Method Headquarters: How to remove bumps on legs
Thirty million seven hundred sixty two thousand one hundred sixty nine
It just so happened that the bones in the legs, or bumps, are a women's issue. In men bumps on legs not growing because the muscles of men's legs simultaneously more powerful and silistea.
Bumps on legs — causes ofRecently this problem in the hospital otpravilas my mom. Bumps on legs it hurt so bad that day she lay moaning, but all my recipes initially rejected completely, because it is "man of the old school and trust the doctors."A visit to Dr. she was stunned; he said that the bones of her inheritance, you need to eat less salt, has written "very expensive" ointment and told to go to the bumps on my legs brought his mother to the disease. Of course, no ointment, she did not buy, but graciously allowed me to share her "recipes from the cones".
To talk about recipes that helps to remove the bumps, you need to understand what these bumps are. But it is nothing like the normal salt, which, thanks to our sedentary life and poor diet ingested and safely deposited in the feet. Therefore, to remove bumps on legs no ointment is impossible — all the creams only tame the pain, directly on the salt deposits have no influence practically without causing. Need other measures, more simple, cheaper, and more effective.
The Internet and books on folk medicine such recipes how to remove bumps on legs a lot. Suggest different — packs of mother-and-stepmother, burdock leaf with turpentine or godovye mesh, but it is, in my opinion, as dead a poultice, because preventive measures rather, the issue is not crucial.
How to remove bumps on legs at home usloviahtabl is it possible to remove bumps on legs? It is possible, and the first effective method is to use the bile of animals or birds that are sold in pharmacies. Somehow, it is believed that the bile of birds is more effective, perhaps, I will not argue. Buying the bile, lubricate her protruding bones, the bumps on the legs, and gradually active enzymes will begin to dissolve the settled salts. Sometimes the effects faster if you alternate the use of bile with acetic an iodine tincture ( 5 drops of iodine in a teaspoon of vinegar).
And here is the recipe sent from Baikal. Local people claim that very good bones, bumps on legs removed pieces of fresh water fish, what is important that it was not frozen. A piece of fish privinchivayut to lump on the night, and so seven days and seven nights, rubbing the sore spot fir oil.
Well relieve pain, resolve bumps on legs salt baths. Special recipe here — take a handful of salt, how much to fit in your palm, pour in a bowl and pour polchasa hot water. When the water cools to body temperature, lower back patients legs and sitting quietly for fifteen minutes. To remove the bumps, baths do two weeks, then a week break and repeat the course, only 4 of the course.
How to remove bumps on legs — a method of StaffThere are even more dramatic way. It is quite painful for those who the problem of large bones in the foot need to be addressed urgently and radically. Method has been proposed in the newspaper HLS (10-2002) and got the name of the method and of Staff, by the name of the author. He advises to mix the salt with the snow in the same proportion and apply to the sore spot, a lump on 2-7 minutes, skin sensitivity, after which the mixture is to remove, quickly blot the moisture, wrap the patient's joint in a bandage on top of bandage paper, and on top of the leg, something warm, scarf, shawl. This warm compress you need to keep from 3 hours to a whole night.
My mother tried this method. The night leg was very ill and in the morning when we removed the poultice, it was found that in the place where it was applied a mixture of salt and snow, quite severe burns and even bubble. According to the recipe of Staff, we oiled all of this sea buckthorn oil and in the days that followed, the world was treated is not the bump and the burn. And the miracle happened — after about ten days, when the burn came down, we saw a bump on the leg was noticeably smaller and, according to the mother, almost stopped hurting.
As we later learned, this method can not only get rid of bumps on legs, but other problems, where there is a deposition of salts. As I understand it, to burn the place there is an active rush of blood and lymph, due to the higher temperature, the salts clump begins to collapse, there is a rapid regenerate and renewal of tissues.
If you apply to resolve cones at the foot of a method of Staff are advised to choose the appropriate time for this when you have a few free days, or not to bring the skin to a state of a severe burn, otherwise walking will be extremely difficult. If you have no time, better drag out the process, removing the lump with legs with a mixture of salt and snow and ice made in the freezer of the very salty water. Keep it on the patient's bone until the ice cube melts. People write that also helps.
Author: Catherine Pretty
Valentine, opinion on the topic, bumps on nogaku us bumps on legs can say that the problem of the family — and my mother they have and I have. Tried a bunch of ways to remove the bumps and came to the conclusion that "home remedies" it is possible only in the initial stages, then remove kristallizuetsya in dense whom the deposition is almost impossible, unless operationally. So I advise anyone who notices the appearance of the foot bumps, not to delay the decision of a question. From myself I want to note that the best way to think microburn, which is described here as a method of Staff hurts, but helps. published
Source: www.arabio.ru/zdo/schischki_na_nogah.htm
It just so happened that the bones in the legs, or bumps, are a women's issue. In men bumps on legs not growing because the muscles of men's legs simultaneously more powerful and silistea.
Bumps on legs — causes ofRecently this problem in the hospital otpravilas my mom. Bumps on legs it hurt so bad that day she lay moaning, but all my recipes initially rejected completely, because it is "man of the old school and trust the doctors."A visit to Dr. she was stunned; he said that the bones of her inheritance, you need to eat less salt, has written "very expensive" ointment and told to go to the bumps on my legs brought his mother to the disease. Of course, no ointment, she did not buy, but graciously allowed me to share her "recipes from the cones".
To talk about recipes that helps to remove the bumps, you need to understand what these bumps are. But it is nothing like the normal salt, which, thanks to our sedentary life and poor diet ingested and safely deposited in the feet. Therefore, to remove bumps on legs no ointment is impossible — all the creams only tame the pain, directly on the salt deposits have no influence practically without causing. Need other measures, more simple, cheaper, and more effective.
The Internet and books on folk medicine such recipes how to remove bumps on legs a lot. Suggest different — packs of mother-and-stepmother, burdock leaf with turpentine or godovye mesh, but it is, in my opinion, as dead a poultice, because preventive measures rather, the issue is not crucial.
How to remove bumps on legs at home usloviahtabl is it possible to remove bumps on legs? It is possible, and the first effective method is to use the bile of animals or birds that are sold in pharmacies. Somehow, it is believed that the bile of birds is more effective, perhaps, I will not argue. Buying the bile, lubricate her protruding bones, the bumps on the legs, and gradually active enzymes will begin to dissolve the settled salts. Sometimes the effects faster if you alternate the use of bile with acetic an iodine tincture ( 5 drops of iodine in a teaspoon of vinegar).
And here is the recipe sent from Baikal. Local people claim that very good bones, bumps on legs removed pieces of fresh water fish, what is important that it was not frozen. A piece of fish privinchivayut to lump on the night, and so seven days and seven nights, rubbing the sore spot fir oil.
Well relieve pain, resolve bumps on legs salt baths. Special recipe here — take a handful of salt, how much to fit in your palm, pour in a bowl and pour polchasa hot water. When the water cools to body temperature, lower back patients legs and sitting quietly for fifteen minutes. To remove the bumps, baths do two weeks, then a week break and repeat the course, only 4 of the course.
How to remove bumps on legs — a method of StaffThere are even more dramatic way. It is quite painful for those who the problem of large bones in the foot need to be addressed urgently and radically. Method has been proposed in the newspaper HLS (10-2002) and got the name of the method and of Staff, by the name of the author. He advises to mix the salt with the snow in the same proportion and apply to the sore spot, a lump on 2-7 minutes, skin sensitivity, after which the mixture is to remove, quickly blot the moisture, wrap the patient's joint in a bandage on top of bandage paper, and on top of the leg, something warm, scarf, shawl. This warm compress you need to keep from 3 hours to a whole night.
My mother tried this method. The night leg was very ill and in the morning when we removed the poultice, it was found that in the place where it was applied a mixture of salt and snow, quite severe burns and even bubble. According to the recipe of Staff, we oiled all of this sea buckthorn oil and in the days that followed, the world was treated is not the bump and the burn. And the miracle happened — after about ten days, when the burn came down, we saw a bump on the leg was noticeably smaller and, according to the mother, almost stopped hurting.
As we later learned, this method can not only get rid of bumps on legs, but other problems, where there is a deposition of salts. As I understand it, to burn the place there is an active rush of blood and lymph, due to the higher temperature, the salts clump begins to collapse, there is a rapid regenerate and renewal of tissues.
If you apply to resolve cones at the foot of a method of Staff are advised to choose the appropriate time for this when you have a few free days, or not to bring the skin to a state of a severe burn, otherwise walking will be extremely difficult. If you have no time, better drag out the process, removing the lump with legs with a mixture of salt and snow and ice made in the freezer of the very salty water. Keep it on the patient's bone until the ice cube melts. People write that also helps.
Author: Catherine Pretty
Valentine, opinion on the topic, bumps on nogaku us bumps on legs can say that the problem of the family — and my mother they have and I have. Tried a bunch of ways to remove the bumps and came to the conclusion that "home remedies" it is possible only in the initial stages, then remove kristallizuetsya in dense whom the deposition is almost impossible, unless operationally. So I advise anyone who notices the appearance of the foot bumps, not to delay the decision of a question. From myself I want to note that the best way to think microburn, which is described here as a method of Staff hurts, but helps. published
Source: www.arabio.ru/zdo/schischki_na_nogah.htm