long but very effective and completely safe!
Within five to seven months is required to have a means prepared according the following recipe.
Pour two large spoons of chopped herbs Urtica dioica, let steep for about an hour in a warm place under a lid, then strain the liquid through a sieve or cheesecloth and drink a quarter Cup three times a day.
After about three to five weeks of use of the infusion should take a short break for ten to fourteen days, and then again to resume treatment. Along with this method, you must follow the correct your diet, namely – do not eat fatty and fried foods!
Dry hop cones pour one full Cup of boiling water, and then boil on a slow fire for three minutes and leave in a warm place under a lid for steeping.
This means it is recommended to take half a Cup twenty minutes before meals for two to three months daily. You can also use this infusion to make warm compresses that should be applied to the feet at night.
You need to chop into the flour a few nutmegs (it's easiest in a coffee grinder, but a mortar).
Now pour one large (dining room) a spoon of prepared powder with a full glass of boiling purified or melted water, and then wait five to ten minutes and dilute the infusion of one tablespoon of honey.
Allow the infusion to stand for several hours in a warm place, and then use it three times a day a quarter Cup twenty minutes before a meal. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: rus-health.info/Kak-zastavit-spryatatsya-veni-na-nogah-6-retseptov-ot-varikoza-3718.html