Why bring a mountain of young pine cones into the house

Since ancient times, a person knows about the healing properties of needles and tries to use them. Even an ordinary walk through the pine forest fills with strength and energy, improves mood, relieves irritability.

Benefits of pine cones Also appreciated. And it is not surprising, because they are rich in phytoncides (biologically active substances that kill pathogenic bacteria), tannins, vitamins, essential oils, selenium, magnesium, iron.


Some people will find this strange, but from pine cones you can make jam. And it is fragrant, tasty and, of course, useful. However, before using such a drug, you must consult a doctor for contraindications.


Pine cone jam helps to overcome chronic fatigue, increases immunity. Even a small spoon of this mixture gives a charge of vivacity and positiveness for the whole day. It will be useful to consider the benefits of jam in more detail.

Benefits of cone jam
  1. Cold prevention
    Coniferous product helps the body fight cough, runny nose, chills and heat.
  2. Increases immunity
    Vitamins and minerals, which are contained in pine cones, help strengthen the body, soothe and relieve drowsiness.
  3. Benefits to the respiratory tract
    Coniferous products are useful in the treatment of not only tuberculosis, but also bronchitis, pneumonia.
  4. Strengthening the cardiovascular system
    The presence of B vitamins in pine jam has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. And tannin helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels.


  5. Pain relief.
    Pine jam is suitable as a compress for joint pain, gums and toothache.
  6. Improves digestion
    Jam from pine cones normalizes the pancreas and fights ulcerative lesions.
  7. Reduces the risk of cancer
    Antioxidants in needles protect against free radicals, which reduces the risk of developing a malignant tumor.
  8. Suppresses the activity of harmful bacteria
    Phytoncides, which are contained in pine cones, are able to fight even the causative agent of tuberculosis and E. coli, not to mention other bacteria and viruses. Only one thing. pine-cone They are considered the most useful medicinal product.


Jam recipe If medicine Of the pine cones you are interested in, then start cooking this miracle potion.

The ingredients
  • 1kg pine cones
  • 1.5 kg of sugar
  • 2 tables of water


  1. Finely cut the well-washed cones.
  2. Combine the sugar with water and boil the syrup on low heat until it is thick.
  3. Take another container, put the cones in there and pour hot syrup.
  4. Put a pot of cones on the fire and bring it to a boil. Remove from the fire, close the lid and let the mixture brew for 4 hours.
  5. Three more times bring the mixture to a boil and let it cool.
  6. During the last heating, bring the healing potion to a boil and volume on a low fire for about an hour.
  7. The jam is ready now. Feel free to pour into the jars and roll.


By the way, jam cones It should be assembled correctly. The maximum useful properties can be obtained from soft green cones, which do not exceed 4 centimeters in length. They should be collected in May. Remember that the resin of the cones gets your hands dirty, so you need to tear them off with gloves. It is better to take cones with visible scales and a sticky surface.

It should be remembered that in large quantities jam can cause headache and nausea. It is not recommended for pregnant women and people over 60 years old. The norm of use is 2-4 spoons a day for the prevention of ailments.

Someone uses pine cones for decorations and children's handicrafts. There are craftsmen who from this material create even necessary things in everyday life, surprising neighbors with their resourcefulness. But, considering needlesHow not to use pine cones for medicinal purposes?

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