Sponsored excesses
1. The words do not mean anything
Large, bitter experience has taught most of us that words like "luxury", "deluxe" and "premium" actually mean nothing. Those rolls of toilet paper. Do you want to be honest, my ass still luxury, deluxe and "Komsomolskaya Pravda". But we are taught to consciously division, ranking the usual goods. Now we are standing in front of the same toilet paper and choose between three-layer and double-layer with the scent of lilac or apple. And your ass not to shit? ;)
There, by the way, and words such as "light" or "low fat." Last year, the consumer group conducted a study that will test the difference between "light" and conventional products. They studied not the amount of fat, and the total damage which may cause the product. "Easy" cookies easier on 8 calories, it is nothing, and everything is the same, but the "easy" cheddar cheese even more dangerous to human health than the usual "fat".
Marketing and imprecise definition of those words allows you to play the minds of consumers. Ah, yes ... Premium vodka or beer. You wonder what's the difference? I do not see here. So an additional filter passed and the price 3 times more expensive ... Do not get fooled, friends ...
2. The numbers do not mean anything
"97% of women prefer a deodorant Dove», «9 out of 10 dentists use toothpaste Colgate» ... You do wonder what they are saying? At least it's a lie. By the way, just recently repeated mass brainwashing on the subject of use of fish oil. Tests confirmed that yes everything's cool, even I would say that they are right. But they did not say that it was the test of omega-3 contained in fish oil. And as has been proven by science, fish oil will not be anything for your body.
3. Experts Niha ... do not know what they are talking
A bunch of experts from the TV to the background graphics are told us what is useful and what is not. But let's get back to the experts. Who are they? On TV is the white-haired man or a young girl in a white coat. And yet ...
And you do enough of it, to believe that before you an expert?
In general, what does the word "expert" - a person who is well versed in a separate area. Ie You like Peter Ivanov (expert) says that you have to buy something specific and you run to the boutiques. Wait. Can i ask you?
You moron?
That is a fact. Last year, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer paid $ 60 million when it was revealed that its employees bribed doctors to recommend their products. This is the tip of the iceberg. Do not forget that any person can buy ... And let's be objective to say that the same Colgate with new crystals will help save your teeth into old age, although it is necessary to 2 people, and the best twin, participate in life-long experiment. To clearly was ...
4. Food advertising completely is what it in reality
If you're like me, admincheg muz4in.net, you probably also succumb to the smell and walked toward the McDonald's at a time when the stomach is stuck to the spine. At the head of Big Macs were drawn, as in advertising ... mmmm ... And then reality ... a club for Bosko ... Why do not you smile Cashier and sing a song about "two burgers grilled cheese, special sauce ..."? And what of hnya in the box?
Only in this way and it's a Big Mac, you answer the girl at the checkout. Next ...
Although the companies are legally obliged to use real food in advertising, there is no law that would say that this picture can not be processed in Photoshope or aerosol or buttered ... What can I say, you yourself know everything ...
But then came "Free cash ...»
Again, two Big Mac, potatoes ...
5. Do not do what they say in advertising
Everyone knows that the orbit should be given 2 pieces that had the effect, paste should be applied to the entire brush ... Wait ... You cheat. Hey, you ... give me my second pad orbit ...
Ah, yes ... I remember we were taught hygiene and constant hand washing special agents, liquid soaps, and other ... just confused ...
6. Quality as a stupid goal
We are accustomed to the fact that the food is "to smell good" and "look appetizing." These are the goals of each manufacturer. If it is considered that the sausage should smell like tangerines, everyone will do it and you will be marketing a constantly inspire. But I'm sorry, I'd rather eat a natural piece of meat in the form of shit than what shit in the form of meat.
It turns out that the human brain is hard-believe advertising. In a widely reported study tells people subconsciously believe in high quality simply because the product has a high price. Brands and enjoy it. Quality of shit, but with the label D & G wants to put this shit all.
7. branded goods neluchshem
Finally, there are people who understand that price does not mean quality, these people treat me admincheg muz4in.net. When a man of moderate means going to buy coffee, and faces a choice between expensive Starbucks and Chocolate, he would choose Starbucks, because it is fashionable and will go in the cold with cold coffee in a paper cup just because of the fact that the cup is drawn belozelenaya woman - the emblem this coffee shop.
Already we carried out the tests, and no one could distinguish the expensive coffee from the sleaze. So why pay more? Ah, yes ... Ponty more money until they do you have ...
There was even a funny incident when the professional tasters at the plant Pepsi, who incidentally hated Coca Cola, gave a try to blind the two beverage. And as you might imagine, it is crap your favorite Pepsi and lifted up to heaven Coca Cola.
8. It's not your choice
You - an athlete, then you should be with us, and drink Coke, extreme, the Red Bull. In cottage juice "Little House in the village» ...
Marketers social groups impose rules of conduct, rules of consumption. Why do we have to be like everyone else, even if you have heartburn from GAZ cars. We are constantly told that you have to eat and drink only what they eat and drink all the others, otherwise you're a loser and you have no place in this life under the name of the game, the second vice versa ... Or not ...
9. Choice - is not good
The basic principle of advertising choices - it's your right. You no one has the right to prohibit choose to try and enjoy the life of the consumer. You have to try everything to pay for all the products of each company and if you do not want to buy more products of famous brands, you must die. That is the reality that lies behind all the advertising banners.
Indeed, our consumer paradise - it's a living hell. I do not want to choose a wife, boots, we are looking for a run, but no. Do what is necessary, and all things plain and simple. No ... Well all want to create something new ... Why make a new wheel if we have invented it ...
10. shopping does not make you happy
There are many indications that consumer culture is associated with poor mental health, especially in children. Society for the Protection of Children has accused the advertising on the imposition of children detached from reality illusions about adulthood.
We, adults, are constantly suffering because of the fact that we have something that we, by definition, is not necessary, and marketers whispering and whispering to us that you - the loser without a huge LCD TV, free products otkusannogo apples and other vital husk ...
Marketers have to move and move the theory of "happy customers", and you're ... buy, rejoice and again become despondent, because there is something newer something better ...
Remember, you - the loser when seduced by it all.
Large, bitter experience has taught most of us that words like "luxury", "deluxe" and "premium" actually mean nothing. Those rolls of toilet paper. Do you want to be honest, my ass still luxury, deluxe and "Komsomolskaya Pravda". But we are taught to consciously division, ranking the usual goods. Now we are standing in front of the same toilet paper and choose between three-layer and double-layer with the scent of lilac or apple. And your ass not to shit? ;)

There, by the way, and words such as "light" or "low fat." Last year, the consumer group conducted a study that will test the difference between "light" and conventional products. They studied not the amount of fat, and the total damage which may cause the product. "Easy" cookies easier on 8 calories, it is nothing, and everything is the same, but the "easy" cheddar cheese even more dangerous to human health than the usual "fat".
Marketing and imprecise definition of those words allows you to play the minds of consumers. Ah, yes ... Premium vodka or beer. You wonder what's the difference? I do not see here. So an additional filter passed and the price 3 times more expensive ... Do not get fooled, friends ...
2. The numbers do not mean anything
"97% of women prefer a deodorant Dove», «9 out of 10 dentists use toothpaste Colgate» ... You do wonder what they are saying? At least it's a lie. By the way, just recently repeated mass brainwashing on the subject of use of fish oil. Tests confirmed that yes everything's cool, even I would say that they are right. But they did not say that it was the test of omega-3 contained in fish oil. And as has been proven by science, fish oil will not be anything for your body.
3. Experts Niha ... do not know what they are talking
A bunch of experts from the TV to the background graphics are told us what is useful and what is not. But let's get back to the experts. Who are they? On TV is the white-haired man or a young girl in a white coat. And yet ...
And you do enough of it, to believe that before you an expert?
In general, what does the word "expert" - a person who is well versed in a separate area. Ie You like Peter Ivanov (expert) says that you have to buy something specific and you run to the boutiques. Wait. Can i ask you?
You moron?
That is a fact. Last year, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer paid $ 60 million when it was revealed that its employees bribed doctors to recommend their products. This is the tip of the iceberg. Do not forget that any person can buy ... And let's be objective to say that the same Colgate with new crystals will help save your teeth into old age, although it is necessary to 2 people, and the best twin, participate in life-long experiment. To clearly was ...
4. Food advertising completely is what it in reality
If you're like me, admincheg muz4in.net, you probably also succumb to the smell and walked toward the McDonald's at a time when the stomach is stuck to the spine. At the head of Big Macs were drawn, as in advertising ... mmmm ... And then reality ... a club for Bosko ... Why do not you smile Cashier and sing a song about "two burgers grilled cheese, special sauce ..."? And what of hnya in the box?
Only in this way and it's a Big Mac, you answer the girl at the checkout. Next ...
Although the companies are legally obliged to use real food in advertising, there is no law that would say that this picture can not be processed in Photoshope or aerosol or buttered ... What can I say, you yourself know everything ...
But then came "Free cash ...»
Again, two Big Mac, potatoes ...
5. Do not do what they say in advertising
Everyone knows that the orbit should be given 2 pieces that had the effect, paste should be applied to the entire brush ... Wait ... You cheat. Hey, you ... give me my second pad orbit ...
Ah, yes ... I remember we were taught hygiene and constant hand washing special agents, liquid soaps, and other ... just confused ...
6. Quality as a stupid goal
We are accustomed to the fact that the food is "to smell good" and "look appetizing." These are the goals of each manufacturer. If it is considered that the sausage should smell like tangerines, everyone will do it and you will be marketing a constantly inspire. But I'm sorry, I'd rather eat a natural piece of meat in the form of shit than what shit in the form of meat.
It turns out that the human brain is hard-believe advertising. In a widely reported study tells people subconsciously believe in high quality simply because the product has a high price. Brands and enjoy it. Quality of shit, but with the label D & G wants to put this shit all.
7. branded goods neluchshem
Finally, there are people who understand that price does not mean quality, these people treat me admincheg muz4in.net. When a man of moderate means going to buy coffee, and faces a choice between expensive Starbucks and Chocolate, he would choose Starbucks, because it is fashionable and will go in the cold with cold coffee in a paper cup just because of the fact that the cup is drawn belozelenaya woman - the emblem this coffee shop.
Already we carried out the tests, and no one could distinguish the expensive coffee from the sleaze. So why pay more? Ah, yes ... Ponty more money until they do you have ...
There was even a funny incident when the professional tasters at the plant Pepsi, who incidentally hated Coca Cola, gave a try to blind the two beverage. And as you might imagine, it is crap your favorite Pepsi and lifted up to heaven Coca Cola.
8. It's not your choice
You - an athlete, then you should be with us, and drink Coke, extreme, the Red Bull. In cottage juice "Little House in the village» ...
Marketers social groups impose rules of conduct, rules of consumption. Why do we have to be like everyone else, even if you have heartburn from GAZ cars. We are constantly told that you have to eat and drink only what they eat and drink all the others, otherwise you're a loser and you have no place in this life under the name of the game, the second vice versa ... Or not ...
9. Choice - is not good
The basic principle of advertising choices - it's your right. You no one has the right to prohibit choose to try and enjoy the life of the consumer. You have to try everything to pay for all the products of each company and if you do not want to buy more products of famous brands, you must die. That is the reality that lies behind all the advertising banners.
Indeed, our consumer paradise - it's a living hell. I do not want to choose a wife, boots, we are looking for a run, but no. Do what is necessary, and all things plain and simple. No ... Well all want to create something new ... Why make a new wheel if we have invented it ...
10. shopping does not make you happy
There are many indications that consumer culture is associated with poor mental health, especially in children. Society for the Protection of Children has accused the advertising on the imposition of children detached from reality illusions about adulthood.
We, adults, are constantly suffering because of the fact that we have something that we, by definition, is not necessary, and marketers whispering and whispering to us that you - the loser without a huge LCD TV, free products otkusannogo apples and other vital husk ...
Marketers have to move and move the theory of "happy customers", and you're ... buy, rejoice and again become despondent, because there is something newer something better ...
Remember, you - the loser when seduced by it all.