Instructions from a cunning wife to create a festive atmosphere
I love holidays, but most of all Christmas and New Year. These days, my apartment is filled with citrus flavors mixed with ginger, vanilla pastries and, of course, needles. All these smells create an unsurpassed, almost magical atmosphere.
Last year, back in mid-December, I went to visit my aunt and was just amazed. At first I did not understand what was going on, but I had the impression that the long-awaited holiday had already arrived.
From somewhere there was a New Year’s mood, and well-being has significantly improved. And this despite the fact that I had a severe headache then, and the slush outside the window clearly did not have the feeling that the long-awaited holiday was already on the threshold.
From my aunt Zina, I learned that it was all about the fragrance that she made specifically for the holidays. After all, since ancient times, incense helped fill people's houses with aroma, giving a great mood and improving well-being.
Editorial "Site" I have prepared 8 natural ones for you. fragrancewhich are easy to make with your own hands. You don’t have to put in a lot of effort and buy expensive ingredients to create them.
I also suggest you familiarize yourself with 8 tips from Santa Claus - how to arrange an unforgettable New Year for your loved ones. After all, joy in the eyes of loved ones is the best gift for which it is worth trying.
Do not be surprised if the presence of such a flavoring in the apartment you and your household will always be in high spirits, because the New Year's aromas only contribute to this. Be sure to use one or more of these tips, and you will fully feel the atmosphere of the holiday in your home.
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Last year, back in mid-December, I went to visit my aunt and was just amazed. At first I did not understand what was going on, but I had the impression that the long-awaited holiday had already arrived.
From somewhere there was a New Year’s mood, and well-being has significantly improved. And this despite the fact that I had a severe headache then, and the slush outside the window clearly did not have the feeling that the long-awaited holiday was already on the threshold.
From my aunt Zina, I learned that it was all about the fragrance that she made specifically for the holidays. After all, since ancient times, incense helped fill people's houses with aroma, giving a great mood and improving well-being.
Editorial "Site" I have prepared 8 natural ones for you. fragrancewhich are easy to make with your own hands. You don’t have to put in a lot of effort and buy expensive ingredients to create them.
- Flavor candles
This is one of the easiest and easiest ways. However, I am not suggesting that you buy ready-made aromatic candles. It is much better if you make them with your own hands. So the aroma will be natural and you will get a small New Year's decoration. Excellent solution for fragrance cinnamon sticks. To do this, put a rubber band on the candle, insert spice sticks under it. Place the decor vertically in relation to the candle. Then glue the tape and enjoy the aroma and gentle light! - Orange peel
In winter, especially on New Year’s Eve, every house has oranges. When you use the flesh of the fruit, do not throw away the peel. It can become a stand for an unusual candle! It's also the cheapest.
Cut the orange in half, carefully peel off the skin with a spoon. On the top, squeeze out any figure with cookie moulds. Decorate the orange with cloves. And at the bottom of the second blank, put a candle-tablet and cover it.
This is how wonderful it can look! - potpourri
Here is another simple but interesting way. For it, you will need a mixture of dried fruits, spices and winter decor, plus artificial flavors.
Prepare any dry decor for the New Year holidays. It can be slices of citrus, apples, rosehip, cones, whole nuts, leaves, cinnamon sticks and other spices.
Put everything in a big jar, add a few drops of aromatic oils. Perfect for this oil of orange, cinnamon or pine. Mix all the ingredients carefully so as not to spoil the decor. Cover the lid and after a couple of hours put in an open dish. - garland
I will definitely use this trick this year. To create such an aromatic garland, you will need to dry orange slices in advance or purchase ready-made dried slices in any of the shops for needlework.
Then you need to put them on the tape. You can add bay leaf or cinnamon sticks between the slices for a more saturated aroma. So you will also have an original garland on the window or unusual Christmas toys.
It looks charming, doesn't it? - Invisible smell
A couple of hours before the arrival of guests, put on the fire a small pan of water with slices of orange, vanilla, ginger, spruce twigs and cloves. As soon as the mixture boils, reduce the fire and leave to evaporate the water. Pay attention: it is better to turn off the hood in the kitchen completely so that the aroma is absorbed into all objects in the house! - Flavor in a bottle
Keeping the New Year’s aroma always at hand will help a regular sprayer. To prepare the flavor you will need 3 tablespoons of vodka or alcohol, water and aromatic oils. I use juniper oil, sage or rosemary, cinnamon or cloves, orange or bergamot. In an empty bottle with a sprayer (240 ml) pour vodka and a mixture of oils (about 40 drops). The rest of the bottle should be filled with water and mixed well.
To get the effect you need to spray the product in the room before the arrival of guests.
And you can also create a diffuser with your own hands, for example, based on oils. In a clean container, mix a small amount of base oil (I use almond or jojoba oil for this) and a few drops of aromatic oil. Then mix it up.
In the finished mixture for a few minutes insert bamboo swords. Then turn them over. As soon as you feel that the smell has weakened, turn the swords over again. - salt-based
You will need an orange again for this method. Cut it in two, then gently remove the pulp. Separately mix large sea salt with aromatic oils of clove, cinnamon and orange. After that, spread the mixture into halves of the orange peel and decorate them with the appropriate decor. You can also use the skin of the lemon, filling it with a mixture of salt, rosemary essential oil and vanilla extract. - Pine cones
Virtually none New Year decoration It's not without bumps. So why not make them smelly too! Wash the cones and dry them in the oven at 200 degrees, keep them there for half an hour.
After cooling, place the cones in a bag and drip 20 drops of your favorite aromatic oil. Then leave the bumps in the bag for a week to soak up the fragrant oil. Such cones can be used as New Year's decoration.
I also suggest you familiarize yourself with 8 tips from Santa Claus - how to arrange an unforgettable New Year for your loved ones. After all, joy in the eyes of loved ones is the best gift for which it is worth trying.
Do not be surprised if the presence of such a flavoring in the apartment you and your household will always be in high spirits, because the New Year's aromas only contribute to this. Be sure to use one or more of these tips, and you will fully feel the atmosphere of the holiday in your home.
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