Healing jam pine cones
Many diseases with a very long time in the Crimea and the Caucasus treat jam of young pine cones. Each local housewife knows that the jam of young pine cones helps in the treatment of diseases such as colds, flu, beriberi, diseases of the throat and gums, upper respiratory illness (cough, bronchitis, pneumonia), asthma and others.
Healing "Gum" honey made from young green pine knobs really good for the body, if properly assembled and ready, sustaining technology. Long rainy autumn and frosty winter, you'll have a tasty and healthy cure for chronic fatigue, sore throat, colds, lack of sleep, fatigue. Just one tablespoon of pine honey helps the body fight with the weakening of immunity, especially for children and the elderly.
Very simply explained the healing properties of pine cones jam pine is one of the most popular phytoncide plants. A volatile production - is formed by plants biologically active substances that kill or inhibit the growth and development of bacteria and microscopic fungi and protozoa. Samples of air and soil of pine forest have shown that they contain 10 times less pathogens than similar samples from the birch forest.
Prepare the fruit
The different climatic zones of the formation of the trees occur in different ways. In Ukraine, they are ready for use from mid-May to early June, in Russia since June 21-25. For cooking jam suitable only those bumps that can be cut with a knife or a nail puncture, their length varies from 1 to 4 cm.
Jam of pine cones has a pleasant resinous taste, even his children eat with pleasure. Winter cold evenings tea with a couple of spoonfuls of jam of pine cones will support your immune system and improve mood. As practice shows, the winter is enough to prepare 1-2 liters jam pine cones for a family of 2-3 people and tasty and healthy folk remedy for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu is always at hand.
For prophylaxis of respiratory diseases is useful to add to 1 h. L. jam in tea during an exacerbation.
There are many recipes and methods of cooking jam of pine cones, each family its own tricks for you a few recipes:
1 way: go through the bumps, remove the garbage, needles. Rinse with water pine cones, fill in an enamel pan and pour cold water so that it covers the cones 1-1.5 cm. Bring to a boil and then add the sugar at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of liquid. Again bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook on low heat for about 1, 5 hours, removing the foam. By the end of the cooking pine cones completely soaked with syrup and become reddish.
Method 2: This method is brewed so-called "honey" of pine cones. Go through bumps, remove the garbage, needles, cones and then rinse with clean water. Absorb prepared cones in an enamel bowl and pour cold water so that it covered the cones at 1-1, 5 cm. Then boil bumps for 20 minutes. in a closed pan and then push overnight at room temperature. Infusion turn green, it must be emptied and throw cones. Next cook the syrup with sugar to 1 liter of 1 kg of sugar syrup. Boiling is continued for at least 1, 5 hours. For cooking, be sure to use an enamel bowl. Ready "honey" from the pine cones is a crimson color and extremely fine taste. Spill "honey" should be hot in hot jars. Sterilize "honey" is not necessary with this method of cooking the honey is stored for a long time, even indoors.
3 method: pine cones can be prepared without cooking medicinal syrup. Go through and wash the cones. Then cut each bump on the particles, roll them in sugar to the juice let faster. Stack layers of chopped buds into jars and pour them with sugar layer by layer (1: 1 or 2: 1). The top layer of cones must be completely covered with sugar. Bank covered with gauze and put in a warm dark place, shaking occasionally, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cooked this way pinecones use for the treatment of respiratory diseases, as well as a tonic for the dessert spoon to half a cup of boiling water twice a day. Drink hot small sips on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime.
Master class from the author:
1. Before cooking, young pine cones are sorted out, throw garbage in my thoroughly with clean running water. Then, 1 kg of cones pour 3 liters of water and cook over low heat for 4 hours, then the mixture cools down, and put it on the night stand in the refrigerator. (Prescription - to put in a cool place in the hours 10-12)
. 2. In the morning strain, obtained here is a pink jelly. Cones throw (you can leave some stuff for beauty).
3. For every liter of pink jelly add 1 kg of sugar.
4. Cook until thickened.
5. In the process of cooking the jam becomes transparent and is similar to honey.
6. Pour into prepared jars. You can close kapron lids and store in refrigerator. And you can roll up and store as a regular jam.
Jam of pine cones - helpful tips experienced cooks
1. Gulf water bumps, not "overdo it", consider the fact that they can float.
2. Leave the cones for impregnation until cool - so the process will be better. Too thick jam can be diluted with water and boil.
3. This jam has its contraindications. It is not recommended to take in food for people with acute hepatitis, pregnant women. Young children who are prone to allergies and diathesis let's try to jam in small doses.
4. breaking a welded cone, can be found most useful material - resin pink color, pleasant taste. This treat can be given to children with poor appetite, bronchitis or a strong cough. Syrup consume a teaspoon of green tea.
You are sure to enjoy a pleasant resinous jam with tart-sweet flavor and mint aftertaste.
Jam of pine cones - contra
Like any medication, treatment is contra-pine cones. First of all, you need to be wary of such treatment to people with kidney disease. Do not take drugs of cones in acute hepatitis within. Precautions must be taken preparations of pine pregnant women and people over 60 years old. In large doses, pine drugs can cause stomach inflammation and headache.

Healing "Gum" honey made from young green pine knobs really good for the body, if properly assembled and ready, sustaining technology. Long rainy autumn and frosty winter, you'll have a tasty and healthy cure for chronic fatigue, sore throat, colds, lack of sleep, fatigue. Just one tablespoon of pine honey helps the body fight with the weakening of immunity, especially for children and the elderly.
Very simply explained the healing properties of pine cones jam pine is one of the most popular phytoncide plants. A volatile production - is formed by plants biologically active substances that kill or inhibit the growth and development of bacteria and microscopic fungi and protozoa. Samples of air and soil of pine forest have shown that they contain 10 times less pathogens than similar samples from the birch forest.
Prepare the fruit
The different climatic zones of the formation of the trees occur in different ways. In Ukraine, they are ready for use from mid-May to early June, in Russia since June 21-25. For cooking jam suitable only those bumps that can be cut with a knife or a nail puncture, their length varies from 1 to 4 cm.
Jam of pine cones has a pleasant resinous taste, even his children eat with pleasure. Winter cold evenings tea with a couple of spoonfuls of jam of pine cones will support your immune system and improve mood. As practice shows, the winter is enough to prepare 1-2 liters jam pine cones for a family of 2-3 people and tasty and healthy folk remedy for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu is always at hand.
For prophylaxis of respiratory diseases is useful to add to 1 h. L. jam in tea during an exacerbation.

There are many recipes and methods of cooking jam of pine cones, each family its own tricks for you a few recipes:
1 way: go through the bumps, remove the garbage, needles. Rinse with water pine cones, fill in an enamel pan and pour cold water so that it covers the cones 1-1.5 cm. Bring to a boil and then add the sugar at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of liquid. Again bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook on low heat for about 1, 5 hours, removing the foam. By the end of the cooking pine cones completely soaked with syrup and become reddish.
Method 2: This method is brewed so-called "honey" of pine cones. Go through bumps, remove the garbage, needles, cones and then rinse with clean water. Absorb prepared cones in an enamel bowl and pour cold water so that it covered the cones at 1-1, 5 cm. Then boil bumps for 20 minutes. in a closed pan and then push overnight at room temperature. Infusion turn green, it must be emptied and throw cones. Next cook the syrup with sugar to 1 liter of 1 kg of sugar syrup. Boiling is continued for at least 1, 5 hours. For cooking, be sure to use an enamel bowl. Ready "honey" from the pine cones is a crimson color and extremely fine taste. Spill "honey" should be hot in hot jars. Sterilize "honey" is not necessary with this method of cooking the honey is stored for a long time, even indoors.
3 method: pine cones can be prepared without cooking medicinal syrup. Go through and wash the cones. Then cut each bump on the particles, roll them in sugar to the juice let faster. Stack layers of chopped buds into jars and pour them with sugar layer by layer (1: 1 or 2: 1). The top layer of cones must be completely covered with sugar. Bank covered with gauze and put in a warm dark place, shaking occasionally, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cooked this way pinecones use for the treatment of respiratory diseases, as well as a tonic for the dessert spoon to half a cup of boiling water twice a day. Drink hot small sips on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime.
Master class from the author:
1. Before cooking, young pine cones are sorted out, throw garbage in my thoroughly with clean running water. Then, 1 kg of cones pour 3 liters of water and cook over low heat for 4 hours, then the mixture cools down, and put it on the night stand in the refrigerator. (Prescription - to put in a cool place in the hours 10-12)
. 2. In the morning strain, obtained here is a pink jelly. Cones throw (you can leave some stuff for beauty).
3. For every liter of pink jelly add 1 kg of sugar.
4. Cook until thickened.
5. In the process of cooking the jam becomes transparent and is similar to honey.
6. Pour into prepared jars. You can close kapron lids and store in refrigerator. And you can roll up and store as a regular jam.
Jam of pine cones - helpful tips experienced cooks
1. Gulf water bumps, not "overdo it", consider the fact that they can float.
2. Leave the cones for impregnation until cool - so the process will be better. Too thick jam can be diluted with water and boil.
3. This jam has its contraindications. It is not recommended to take in food for people with acute hepatitis, pregnant women. Young children who are prone to allergies and diathesis let's try to jam in small doses.
4. breaking a welded cone, can be found most useful material - resin pink color, pleasant taste. This treat can be given to children with poor appetite, bronchitis or a strong cough. Syrup consume a teaspoon of green tea.
You are sure to enjoy a pleasant resinous jam with tart-sweet flavor and mint aftertaste.
Jam of pine cones - contra
Like any medication, treatment is contra-pine cones. First of all, you need to be wary of such treatment to people with kidney disease. Do not take drugs of cones in acute hepatitis within. Precautions must be taken preparations of pine pregnant women and people over 60 years old. In large doses, pine drugs can cause stomach inflammation and headache.