Legalization of medical cannabis in Ukraine: is everything so simple?

Not so long ago, a document was posted on the website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on a proposal to legalize cannabis in order to improve the health of the nation. It was about medical varieties of culture that help maintain the health of people suffering from serious diseases that require mandatory therapeutic support. Such varieties have a special formula of cannabinoids contained in the plant, you can learn more about them on the website https://semena-kannabisa.com/avtocvetushie-feminizirovannye-sorta/, the site also presents the most popular varieties of grains. It is important to note that hemp seeds in Ukraine have never been illegal, they can be bought and sold legally.
What will change after the adoption of the law
If the bill is supported by the majority, then Ukrainian entrepreneurs will be able to develop the field of growing industrial hemp for the purpose of making medicines from them. Medical professionals who support alternative therapies will offer cannabinoid treatments to their patients. In addition, a deep study of the qualities of the plant, the characteristics of its effect on the body, and medicinal properties will begin in Ukraine.
Of course, all of the above is under the strictest control. The entrepreneur will be required to obtain a license for the right to engage in this activity, as well as to allow regulatory authorities to check. If the law is not observed, the businessman faces not only the revocation of the license, but also a fine. Medicines will be prescribed only to those patients who are in dire need of them.
Medical cannabis must be grown in closed laboratories and carefully tested for its properties. It is understood that the drug manufacturer will create its own laboratory or enter into an agreement with one of the private companies. This type of activity implies a high degree of responsibility, so it is not suitable for everyone.
State control
It is important to note that the bill does not mention the possible free circulation of cannabis products, it is aimed at decriminalizing exclusively medical varieties. This type of drugs is prescription, it is planned to keep a strict record of them, to control the turnover. Patients will not be able to buy medicine for the future, it will be available to them exactly in the amount indicated by the attending physician in the prescription. Lots will be barcoded for easy drug tracking.
If we talk about the concentration of CBD (that very medicinal cannabinoid), then in the EU countries the permissible value is 0.2%. In Ukraine, the norm has not yet been established, but most likely it will be similar. Also, the creators of the bill emphasized that in case of illegal treatment, patients will not be exempted from liability. However, as well as other persons involved in the circulation of CBD-containing drugs.
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