The smell of the body will tell you about hidden diseases! The method of Professor Neumyvakin will help get rid of the sweetness of old age.
When in a public place or in a public place, we hear odourWe often think that he would do well to better monitor his own hygiene. But sometimes the root cause of a bad smell is not the sloppyness of a person, but a serious disease. The specific smell becomes one of the indicators that can not be ignored.
Body smell
See in this video how to deal with unpleasant smells by the method of Professor Neumyvakin.
Bless you and your loved ones! Let only the most pleasant smells surround you.
Body smell

- The smell of ammonia
The smell of ammonia primarily indicates that the body is trying to get rid of excess nitrogen. Often it is excreted through urea, sweat or exhaled air.
If the smell of ammonia is present in a person’s urine, they are likely to suffer from cystitis. If an unpleasant odor comes from the mouth, there is a high probability of infection with Helicobacter pylori.
The smell emanating from the skin may indicate that the liver and kidneys do not cope with the function of nitrogen processing.
310380 - The smell of fish
Bad smell. rotten fish can chase a person whose body accumulates in excess trimethylamine. Most often, this condition is a consequence of a genetic disease. Trimethylamine has the property of connecting with any forms of body secretions: urine, then, exhaled air.
Those who suffer from trimethylaminuria (fish odor syndrome) should exclude from their diet a number of products containing substances such as choline, carnitine and lecithin.
These are red meat, fish, whey, eggs (yellows), seeds, nuts, liver, sprouted cereals. If the ugly smell in women comes from vaginal discharge, it is worth checking for vulvovaginitis. - The smell of cabbage
If a person constantly emits an unpleasant smell of sour cabbage, most likely, his body cannot cope with the function of cleavage of the amino acid tyrosine. As a result, there is an accumulation of various amino acids in the body, which can lead to pathologies of the liver, kidneys and changes in bone tissue. - The smell of honey
Despite the fact that this product smells quite pleasant, this condition indicates infection with Pseudomonas. This is a special causative agent of infection, which is most often transmitted by contact and household. Insidious bacteria provokes the occurrence of meningitis, otitis and a variety of abscesses. - Smell of acetone
Often, the occurrence of an unpleasant smell of acetone is closely associated with a lack of carbohydrates in the body. To obtain glucose, our body goes to extreme measures - burns stored fats. As a result of this reaction, acetone is released. 571374
However, its amount is too small to the discharge of a person acquired a characteristic smell. In most cases, the body acquires a fetid aroma during debilitating starvation or the initial form of diabetes. - The smell of cheese
The smell of sweaty feet haunts many people. Often its cause is a hereditary disease, which is associated with a deficiency of a special enzyme - isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase. Its absence provokes the accumulation by the body of a substance isovalerate, which is excreted together with urine and then. - The smell of sour dough
Often it pursues people who suffer from scabies mite.
See in this video how to deal with unpleasant smells by the method of Professor Neumyvakin.
Bless you and your loved ones! Let only the most pleasant smells surround you.
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