Marketers will destroy humanity
"The process of destruction is already underway. And running he's not mad scientists, and not global climate change is to blame. And "pressed the red button" people are very peaceful profession. A former student of the economic faculty, it is highly demanded in the market specialty marketer".
How many have in the recent past, predictions were made about what will destroy our civilization. Starting from different religious causes to a global nuclear war or to break free of the secret laboratories of a terrible virus. One can think of several such "reasons" without much effort. Someone refers to these predictions with indifference, some not, but all would not mind if it happened as late as possible. However, few people think about what actually the process of destruction is already underway. And running he's not mad scientists, and not global climate change is to blame.
And "pressed the red button" people are very peaceful profession. A former student of the economic faculty, it is highly demanded in the market specialty marketer. All of a sudden, the killer of civilization may well be a marketer. I think surprised many. How did it happen? Let's see.
Let's start with what we know about this is not the oldest profession. If the ordinary representative of modern civilization, enjoying to the full its benefits, like supermarkets, fast food, television, etc. to ask this question, the answer is likely to hear that this profession is connected with some processes on the market of goods and services, advertising, studies of the views of customers, etc. And it will be far from the truth.
So what is the danger to civilization, a natural question arises.
And the danger is that these people created the consumer society, which, if the process is not stopped, will destroy our civilization. It is in favor of increasing the consumption of goods and services is not of the first necessity, we purposefully spent irreplaceable resources of the planet and kill the environment. And guilty, in fact, not representatives of big capital, who are cashing in on this, and not the governments of the States that allow it. But the real culprits are the consumers who have forgotten how to think and marketers who are thinking just know. To see a complete picture, let's dedicate some time to the analysis of scientific-technical progress, which is believed, has greatly improved our lives.
We will consider all exclusively from the point of view of an ordinary citizen, with an income of $ 5,000 per year and taking full advantage of civilization.
So – all an existing abundance on the market of the early 21st century – product developments and technologies of the mid-20th century. Since then nothing fundamentally new in our lives (as consumers) was not introduced. And the following happened.
In an effort to maximize profits and not wanting to offer anything new (for various reasons), manufacturers using able to think of marketers have found a perfectly safe method, which became the cornerstone of building the existing society of General consumption. Method is relatively simple. It consists in the fact that the manufacturer slightly (and inexpensively) modifies several non-core functions of the product, giving the change for significant improvement.
It is very easy to understand on simple examples. Men over 30 remember well those times when 2 blades in their shaving machine was considered a revolutionary solution. But now, but for only 10 years, marketers have brought the number of blades to 5. The machine itself was worth several times more expensive. But has anything changed fundamentally? Try to shave with machine with two blades – the result is the same.
And if you look somewhat different angle, counting the costs of changing blades, machine tools, creams to shave in over a year and a half, we will see that this money would be enough for a decent electric or mechanical razor that will last for many years. But how then to be with the machine tool manufacturers – they also need to release "new" every 2-3 years. And what about the poor consumers who will not have the "newest and technologically advanced" machine with 15 blades and vibrotechnologies? Which will cost 50% of their monthly earnings?
If there were a Nobel prize for marketing, it would have to give the man who invented daily sanitary pads. Sales increased in several dozen times.
The average consumer gradually wean to think and analyze. He listens to advertising and believes that all this abundance that he had to choose how to meet their needs. And few will remember that several years ago he needs, such was not. To think of needs and then come up with something to sell us to meet their is also the task of marketers.
Keep your hands clean – must be washed and not wiped with wet wipes, impregnated with who knows what. Sometimes they are definitely needed. But remember yourself how many times, too lazy to walk to the tap water, you used various "hygienic" means.
The industry of cosmetics and personal care products is one of the most fertile cornfields – because in order to get you another 10-20% extra for the same product in it enough to make changes that will not affect the product itself, and does not affect its cost — new smell.a new "more ergonomic" tube, etc. – remember, how many advertisements of such "innovations" we see. At the same time, somewhere deep down we understand that what are actually useful and help – it is much more expensive and lies in the field of medicine. But still pay for "innovation" in the smells and tubes.
If so to approach to any thing, which we use, can detect very unpleasant to our self-esteem things. For example, manufacturers of household appliances is advantageous that the technique did not serve long, otherwise you will not be buying the new model with another "patented technology". Drivers with experience have noticed that the reliability of cars produced before 2000 is much higher than modern. And the cost of spare parts and maintenance of new cars increased. Manufacturers saturate the market, is now actively earn on spare parts and consumable materials to its technology. And this despite the fact that really new technologies in the automotive industry has not appeared.
And semi-finished products, produced with cutting edge technology? Many have noticed that not all semi-finished eating our Pets. And we eat. Because it is quick and tasty. And in a beautiful package.
Do you still believe that marketers care about the consumer? Continue.
Releasing thin cigarettes with different tastes and in the beautiful new packaging marketers of tobacco companies are now killing far more women than before. Creating, through advertising, the "fashion" for various functions in our digital technology, marketers are seeking to ensure that it is serviceable mobile phone, released just a few months ago is considered "obsolete" and the user is prompted to change it to another "most fashionable". And "the last peep" in the pink box is more expensive – a very fashionable color.
It would seem that nobody makes – not want – do not buy. But it looks so simple at first glance. People who are born after the 80-ies of the last century is very difficult to objectively assess the situation – after all, forward-thinking marketers are beginning to work with potential buyers since childhood. As soon as the child becomes able to relate the picture on the TV or the magazine with the product on the store shelf – he's already the object of attention of the marketers of children's products. In order to understand how we are affected by modern technology advertising and sales, you can spend a couple simple experiments.
For a start, look at what you use in everyday life. Remember, what surrounds you, was purchased because the old thing broke down, exhausted or worn out, and that – because it was something new and wanted to try. This applies to everything – no shampoo, and mobile phone and programs in your computer. After all, producing a more "modern" programs that require more system resources, companies are pushing you to purchase more powerful computers. With your daily tasks enough equipment sample 2003-2005. And sometimes even earlier.
Another simple experiment – try it in a large supermarket to buy only 1 product. And inexpensive. How many times have you caught yourself going to the nearest supermarket for bread and milk for 10 minutes, you came out with a full cart in an hour? It is also the result of work marketers.
By the way, marketologi are different – and their "mistakes" are often very funny, if you know how to notice them. For example, the deodorant that is valid for 72 hours. Hygiene, of course, necessary. But, think about it, if 72 hours do not wash (3 nights) and thus lead an active lifestyle(as shown in advertising), the smell will appear from places where deodorant and would never apply. And no daily strip with the smell of chamomile will not save.
Common sense can protect us from additional costs of unnecessary, in fact, things and extremely unpleasant feeling that occurs when a person realizes that he just chiseled.
The purpose of this writing is not to begin to live, refusing necessary and make life easier things.
I'd like to draw readers ' attention to the fact that mindlessly getting involved in modern consumer society, we contribute to the fact that for the sake of our momentary whims of humanity wastes enormous amounts of non-renewable resources. Of course, our generation and most likely our children of this planet still is enough. But if part of those funds, effort and energy that you spend on the development and production of the next series of cars "with a new modern design" to guide the development of really new technologies, it is possible that our children could drive cars, and the oil will not need. Of course, ordinary consumers are unlikely to change quickly. But if more people would cease to regularly buy the "newest, innovative, fashionable and technologically advanced", then manufacturers will begin to think seriously about finding other ways to produce profits.
But if this is not done, it may well be that the culprit of the destruction of civilization will not be the General who gave the order to launch nuclear missiles, and the peaceful marketer, so "bolanowski" people that they just squandered all the natural resources of food and entertainment. Agree, more stupid finals for humanity is difficult to imagine.
So it may be worth sometimes to think about?
Source: /users/1077

How many have in the recent past, predictions were made about what will destroy our civilization. Starting from different religious causes to a global nuclear war or to break free of the secret laboratories of a terrible virus. One can think of several such "reasons" without much effort. Someone refers to these predictions with indifference, some not, but all would not mind if it happened as late as possible. However, few people think about what actually the process of destruction is already underway. And running he's not mad scientists, and not global climate change is to blame.
And "pressed the red button" people are very peaceful profession. A former student of the economic faculty, it is highly demanded in the market specialty marketer. All of a sudden, the killer of civilization may well be a marketer. I think surprised many. How did it happen? Let's see.
Let's start with what we know about this is not the oldest profession. If the ordinary representative of modern civilization, enjoying to the full its benefits, like supermarkets, fast food, television, etc. to ask this question, the answer is likely to hear that this profession is connected with some processes on the market of goods and services, advertising, studies of the views of customers, etc. And it will be far from the truth.
So what is the danger to civilization, a natural question arises.
And the danger is that these people created the consumer society, which, if the process is not stopped, will destroy our civilization. It is in favor of increasing the consumption of goods and services is not of the first necessity, we purposefully spent irreplaceable resources of the planet and kill the environment. And guilty, in fact, not representatives of big capital, who are cashing in on this, and not the governments of the States that allow it. But the real culprits are the consumers who have forgotten how to think and marketers who are thinking just know. To see a complete picture, let's dedicate some time to the analysis of scientific-technical progress, which is believed, has greatly improved our lives.
We will consider all exclusively from the point of view of an ordinary citizen, with an income of $ 5,000 per year and taking full advantage of civilization.
So – all an existing abundance on the market of the early 21st century – product developments and technologies of the mid-20th century. Since then nothing fundamentally new in our lives (as consumers) was not introduced. And the following happened.
In an effort to maximize profits and not wanting to offer anything new (for various reasons), manufacturers using able to think of marketers have found a perfectly safe method, which became the cornerstone of building the existing society of General consumption. Method is relatively simple. It consists in the fact that the manufacturer slightly (and inexpensively) modifies several non-core functions of the product, giving the change for significant improvement.
It is very easy to understand on simple examples. Men over 30 remember well those times when 2 blades in their shaving machine was considered a revolutionary solution. But now, but for only 10 years, marketers have brought the number of blades to 5. The machine itself was worth several times more expensive. But has anything changed fundamentally? Try to shave with machine with two blades – the result is the same.
And if you look somewhat different angle, counting the costs of changing blades, machine tools, creams to shave in over a year and a half, we will see that this money would be enough for a decent electric or mechanical razor that will last for many years. But how then to be with the machine tool manufacturers – they also need to release "new" every 2-3 years. And what about the poor consumers who will not have the "newest and technologically advanced" machine with 15 blades and vibrotechnologies? Which will cost 50% of their monthly earnings?
If there were a Nobel prize for marketing, it would have to give the man who invented daily sanitary pads. Sales increased in several dozen times.
The average consumer gradually wean to think and analyze. He listens to advertising and believes that all this abundance that he had to choose how to meet their needs. And few will remember that several years ago he needs, such was not. To think of needs and then come up with something to sell us to meet their is also the task of marketers.
Keep your hands clean – must be washed and not wiped with wet wipes, impregnated with who knows what. Sometimes they are definitely needed. But remember yourself how many times, too lazy to walk to the tap water, you used various "hygienic" means.
The industry of cosmetics and personal care products is one of the most fertile cornfields – because in order to get you another 10-20% extra for the same product in it enough to make changes that will not affect the product itself, and does not affect its cost — new smell.a new "more ergonomic" tube, etc. – remember, how many advertisements of such "innovations" we see. At the same time, somewhere deep down we understand that what are actually useful and help – it is much more expensive and lies in the field of medicine. But still pay for "innovation" in the smells and tubes.
If so to approach to any thing, which we use, can detect very unpleasant to our self-esteem things. For example, manufacturers of household appliances is advantageous that the technique did not serve long, otherwise you will not be buying the new model with another "patented technology". Drivers with experience have noticed that the reliability of cars produced before 2000 is much higher than modern. And the cost of spare parts and maintenance of new cars increased. Manufacturers saturate the market, is now actively earn on spare parts and consumable materials to its technology. And this despite the fact that really new technologies in the automotive industry has not appeared.
And semi-finished products, produced with cutting edge technology? Many have noticed that not all semi-finished eating our Pets. And we eat. Because it is quick and tasty. And in a beautiful package.
Do you still believe that marketers care about the consumer? Continue.
Releasing thin cigarettes with different tastes and in the beautiful new packaging marketers of tobacco companies are now killing far more women than before. Creating, through advertising, the "fashion" for various functions in our digital technology, marketers are seeking to ensure that it is serviceable mobile phone, released just a few months ago is considered "obsolete" and the user is prompted to change it to another "most fashionable". And "the last peep" in the pink box is more expensive – a very fashionable color.
It would seem that nobody makes – not want – do not buy. But it looks so simple at first glance. People who are born after the 80-ies of the last century is very difficult to objectively assess the situation – after all, forward-thinking marketers are beginning to work with potential buyers since childhood. As soon as the child becomes able to relate the picture on the TV or the magazine with the product on the store shelf – he's already the object of attention of the marketers of children's products. In order to understand how we are affected by modern technology advertising and sales, you can spend a couple simple experiments.
For a start, look at what you use in everyday life. Remember, what surrounds you, was purchased because the old thing broke down, exhausted or worn out, and that – because it was something new and wanted to try. This applies to everything – no shampoo, and mobile phone and programs in your computer. After all, producing a more "modern" programs that require more system resources, companies are pushing you to purchase more powerful computers. With your daily tasks enough equipment sample 2003-2005. And sometimes even earlier.
Another simple experiment – try it in a large supermarket to buy only 1 product. And inexpensive. How many times have you caught yourself going to the nearest supermarket for bread and milk for 10 minutes, you came out with a full cart in an hour? It is also the result of work marketers.
By the way, marketologi are different – and their "mistakes" are often very funny, if you know how to notice them. For example, the deodorant that is valid for 72 hours. Hygiene, of course, necessary. But, think about it, if 72 hours do not wash (3 nights) and thus lead an active lifestyle(as shown in advertising), the smell will appear from places where deodorant and would never apply. And no daily strip with the smell of chamomile will not save.
Common sense can protect us from additional costs of unnecessary, in fact, things and extremely unpleasant feeling that occurs when a person realizes that he just chiseled.
The purpose of this writing is not to begin to live, refusing necessary and make life easier things.
I'd like to draw readers ' attention to the fact that mindlessly getting involved in modern consumer society, we contribute to the fact that for the sake of our momentary whims of humanity wastes enormous amounts of non-renewable resources. Of course, our generation and most likely our children of this planet still is enough. But if part of those funds, effort and energy that you spend on the development and production of the next series of cars "with a new modern design" to guide the development of really new technologies, it is possible that our children could drive cars, and the oil will not need. Of course, ordinary consumers are unlikely to change quickly. But if more people would cease to regularly buy the "newest, innovative, fashionable and technologically advanced", then manufacturers will begin to think seriously about finding other ways to produce profits.
But if this is not done, it may well be that the culprit of the destruction of civilization will not be the General who gave the order to launch nuclear missiles, and the peaceful marketer, so "bolanowski" people that they just squandered all the natural resources of food and entertainment. Agree, more stupid finals for humanity is difficult to imagine.
So it may be worth sometimes to think about?
Source: /users/1077
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