Dieffenbachia: home care

Dieffenbachia in our time has become a very popular potted plant, and grow it in the home and in the office. The plant has gained popularity, not only due to its rather spectacular appearance, but also because dieffenbachia has the properties to clean the air from harmful our body to formaldehyde.
Pestrolistye forms of this plant is very decorative and at times it seems that the plant fills the room with light. If you decide to have such a plant in the house, do not forget that it comes from the humid tropics of South America, and basic growing conditions this plant is considered heat, light and moisture.
How to care for dieffenbach at home
Illumination and location in the house
As the plant came to us from tropical countries with long duration of daylight, it needs good lighting, but do not put it under direct sunlight, as they are harmful for large and succulent leaves of dieffenbachia.
The perfect lighting for growing plants are considered to be bright ambient light, especially variegated forms. Plants with leaves onetoninetynine can do without such a bright light, and thrive in semi-shady areas. But completely removed from the light zelenolistnyh form is not necessary, the plant may lose its decorative appearance, the leaves begin to grow shallow, and the barrel extended.
For the cultivation of dieffenbachia fit any window sill with the exception of South.
The plant needs enough moisture in the active growth period, such period usually lasts from early spring until autumn. During active growth it is not necessary to allow drying of the soil. But stagnation of water or overflow of harmful plants, the excessive amount of moisture the plant may lose some leaves. To avoid overflow and stagnation of water in the pot it is recommended to do the drain holes on the bottom of the pot when planting or transplanting to spread a good layer of drainage.
In the winter you need to enter a moderate watering, the plant should be watered only when dry topsoil.
For irrigation use well-defended water at room temperature.
Dieffenbachia is a plant from tropical and does not like dry air, so on hot days or heating season, it needs regular spraying. Create moist air around the plant is possible, having placed near it a bowl of water or using a humidifier.
Also, it is desirable daily to wipe large leaves with a damp cloth. If the plant is small in size, you can periodically give him a warm shower, but before you shower, remember to close the soil in the pot with cellophane.
Temperature mode
The plant is very heat-loving and do not tolerate drafts, especially cold air in the winter. Dieffenbachia is also detrimental to sudden changes in temperature, in the best case it will drop leaves.
In the period of active growth, spring and summer is considered ideal temperature from 21 to 26⁰С, while maintaining the temperature the plant thrives.In winter temperature can be a little lower, a sufficient air temperature from 19 to 22⁰С.
It is not necessary to prevent the lowering of the temperature regime below 15⁰С, otherwise, it will affect the external form and condition of the plant, it can start to hurt and wither
Dieffenbachia prefers a loose neutral water - and air-permeable soil, calcareous soil can not tolerate. Ideal is a substrate of the following composition: 2 parts ground sheet, 6 parts loam, 2 parts peat lands or peat, 2 parts sand and 1 part charcoal. When planting or transplanting plants always make sure that the pot is accomplished drainage holes, and place a drainage layer not less than 3cm.
Feeding and fertilizer
In the period from March to September when there is active growth of a plant, it needs regular feeding. Better this arrange a certain mode, and you will be, and the plant will get the nutrients just as much as you.
The main thing correctly to pick up complex fertilizer, prefer nitrogen-containing organic or mineral fertilizer, the main thing that the fertilizer was not present lime, dieffenbachia can't stand her. But with nitrogen you need to be careful in case of its excess pestrolistye forms can lose their variegated color and become solid green.
When using ready-mix feeding plant produced as follows: the solution should be diluted as indicated in the instructions, but use to feed only half the normal. Fertilize the dieffenbachia should be regularly once in 10 days.
Dieffenbachia breeding
When growing this plant often the question arises: how to propagate dieffenbachia?
Dieffenbachia is propagated by tip cuttings or cuttings harvested from parts of the stem. The seeds of the plant does not multiply due to the fact that this reproduction of the variegated forms may be lost, the diversity of leaf, and the process is quite troublesome.
Breeding dieffenbachia cuttings
Quite often, the plant is propagated by tip cuttings that are left after pruning. Cuttings may be prepared from the middle parts of the adult stem.
The principle of rooting for apical and middle cuttings one, they can be rooted in two ways in special substrate or in the water.
Rooting of cuttings in the substrate
For this germination should be prepared in advance a mixture of sand and peat, taken in the ratio 1:1. The substrate is put in the table name box and moderately watered, the soil should be moist, not wet.
From scraps of the barrel should take away part of the barrel length from 10 to 15cm. Cuttings dipped the bottom part in the solution "Cornavin", or some other root stimulator for 15-30min. Then the cuttings are immersed in the substrate by approximately 1\3 –half long. After that for good rooting on cuttings need to create the conditions of the greenhouse. Each stalk can cover a glass jar or place the entire box put in a plastic bag and tie it.
Teplichku should be placed in a warm Sunny place, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on the cuttings. As necessary, the cuttings are watered, adding to the water for watering any cornealdisease stimulant. The ambient temperature during germination of the cuttings should be between 21 to 23°C. it Should be noted that the rooting of cuttings can take a lot of time, in some cases up to six months.
Sprouting cuttings in water
Sprouting cuttings in water is a little different from germination in the soil. The cuttings should be cut into lengths from 10 to 15 cm in length. After cutting put them in a container filled with a weak solution kornelimunsterweg substances.The cuttings immersed in the solution for at least 1\3 of the length.
After some time on the tips of the cuttings will be roots when the roots grow to lengths of 3-4cm, cuttings can be planted in the ground. After planting, the cuttings need to be watered, and further care is no different from caring for adult plants.
Dieffenbachia: transplant
Root systems of dieffenbachia is quite powerful and therefore, the plant needs annual transplants, especially at a young age. Transplantation is usually produced in the spring, method of handling from a smaller pot into a larger, trying not to damage the earth com. For a transplant from a very large pot to take is not necessary, as it may hamper the growth of the aerial parts of the plant.
When transplanting don't forget to take care of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot, and pour the drainage layer not less than 3cm.
To transplant, carefully remove the plant from the pot, inspect the roots, not much disturbing the soil ball, if you'll notice damaged areas, you must remove them and place slices sprinkled with powdered charcoal.
Next is to put the plant in the pot on the drainage layer and fill the voids with fresh soil.
How to prune dieffenbachia
For pruning of this plant should take precautions, as the juice of the plant are poisonous and can cause skin irritation. Put on your gloves and take a sharp knife, and in fact, you can start pruning. Trim the stem can be as you want, the plant recovers very rapidly to the usual growth rate. The cut must wet a cloth and sprinkle with powdered charcoal.The cropped part can be used as cuttings.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.art-pen.ru/
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