Why you should collect cones in any weather

The cones are really wonderful. Not only do they decorate the trees, but they can. decorate your house for the winter holidays. In the post-Soviet countries, cones or seeds, as they are also called in the common people, are associated with the New Year, dressed up Christmas trees and the smell of tangerines.

In Western countries, they are decorated with traditional wreaths at Christmas. This decor is made of tree branches, decorated with bows, beads, candles and artificial snow. The finished composition is attached to the front door or placed on the festive table.


Beautiful crafts from cones Today editorial "Site" I have 11 "strong ideas" handicrafts made of cones that will definitely be useful to you on New Year's Eve. My hands are itching to make No. 7!

  1. Did you know that spruce and pine cones are collected throughout the winter? And they mature and begin to fall by the middle of autumn. On the branches grow "closed" cones: their scales fit tightly together, thereby protecting the seeds. Under the feet of the fallen carpet usually lie already opened copies. Owners of country houses and cottages for prey go to the nearest forest. Residents of apartments in megacities usually go to parks.


  2. After collecting the cones need to be processed. This stage is of great importance, as crafts can lose their shape over time! If you got curved specimens or, on the contrary, you need to bend in a certain direction, then the shape is easy to adjust. To do this, you should type in a small bowl of cold water and soak cones in it overnight.

    In the morning, remove cones from the liquid, and in places that need to be adjusted, pull the cone with a strong thread and dry the workpiece.


  3. I love these ideas! I think I'll save a couple to make quiet nights.


  4. And to lighten the cone, it is necessary to prepare a solution of water and bleach in a ratio of 5: 1. Soak the bumps in it for 1 to 2 hours. Then dry the blanks thoroughly and wash them with soap and water to remove microscopic particles of household chemicals.

  5. To dry the cones before starting creativity, place them on a cast-iron pan in one layer so that a small space is preserved between them. Set the fire to a minimum. Dry the cones until full readiness, periodically turning over. There is no need to use the pan lid.

  6. The Christmas tree can be made with your own hands from ordinary pine cones. For this, you will need cardboard, glue, coniferous branches or tinsel and, of course, the cones themselves.

  7. Doing New Year’s Eve crafts with kids is a pleasure! Because your child is so happy to do important things with his parents. We all enjoy creating something new!


  8. Such a craft may well become a Christmas souvenir for grandparents, and maybe even for Santa Claus himself!

  9. From cones you can make not only jewelry or bouquets, but also wreaths, toys, candlesticksThey will decorate the room and the festive table.

  10. Another great decoration can be a new year. garland. Creating this craft will not take you much time!


  11. Preparation for the holiday begins at the threshold. Autumn framing of the door is replaced by winter motifs and carries away to the winter fairy tale. In order to make such a decoration, you need to cut the base of the wreath in the form of a circle of plastic, cardboard, flexible branches or wire. Stick small rings on cones, pre-select the decor for cones or leave them in their original form. Put the cones on the wire by stringing. At the end of the work, twist the edges of the wire and decorate the wreath with a large bow.

    You can also decorate the wreath with any improvised materials: paint, sequins, ribbons, beads, beads.


No need to run around the shops and buy decor for crazy money. A lot of valuable material is under your hands! Pieces of fabric, tape, beads, various natural materials that literally lie under your feet, well, and paint – this is enough!

I suggest you learn about 11 ideas of New Year decorations that you can easily make with your own hands without spending a lot of money on festive decoration!


As you can see, with the use of cones, you can make decorative compositions that will not only create coziness and a New Year's atmosphere, but also refresh the interior. To the category of such crafts can be attributed: ikebana, topiary, candlestick, Christmas wreath on the door, various Christmas toys ...

Take advantage of these ideas and create in your home. festiveness! And don’t forget to share the article with your friends, work miracles together!


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