Noticing a plant on your site, do not eradicate: never a weed
A friend of mine, a typical city dweller, recently moved into a country house. In the spring, he found a strange weed on his site, but decided not to tear it. He took care of the plant, watered it to see what would grow out of it. And the result surprised him. From the usual-looking weed grew hops.
What's the use of that? But the cones of hops, as it turned out, are valuable not only for brewers. And today's edition. "Site" will tell you hop-like And I'll share some recipes based on it. And we will also tell you how with the help of hop cones you can get rid of insomnia. But more on that later.
Many doctors recognize the healing properties of hop cones. Even traditional medicine does not exclude their use in various diseases. Hop cones have many beneficial properties that are very important for treatment. Most often used decoction and infusion of cones of hops. Find out what treats hops and how to prepare a healing broth and infusion from it.
And that's not all good. It's time to talk about it. sleep-killer Hop. For this, you need to make an aromatic pillow. It's not complicated. The cones need to be well dried: just collect the ripe cones (about August), spread them in a thin layer on cotton fabric or paper. It is best to do this in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated room.
When the cones dry, you need to fill them with a regular pillowcase. In order for the pillow to be as useful as possible, you need to choose a pillowcase made of natural fabric. If done correctly, the pillow can be used for two years. Sleep from it will become strong, because hops have sedative properties. If the aroma of cones is too rich for you, you can mix them with herbs: chamomile, lavender, heather, vervain.
In this video, a lovely woman will tell you more about making a pillow from hop cones.
Like any medicinal plant, hops have their own contraindications. The most important of these is allergies. Before using any products from the plant, you need to check whether you have allergies. Serious diseases can also be contraindicated. If you are taking any medications, be sure to consult a doctor before using infusions and decoctions of hops.
As you can see, the plant is full of useful properties. It is also very common in our area. So the next time you see hops on your site, don’t rush to eradicate it!
Did you use hop cones for treatment? Are you satisfied with the result? Tell us in the comments!

What's the use of that? But the cones of hops, as it turned out, are valuable not only for brewers. And today's edition. "Site" will tell you hop-like And I'll share some recipes based on it. And we will also tell you how with the help of hop cones you can get rid of insomnia. But more on that later.
Many doctors recognize the healing properties of hop cones. Even traditional medicine does not exclude their use in various diseases. Hop cones have many beneficial properties that are very important for treatment. Most often used decoction and infusion of cones of hops. Find out what treats hops and how to prepare a healing broth and infusion from it.
- Kidney and bladder treatment
For treatment, you need to prepare an infusion of hop cones. To do this, 1 tbsp of crushed cones pour 1 liter of boiling water, and after the volume 15 minutes in a water bath. You need to drink the infusion a quarter glass 3 times a day before meals, washing it down with a glass of boiled water.
DepositPhotos - Improving digestion
The use of cones of hops increases the release of saliva and gastric juice, thereby stimulating digestive processes, digestion of food and appetite. Infusion of cones will help normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, in addition, reduce pressure and normalize sleep. This requires the same infusion as for the kidneys. You need to drink it 2-3 times a day for half a glass half an hour before meals.
DepositPhotos - Stress remedy
Hops have sedative properties, so it copes well with stress. To do this, cones of hops need just to brew at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per glass of boiling water. Brew, let me brew and drink before bed. Sleep will be strong and stress will pass.
DepositPhotos - Cones of hops for joint pain
And that'll help hops! Just need one spoon of crushed cones of hops to mix with any essential oil in ratios of 1: 4. The mixture should be thick. She needs to smear her sore joints. It helps well with bruises, rheumatism and even arthritis. You can also make ointment from boiled cones. Pour one spoonful of cones with a glass of water and boil until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. After joining the spoon of this broth with four spoons of Vaseline. Ointment should be applied to the site of contusions, it helps well from bruises and abrasions, and also relieves pain.
DepositPhotos - Hops for luxury hair
Hops are actively used in cosmetology, especially for hair care. We recommend rinsing your hair with a decoction of hops every time after washing. To prepare this decoction, you need 5 tablespoons of cones of hops to pour 500 ml of water, after boiling for 15 minutes, let it brew another 30. To achieve the desired effect, you need to use the tool three times a week. The result really exceeds all expectations. Many women use beer to clean their hair.
And that's not all good. It's time to talk about it. sleep-killer Hop. For this, you need to make an aromatic pillow. It's not complicated. The cones need to be well dried: just collect the ripe cones (about August), spread them in a thin layer on cotton fabric or paper. It is best to do this in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated room.

When the cones dry, you need to fill them with a regular pillowcase. In order for the pillow to be as useful as possible, you need to choose a pillowcase made of natural fabric. If done correctly, the pillow can be used for two years. Sleep from it will become strong, because hops have sedative properties. If the aroma of cones is too rich for you, you can mix them with herbs: chamomile, lavender, heather, vervain.
In this video, a lovely woman will tell you more about making a pillow from hop cones.
Like any medicinal plant, hops have their own contraindications. The most important of these is allergies. Before using any products from the plant, you need to check whether you have allergies. Serious diseases can also be contraindicated. If you are taking any medications, be sure to consult a doctor before using infusions and decoctions of hops.
As you can see, the plant is full of useful properties. It is also very common in our area. So the next time you see hops on your site, don’t rush to eradicate it!
Did you use hop cones for treatment? Are you satisfied with the result? Tell us in the comments!
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