10 tricks that marketers use to attract buyers

Scents evoke memories and associations are much better than sound or image. Marketers major companies are well aware of this phenomenon and use the scents and sounds to increase sales of its products. In our review of 10 marketing tricks that most customers do not even dogadyvayutsya.1. This smell Apple

Buyers MacBook, iPhone and other Apple products are well aware of the smell of these new devices. This is a very peculiar smell, which, according to some users, based on the internal device. Others believe that a similar flavor packaging issues. It is noteworthy that the plastic iPhone has the same smell as the aluminum MacBook. Apple company itself completely all otritsaet.2. Scents in Holiday Inn

Hotel chain Holiday Inn uses aromas combined with music to customers as long as possible in their rooms or bar. The company uses the scent of roses for weddings and the smell of leather for business meetings. Even a special smell, which supposedly comes from the basin is provided by adding special powder into the ventilation system in the morning. If the visitors of the hotel are celebrating something, the Holiday Inn will give them a holiday smell fruktov.3. Sounds potatoes fri

MacDonald's company used aggressive tactics in the sale of French fries, and their other dishes. During lunch, the company broadcasts on radio ads, which are specially designed for drivers. For example, in one of the advertisements that there is a sound that can be described as a cross between the sounds of the fryer and the heating system of the vehicle. Against the background of this strange sound sounds cheerful voice that declares that now the drivers will feel the smell of French fries directly into their cars. Apparently the company believes that thinness in advertising - it lishnee.4. Shoes & tsvety

In stores Nike used floral fragrance to direct customers to the shelves with more expensive models of shoes. Studies have shown that the average customer is willing to spend more than $ 10 when buying shoes, if it smells like flowers. At the same time the walls of shops are usually painted white with black decor or image in neutral colors. This is done in order to relax the client and get them to lay out a tidy summu.5. M & M is not pahnut

In the famous store "Mir M & M" in London always felt surprisingly strong chocolate flavor. On the one hand, this is understandable - after all in the store just sell chocolate. But if you look closely, it is easy to see that all the products are sold in packages. The strong aroma of chocolate is sprayed into the store specifically to arouse the appetite pokupatelyah.6. The musky smell makes waste bolshe

Most fragrances violate a person's ability to think rationally and affect emotions. Perfumers company Aromasys pick the right flavors for different institutions. The hotel and casino «Mirage» used fragrance based on the Polynesian colors and the famous «Bellagio» aromas associated with Italy. In the «Venetian» is used with strong smell of musk. Aromas are selected to match the interior, category and type of institution customers who visit these places. But Musk is often associated with masculinity and uspehom.7. Smell for pohudeniya

Usually people think that overweight because consume more calories than are burned, or err on the wrong metabolism. They are fundamentally wrong. Companies Slimscents, Aromapatch and Prends-Moi argue that weight gain is because these people do not smell right flavors that make losing weight. It is necessary to surround yourself with the smells of fresh fruits and vegetables during obeda.8. Smell hleba

Chain stores Net Cost intensively uses scents to shoppers buying more products. The ventilation system of the stores are constantly fed flavors of chocolate and fresh bread. And it really works, people often stop at the shelves of bread and shokoladom.9. Cinnamon on trupah

Most workers morgues and funeral homes are well aware of the smell of slowly decomposing body. Favorite flavor that is used in funeral homes, - the smell of cinnamon. This scent creates a trust and a cozy atmosphere and a well-interrupted smell of decaying bodies. If the body is not embalmed before burial or cremation, you can always feel the smell of cinnamon slack. Pretty cynical is the fact that this fragrance makes customers sign a contract with the funeral home where the smell koritsey.10. Scents in samoletah

Even airlines use perfume on board the aircraft. For example, Singapore Airlines uses a fragrance called «Stefan Florida Waters», which smell like towels and flight attendants. Thus, each time passes by a flight attendant, came the breath of freshness. It has a positive effect on the mood of the passengers and increases the chances that they will use again in the future services of this particular airline.