Important! About metabolism blood proteins and hemp protein
Plant seeds of hemp contain all the essential amino acids and fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy human life. No other plant has such a set of essential amino acids in such an easily digestible form, be sure to use food cannabis seeds, because they contain amino acids and fatty acids in a perfect ratio to meet human nutritional needs.
The value of nutrients of hemp seed on human health will not be fully understood without some understanding of the biochemistry of life. Unfortunately, any attempt to understand the flow of life leads into the region of infinite complexity.
Some eminent thinkers believe life is a paradox, which should not and need not understand, but simply to live fully.
However, it is much better for the health and development of each person to pursue knowledge than to ignorance, and try to understand this complex process.
One of the two people in modern countries die from the consequences of cardiovascular disease (CVD). One in four dies from cancer. Researchers believe that the cancer flares up when the immune system is weakened. Pioneers in the field of biochemistry and nutrition of people believe that cardiovascular disease and most types of cancer and obesity are related to prolonged excessive consumption of saturated fats and refined vegetable oils, often advertised on TV that turn out nesamani fatty acids into carcinogenic killers.
And if that's not scary enough, the statistics says that the immune-deficient diseases are more and more people — more than ever before. Unfortunately, this ignorance of the human need for food and this leads the vast majority of people to a slow and painful death from these diseases, which became the hallmark of the modern "society of abundance".
There are eight amino acids which human body cannot create and two more that the body can not create in sufficient quantities, therefore they are essential for life and are called essential. If the food will be absent at least one of them, then the person will get sick and die.
These essential amino acids, along with eleven other produced by the body, in accordance with governing cellular life, genetic principle for a given RNA format, copying DNA-design, bound in structural proteins that organize the life of our body and into enzymes (globular proteins, they are enzymes), which are based on the mechanics of life.
Almost three-quarters of the solids of the body consists of proteins. The body is literally built and maintained by an infinitely complex system that just builds proteins and amino acids, all essential for life. Each amino acid consists of amino and carboxyl groups bound to the same carbon atom.
Hemp is not unique in that all the essential amino acids are in the seed. Flax seeds also contain all essential amino acids, like many other seeds in the plant world.
Is unique about the proteins of hemp is that hemp seeds contain 65% of globulin.
It is the highest in the plant world. Globulin — one of seven classes of simple proteins. Simple proteins are constructed from amino acids and contain no non-protein substances. Globulins are in cannabis seeds and animal blood. And globulins along with albumins are classified as globular BelCCI. All enzymes, antibodies, many hormones, hemoglobin and fibrinogen (the body converts fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin, a clotting agent) are of direct relevance to globular proteins. They are pivotal in the provision of life.
Albumin, globulin and fibrinogen are the three main types of plasma proteins. Plasma — the fluid part of blood that delivers nutrients to the tissues. And three types of proteins: serum albumin, the globulin which is so easy to get hold of hemp seed, whey, and fibrinogen make up about 80% of the plasma.
These plasma proteins serve as a store of rapidly available amino acids, quickly supply any tissue of the body.
Beans are albumin and globulin, but no fibrinogen. Albumin is a nutrient that fills the space between the seed embryo and seed coat in hemp seeds. The embryo draws out the albumin needs to activate its initial growth to photosynthesis. Destiny (subspecies globulin) in the embryo, their enzymes ensure the metabolic activity (the possibility of the birth of a new life).
Globulin is the third most abundant protein in the human body. More importantly, he is responsible for the natural and acquired human immunity against the invasion of other organisms. Our body uses globulin for generating antibodies that attack invading pathogens (antigens).
Globulins like gamma globulins are absolutely necessary to maintain a healthy immune system. And the fact that the content of this substance in the hemp seed, 65% can not cast a spell. They neutralize the alien microorganisms and toxins.
Globulins are divided into three classes: alpha-, beta-and gamma-globulins. Alpha and beta globulins act as transport means, United with other substances and transferring proteins from one body part to another. They carry substances needed to build new cells and replace worn out or damaged tissues.
Gamma globulins are divided into five classes of antibodies called immunoglobulins. They all are formed to combat specific invading antigens and are first line of defense of body against diseases and infections.
Immunoglobulins are produced by lymphocytes (white blood cells) — plasma cell clones located in lymph system nodes, because to get into the blood, infecting antigens normally must first go through the lymphatic system.
In the stomach food proteins investigated for amino acids. Amino acids are then absorbed by the body and they are going their own proteins, according to the needs of the present and opportunities (availability and accessibility required for each task amino acids).
The body needs essential amino acids to a certain extent, to build proteins like the globulins. Required quantity needed for the amino acids may not be present in the body at the right moment, so sometimes, even if the body has enough amino acids to prevent diseases of deficiency may be that to reflect infection immune system this volume will not suffice.
The best way to insure your body is to have enough amino acids. To the blood was a lot globulins, you need to eat foods with high protein content of the globulin, or simply hemp seed. Since the protein of hemp seeds is 65% globulin, and also includes a large quantity of albumin, hemp seeds are a good feeding blood plasma (that is, these proteins hemp seed already very similar to the corresponding proteins of human blood). Eating hemp seeds gives the body all the essential amino acids required to maintain health, and provides the necessary kinds and amounts of amino acids, the body makes them human serum albumin and globulin, efficiently strengthening the immune system.
Hemp seeds can help people suffering from diseases of immune deficiency. This conclusion is confirmed by the fact that hemp seed was used to treat failure caused by tuberculosis, a serious disease that blocks the flow and assimilation of proteins, giving the body more depleted. published
Author — Lin Osborne (Lynn Osburn)
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecoways.ru/ru/rss/articles/Vazhnoe_o_metabolizme_belkov_v_krovi.html

The value of nutrients of hemp seed on human health will not be fully understood without some understanding of the biochemistry of life. Unfortunately, any attempt to understand the flow of life leads into the region of infinite complexity.
Some eminent thinkers believe life is a paradox, which should not and need not understand, but simply to live fully.
However, it is much better for the health and development of each person to pursue knowledge than to ignorance, and try to understand this complex process.
One of the two people in modern countries die from the consequences of cardiovascular disease (CVD). One in four dies from cancer. Researchers believe that the cancer flares up when the immune system is weakened. Pioneers in the field of biochemistry and nutrition of people believe that cardiovascular disease and most types of cancer and obesity are related to prolonged excessive consumption of saturated fats and refined vegetable oils, often advertised on TV that turn out nesamani fatty acids into carcinogenic killers.
And if that's not scary enough, the statistics says that the immune-deficient diseases are more and more people — more than ever before. Unfortunately, this ignorance of the human need for food and this leads the vast majority of people to a slow and painful death from these diseases, which became the hallmark of the modern "society of abundance".
There are eight amino acids which human body cannot create and two more that the body can not create in sufficient quantities, therefore they are essential for life and are called essential. If the food will be absent at least one of them, then the person will get sick and die.
These essential amino acids, along with eleven other produced by the body, in accordance with governing cellular life, genetic principle for a given RNA format, copying DNA-design, bound in structural proteins that organize the life of our body and into enzymes (globular proteins, they are enzymes), which are based on the mechanics of life.
Almost three-quarters of the solids of the body consists of proteins. The body is literally built and maintained by an infinitely complex system that just builds proteins and amino acids, all essential for life. Each amino acid consists of amino and carboxyl groups bound to the same carbon atom.
Hemp is not unique in that all the essential amino acids are in the seed. Flax seeds also contain all essential amino acids, like many other seeds in the plant world.
Is unique about the proteins of hemp is that hemp seeds contain 65% of globulin.
It is the highest in the plant world. Globulin — one of seven classes of simple proteins. Simple proteins are constructed from amino acids and contain no non-protein substances. Globulins are in cannabis seeds and animal blood. And globulins along with albumins are classified as globular BelCCI. All enzymes, antibodies, many hormones, hemoglobin and fibrinogen (the body converts fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin, a clotting agent) are of direct relevance to globular proteins. They are pivotal in the provision of life.
Albumin, globulin and fibrinogen are the three main types of plasma proteins. Plasma — the fluid part of blood that delivers nutrients to the tissues. And three types of proteins: serum albumin, the globulin which is so easy to get hold of hemp seed, whey, and fibrinogen make up about 80% of the plasma.
These plasma proteins serve as a store of rapidly available amino acids, quickly supply any tissue of the body.
Beans are albumin and globulin, but no fibrinogen. Albumin is a nutrient that fills the space between the seed embryo and seed coat in hemp seeds. The embryo draws out the albumin needs to activate its initial growth to photosynthesis. Destiny (subspecies globulin) in the embryo, their enzymes ensure the metabolic activity (the possibility of the birth of a new life).
Globulin is the third most abundant protein in the human body. More importantly, he is responsible for the natural and acquired human immunity against the invasion of other organisms. Our body uses globulin for generating antibodies that attack invading pathogens (antigens).
Globulins like gamma globulins are absolutely necessary to maintain a healthy immune system. And the fact that the content of this substance in the hemp seed, 65% can not cast a spell. They neutralize the alien microorganisms and toxins.
Globulins are divided into three classes: alpha-, beta-and gamma-globulins. Alpha and beta globulins act as transport means, United with other substances and transferring proteins from one body part to another. They carry substances needed to build new cells and replace worn out or damaged tissues.
Gamma globulins are divided into five classes of antibodies called immunoglobulins. They all are formed to combat specific invading antigens and are first line of defense of body against diseases and infections.
Immunoglobulins are produced by lymphocytes (white blood cells) — plasma cell clones located in lymph system nodes, because to get into the blood, infecting antigens normally must first go through the lymphatic system.
In the stomach food proteins investigated for amino acids. Amino acids are then absorbed by the body and they are going their own proteins, according to the needs of the present and opportunities (availability and accessibility required for each task amino acids).
The body needs essential amino acids to a certain extent, to build proteins like the globulins. Required quantity needed for the amino acids may not be present in the body at the right moment, so sometimes, even if the body has enough amino acids to prevent diseases of deficiency may be that to reflect infection immune system this volume will not suffice.
The best way to insure your body is to have enough amino acids. To the blood was a lot globulins, you need to eat foods with high protein content of the globulin, or simply hemp seed. Since the protein of hemp seeds is 65% globulin, and also includes a large quantity of albumin, hemp seeds are a good feeding blood plasma (that is, these proteins hemp seed already very similar to the corresponding proteins of human blood). Eating hemp seeds gives the body all the essential amino acids required to maintain health, and provides the necessary kinds and amounts of amino acids, the body makes them human serum albumin and globulin, efficiently strengthening the immune system.
Hemp seeds can help people suffering from diseases of immune deficiency. This conclusion is confirmed by the fact that hemp seed was used to treat failure caused by tuberculosis, a serious disease that blocks the flow and assimilation of proteins, giving the body more depleted. published
Author — Lin Osborne (Lynn Osburn)
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecoways.ru/ru/rss/articles/Vazhnoe_o_metabolizme_belkov_v_krovi.html