Manufacturers of toilet paper mercilessly deceive customers, we are on their target

Do you know how toilet paper manufacturers make their money on us? It turns out there's a whole technology for selling less at a higher price. After all, toilet paper is an essential commodity that will always be bought. Therefore, few people think about such moments as the thickness of the roll and the length of the paper itself. Today's edition. "Site" I decided to reveal the marketing secrets of selling toilet paper at an inflated price. We will tell you how manufacturers manage to reduce toilet-paperleaving the thickness of the roll visually unchanged.

Peels Layers of Toilet Paper What tricks marketers use to increase sales of their product. All kinds of promotions, additional amount, bonuses and gifts. We see this every time we go to the supermarket. And it would seem that who can be surprised by the bright inscriptions “Action!”?

But manufacturers have gone even further. They realized there was a category of goods that people would buy under any circumstances. One of these products is toilet-paper.

Peels For the first time toilet paper for sanitary purposes began to be used in China in 589 AD. But rolled toilet paper appeared already in 1877. Seth Wehler began selling perforated paper in rolls in America. Two years later, rolled toilet paper began to be sold in the UK and throughout Europe.

At the time, paper was made from recycled advertising paper and was rigid. Today, the goods market is full of offers of super soft, delicate and snow-white paper. People are used to buying quality goods, even if their price is higher. And, of course, such a product is not bought in a single copy.

You probably noticed that paper is sold in packs of at least four rolls. From the point of view of the psychology of consumption, people believe that in this way they make a profitable purchase and save. In fact, in these four rolls, the length of the paper will be the same as in a single roll of a cheaper counterpart.

Visually, the thickness of one roll will be the same for all manufacturers. That is only achieved by the fact that the paper in the roll is wound loosely. Due to the looseness of the paper itself, its perforation and drawings, an additional air volume is created. And if you let out all the air and tightly compress the roll, it will be thinner.

How to protect yourself from such tricks? First, carefully read the information on the packaging. General rules and standards for providing information to the consumer require the manufacturer to indicate the length of the paper in the roll. As well as the thickness of the layer and the number of these layers in the roll. The paper may consist of one, two or three layers.

Second, by experience. Do an experiment and buy several rolls of different manufacturers. Carefully consider, conduct a study, how long each roll lasts, how many meters it contains. Then you will know which manufacturer to choose.

Today, a person is provided with a wide selection of products from different manufacturers. There is no need to be satisfied only with what is on the shelves of one store. Everyone is free to choose what suits them individually. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, because of this, manufacturers and marketers come up with new methods of luring a buyer to themselves.

We hope our information will help you make informed choices and avoid wasting money on meaningless offers and promotions. Tell us in the comments if this information was new to you or if you already knew about it.

Peels Tell me, how do you check manufacturers for good faith?


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