Examples amazing business in Ukraine
Ukrainian Forbes magazine published a list of Ukrainians who were able to extract money and build the business of the things that at first glance seem not quite so, and profitable.
Exported iron. Not "Metinvest." Alexander Sheremet learned to take money out of the Middle Ages.
Popularity costumed medieval battles in Ukraine created a demand for old profession. A dozen blacksmiths made armor and weapons for "roleplayers" or "re-enactors". But for 30-year-old Kievan Alexander Sheremet, who calls himself "Swan Blacksmith", this category of consumers is not very interesting. "Everything is fine, but prices bite" - write about his armor in the Ukrainian Internet forums. But clients from abroad are willing to pay 389 euros for cuirass or 411 euros per Leggings. To enter the foreign market, Sheremet made the site and paid for his promotion in search engines. But his own Facebook page with photos of products and their descriptions in English was much more effective. "Today, almost all orders come through Facebook», - says Sheremet. Six years ago, he carried them out himself, now in his studio has four employees. In the year they produce up to 150 helmets, swords and shields. The average bill - 150 euros. "Compared with European prices Swann highly available, and it works much faster," - says the Austrian Andreas Shepetts involved in historical reconstructions.
Recently, for the park "Kievan Rus" Sheremet produced trebyushet - siege pusher. In the near future - to open a shop with a wide range: from armor to the "old" dishes and furniture.
Romance with a big road. Kyivlyanyn Lazorenko Alex hopes to cash in on the mediation between drivers and passengers.
Services joint trips saves on transport millions of people in Western Europe and the United States. Enter on a special website, where from and where you want to get and how many are willing to pay for it - and one of the registered users may agree to give you a lift. Site services BlaBlaCar are more than 2 million people in nine European countries. In the US, the popular service Ridejoy and Zimride. In late 2010, Alex Lazorenko opened a similar project. Since then, on the website "plantain" registered 25 000 people. Actually use the service just over 10 000. "In the countries of the former Soviet Union people are not used to separate private space and adhere to the schedule," - doubted the success of the undertaking managing partner of a business incubator Eastlabs Olga Belkova. Businessman Arkady Moreinis, invested in start-up $ 100,000, is more optimistic: "The project is growing, people use it».
Each month brings new subscribers Lazorenko 2000-3000. In the next six months it will start to charge users from 10 to 15% for each order. "People who think money and take care of nature, will certainly be our customers," - he said.
Paper people. School teacher started producing toys for adults
Dolls in Ukraine produced more than two dozen artists. For most of them handmade products from paperkleya no more than a hobby. Master one of Odessa schools Tatiana Gavrilenkov - the only one who put the production of piece goods on a stream.
Three years ago, gave Gavrilenkov owner of the Odessa plant "Stalkanat-Silurian" Vladimir Nemirovskii similar to a half-meter doll. After that, it began to constantly ask where to order the same gift: a doll - twin individual. Effective demand has surpassed all expectations. Nemirovsky gave Gavrilenkov room for a workshop at the plant. According to the businessman, he Gavrilenkova invested in the company "Magic Workshop" at $ 25 000.
In "Magic Workshop" employs 20 employees. Minimum price doll - $ 1500. Last year the company sold more than 80 of its products, generated $ 126 000. "I gave a dozen of these dolls to their friends - says Nemirovsky. - It is always an event. Attention to the present and to give more than a birthday. " Now, these portrait dolls are a banker Vadim Morokhovsky, businessman Vadim Shulman and former mayor of Odessa Edward Hurwitz.
Artemy Surin put on stream selling tours on yachts
In early May, the bay of Mykonos became a small flotilla sailing. Ten 15-meter yacht marina filled almost the whole of the Greek town. "Local residents poured into the streets and applauded us," - says Artem Surin, who organized this trip for 80 tourists from Ukraine. Through group booking week cruise in the Aegean Sea cost to each of the participants in the 1150 Euros (based on tickets). "I used to pay for a holiday 5000 euro", - says the 32-year-old Surin.
Proceeds from the August tour of the Adriatic was, according to Surin, three million hryvnia. Annual income and the expected profit he did not disclose, because it considers the project a non-profit. "We are destroying the stereotype that sailing is not available to the average person," - said the businessman.
.Estonskie Slides. Gert Noormets earns on people caught in limbo
One of the corners of the Kiev Park Partisan Glory resembles a training base for special forces agent. At a height of 10 m spread out among the pines rope bridges and rope ladders thrown over, stretched steel cables. To go through all the stages of the 200-meter route, you will need about four hours. The longest in Ukraine rope park opened in 2009, the Estonian Gert Noormets. On summer weekends Visitors line up. Over the weekend, dialed up to 400 fans of extreme sports, each of which lays 100-150 hryvnia for the thrill associated with physical activity.
Ukraine's first ropes course built for Noormetsa in 2008, the French company Petzl, which produces equipment for climbers. Equip the second entrepreneur instructed Eugene Akastelovu - a specialist in the construction of ski lifts. According Akastelova, who has since built 11 more rope parks, amusement Seiklar Park guerrilla glory remains the largest in the country.
What competitors are growing like mushrooms after rain, Noormetsa not worry. Its core business - the sale of warehouse equipment in Estonia. Noormets invested in rope rides $ 300,000 and expects to return on their investment by 2015. Last year, two parks revenues exceeded 1 million hryvnia, and the market is far from saturation. "People are going on the weekend just to light a fire and drinking beer - says Noormets. - You can spend your time much more interesting. "
Water treatments. Igor Great building pools for country houses and fountains for urban parks
Looking fresh list of Forbes, Igor Great casually remarked: "There is at least a dozen of my clients." 35-year-old co-owner of Kiev company "Empire of water" building pools for country houses and fountains. Middle order - EUR 25 000, the maximum - 125 000. Great moved to Kiev from Donetsk region in 2000. He started his career in the company of "Environmental Technologies", selling water filters. As an experiment, the young officer threw in a new direction - the sale of water treatment systems for private houses. Experiment recognized successful, and founder of the "Environmental Technologies" Sergey Nazarenko highlight this division into a separate company, which received a great 50% stake. In 2004, he began to set up the pool to its old customers.
Before the crisis in Ukraine there were more than 100 companies offering similar services. During the crisis, many of them closed. Great, too, did not come out unscathed: reduced number of staff, liquidated branch in the Crimea. "The market pools - a narrow segment of the construction market," - he explains. Therefore, the "Empire of water" is now mainly engaged in installation and upgrade of urban fountains. Fountain in Krivoy Rog cost to the customer in 2, 2 million hryvnia, one was built in the winery, seven reconstructed in Kiev. Last year brought fountains "Empire of water" more than half of the $ 1, 5 million in revenue.
Fine motor skills. The Bush brothers spent a million hryvnia for oak designers
In April last year, Oleg Lvov and Nikolai Bush stands began to produce wooden designers under the name "Toy Library." "Our products are called Ukrainian Lego», - says the 39-year-old Oleg Kupin. Of the sets, which contain from 40 to 400 parts can be assembled robot, church, castle and all that tells a fantasy.
In fact, Lego - not a competitor, but rather an ally of Lviv entrepreneurs. The Danish company is actively popularize design as a form of entertainment, and the Bush offer a simplified version of the same entertainment. Their destination - parents who want their children to have to deal not with plastic, and with natural materials. Designers "Toy Library" available from the oak. Every detail is carefully polished to protect the baby from splinters.
Partners did not disclose revenue, but they say that everything is going according to plan. Investing in the business of 1 million hryvnia, they expect to return spent by 2014 th. During the first year of the Bush established supply designers in more than 400 stores in Kiev, Lviv, Odessa and other large cities.
It does not hurt. Two young businessman fed fish by their clients. Muscovites and people of Kiev like
The cozy room with subdued light four aquarium. Client Razuvaev and lowers your feet in the water. They immediately pounced gaggle of small fish. For a while watching with interest about thirty onlookers. This effect has given rise last summer cabin FishMassage in Kiev mall Dream Town.
The creators of the project - 27-year-old Igor Ohrimenko and 26-year-old Alexander Kostromin - assembled idea in Singapore, where he meets new in 2011. Garra Rufa fish devour horny layers of the skin. After that, for younger-looking limbs taken masseur. "This is a pleasant, positive emotions, - says Kostromin - and people are willing to pay for it." Cost of services with massage - 130 hryvnia, no - 89.
Customers good peck on fish. Entrepreneurs for the year opened three cabin, two in Kiev and one in Moscow. All they have already paid off: 15 000 clients, more than $ 200,000 in revenue. In the near future Kostromina and Ohrimenko - open two more points in more remote - the development of the franchise.
King of beasts. Oleg Zubkov has created the most profitable zoo in the country
In the vicinity of the Crimean regional center Belogorsk entrepreneur Oleg Zubkov holds 56 lions and 20 tigers. Predators are the main attraction of its safari park "taigan" area of 32 hectares, which opened in April 2012. Preparations in full swing: erected two-meter rack and viewing platforms are built enclosures for elephants, giraffes and monkeys. "In the safari park can hold more than one day, there will be a hotel, a restaurant," - says the owner. He does not say how much to spend on the project, but not willing to sell it for less than $ 10 million.
Where is the money? In Yalta, the businessman there is a zoo "Fairy Tale". Every year it is visited by more than 100 000 people. Adults pay an entrance fee of 50 hryvnia, children - half. Only on the tickets last year 43-year-old Zubkov earned 7 million hryvnia. 3 million more are brought in the same cafes, shops and attractions. If you divide the revenue by the number of visits, it appears that the average visitor the country's largest reserves of Kharkiv zoo in it 18 hryvnia, whereas the Yalta - about a hundred. In the National Zoo attractions and cafes owned by tenants and Zubkov all their outlets. In 2010, six public zoos have asked President Viktor Yanukovych budgetary assistance to 122 million hryvnia. Zubkov invests in expanding its menagerie without subsidies.
Magic Wand. Former vodka sellers switched to tea. And do not regret it
Tea company "Multiprodukt" stands in retail twice or even three times more expensive packaged - 4, 5 hryvnia for one serving. For customers that are overpaid? For convenience, explains Victor Garshin, co-owner of a startup, began work in May 2010. He packages engine tea superfine aluminum sticks that doubles as a teaspoon. Teabags convenient brewing, but used often nowhere to throw bags. Stick can also mix the sugar, and then put a number on the table - stick is dry. Garshin spied idea from suppliers of imported tea and patented in Ukraine own development.
The new format was rated by the passengers trains and bustling city dwellers. Revenue "Multiprodukta" for 2011 was increased tenfold and reached 9 million hryvnia. Partners - 31-year-old Eugene Jasko, 41-year-old Valery Gerasimenko and 36-year-old Victor Garshin working together in a vodka company "Soyuz-Victan" found among the first customers of merchandise, which used to sell vodka. Since then, their customer base has expanded significantly tea under the brand Less Spoon the company "Multiprodukt" buy more than 600 restaurants and cafes of the capital, a network of filling stations "KLO" NOVUS supermarkets and some management "Ukrzaliznytsya". "It is very convenient, customers have become a lot more to buy tea. 85% of all tea sold in a network of filling stations "KLO", accounted for Less Spoon », - says the manager of the department of non-fuel sales" BT "Hope Malozemova.
At the very root. Zhytomyr company sells 12,000 artificial Christmas trees a year
Artificial Christmas trees Zhytomyr of "Smereka-plus" are very similar to live. 34-year-old director and co-owner Vladimir Yatsenko three years to achieve the maximum similarity: needles counted on a live branch, measure the distance between them. Until Jatsenko artificial Christmas trees made in Ukraine of a polymer film or fishing line. He purchased the imported equipment and established mass production of cast trees: each branch is made of liquid polyethylene, which is poured into a form. "Cast a Christmas tree from Germany to two to three times more expensive than ours and only appear on the market - said Yatsenko. - Produce of the line does not make sense - too many Chinese counterparts. "
Two-storey business. Two business women find most comfortable format excursions
Every year millions of tourists visit Kiev. Tours of the city with a history pyatnadtsativekovoy organize dozens of tour companies. Natalia Stepanova Evgeny Utkin and managed to stand out on their background. They give tours on double-decker buses - such as in London or Dublin. Guides speak in English, and tickets are valid for the whole day. Tourist can come near one sight, and then get on the bus next to each other. First of domestic travel agencies working with clients in the old way: he bought a ticket and sit wait until you mess everywhere and everyone will tell.
Only for the purchase of buses partners spent $ 200 000. The start-up capital in-law gave Natalia - the owner of the holding KM Core Evgeny Utkin (63 th place in the list of Forbes, the state - $ 172 million). He received a pledge of 70% of the company Open Kiev on condition that the money will be refunded with interest after five years. Stepanova sure that it would happen. During the eight months of 2011 on their buses rolled over 3,000 people, revenue exceeded 0, 5 million hryvnia, which allows to pay operating expenses. Ahead - new market development: next year Open Kiev plans to buy two more buses and hold similar tours in the Crimea.
At breakneck speed. Donetsk in Ukraine, the company has established production puzzles
Four years ago, a marketer Igor Bakulin came to the rescue of his friend - the programmer Eugene Miropol'skii. He bought on credit money 10,000 Rubik's Cube, and could not organize a sale. Theoretically, everything was simple: the wholesale price of this popular puzzle - $ 5 retail - $ 16. "This product should be promoted," - explained Bakulin. Partners have established supply to toy stores, organized competitions in high-speed assembly Rubik's Cube, created several online stores pay their promotion in search engines.
In the first year of the company's revenue "Smart Cube" was 380 000 hryvnia, the second - 580 000 hryvnia. 29-year-old Bakulin Miropolsky and greatly expanded the range and organized in Dnepropetrovsk production of wooden puzzles, borrowing ideas in Europe. Now their company sells 70 kinds of puzzles, 35 of them - under its own brand "troubles." Revenues for the last year - 1, 3 million hryvnia.
This is four times more than the nearest competitor - Cherkassy company "DAR", which sells Japanese and Belgian puzzles. In August Miropolsky and Bakulin received an order from Moscow for 15 000 "problems." Recently they organized in China producing copies of the Rubik's Cube under its own brand Smart Cube. This toy is 40% cheaper than the original puzzle of Rubik's.
Legs feed. As of handicrafts to create a network of personal services

Exported iron. Not "Metinvest." Alexander Sheremet learned to take money out of the Middle Ages.

Popularity costumed medieval battles in Ukraine created a demand for old profession. A dozen blacksmiths made armor and weapons for "roleplayers" or "re-enactors". But for 30-year-old Kievan Alexander Sheremet, who calls himself "Swan Blacksmith", this category of consumers is not very interesting. "Everything is fine, but prices bite" - write about his armor in the Ukrainian Internet forums. But clients from abroad are willing to pay 389 euros for cuirass or 411 euros per Leggings. To enter the foreign market, Sheremet made the site and paid for his promotion in search engines. But his own Facebook page with photos of products and their descriptions in English was much more effective. "Today, almost all orders come through Facebook», - says Sheremet. Six years ago, he carried them out himself, now in his studio has four employees. In the year they produce up to 150 helmets, swords and shields. The average bill - 150 euros. "Compared with European prices Swann highly available, and it works much faster," - says the Austrian Andreas Shepetts involved in historical reconstructions.
Recently, for the park "Kievan Rus" Sheremet produced trebyushet - siege pusher. In the near future - to open a shop with a wide range: from armor to the "old" dishes and furniture.

Romance with a big road. Kyivlyanyn Lazorenko Alex hopes to cash in on the mediation between drivers and passengers.

Services joint trips saves on transport millions of people in Western Europe and the United States. Enter on a special website, where from and where you want to get and how many are willing to pay for it - and one of the registered users may agree to give you a lift. Site services BlaBlaCar are more than 2 million people in nine European countries. In the US, the popular service Ridejoy and Zimride. In late 2010, Alex Lazorenko opened a similar project. Since then, on the website "plantain" registered 25 000 people. Actually use the service just over 10 000. "In the countries of the former Soviet Union people are not used to separate private space and adhere to the schedule," - doubted the success of the undertaking managing partner of a business incubator Eastlabs Olga Belkova. Businessman Arkady Moreinis, invested in start-up $ 100,000, is more optimistic: "The project is growing, people use it».

Each month brings new subscribers Lazorenko 2000-3000. In the next six months it will start to charge users from 10 to 15% for each order. "People who think money and take care of nature, will certainly be our customers," - he said.
Paper people. School teacher started producing toys for adults

Dolls in Ukraine produced more than two dozen artists. For most of them handmade products from paperkleya no more than a hobby. Master one of Odessa schools Tatiana Gavrilenkov - the only one who put the production of piece goods on a stream.
Three years ago, gave Gavrilenkov owner of the Odessa plant "Stalkanat-Silurian" Vladimir Nemirovskii similar to a half-meter doll. After that, it began to constantly ask where to order the same gift: a doll - twin individual. Effective demand has surpassed all expectations. Nemirovsky gave Gavrilenkov room for a workshop at the plant. According to the businessman, he Gavrilenkova invested in the company "Magic Workshop" at $ 25 000.

In "Magic Workshop" employs 20 employees. Minimum price doll - $ 1500. Last year the company sold more than 80 of its products, generated $ 126 000. "I gave a dozen of these dolls to their friends - says Nemirovsky. - It is always an event. Attention to the present and to give more than a birthday. " Now, these portrait dolls are a banker Vadim Morokhovsky, businessman Vadim Shulman and former mayor of Odessa Edward Hurwitz.
Artemy Surin put on stream selling tours on yachts

In early May, the bay of Mykonos became a small flotilla sailing. Ten 15-meter yacht marina filled almost the whole of the Greek town. "Local residents poured into the streets and applauded us," - says Artem Surin, who organized this trip for 80 tourists from Ukraine. Through group booking week cruise in the Aegean Sea cost to each of the participants in the 1150 Euros (based on tickets). "I used to pay for a holiday 5000 euro", - says the 32-year-old Surin.
Proceeds from the August tour of the Adriatic was, according to Surin, three million hryvnia. Annual income and the expected profit he did not disclose, because it considers the project a non-profit. "We are destroying the stereotype that sailing is not available to the average person," - said the businessman.

.Estonskie Slides. Gert Noormets earns on people caught in limbo

One of the corners of the Kiev Park Partisan Glory resembles a training base for special forces agent. At a height of 10 m spread out among the pines rope bridges and rope ladders thrown over, stretched steel cables. To go through all the stages of the 200-meter route, you will need about four hours. The longest in Ukraine rope park opened in 2009, the Estonian Gert Noormets. On summer weekends Visitors line up. Over the weekend, dialed up to 400 fans of extreme sports, each of which lays 100-150 hryvnia for the thrill associated with physical activity.
Ukraine's first ropes course built for Noormetsa in 2008, the French company Petzl, which produces equipment for climbers. Equip the second entrepreneur instructed Eugene Akastelovu - a specialist in the construction of ski lifts. According Akastelova, who has since built 11 more rope parks, amusement Seiklar Park guerrilla glory remains the largest in the country.

What competitors are growing like mushrooms after rain, Noormetsa not worry. Its core business - the sale of warehouse equipment in Estonia. Noormets invested in rope rides $ 300,000 and expects to return on their investment by 2015. Last year, two parks revenues exceeded 1 million hryvnia, and the market is far from saturation. "People are going on the weekend just to light a fire and drinking beer - says Noormets. - You can spend your time much more interesting. "
Water treatments. Igor Great building pools for country houses and fountains for urban parks

Looking fresh list of Forbes, Igor Great casually remarked: "There is at least a dozen of my clients." 35-year-old co-owner of Kiev company "Empire of water" building pools for country houses and fountains. Middle order - EUR 25 000, the maximum - 125 000. Great moved to Kiev from Donetsk region in 2000. He started his career in the company of "Environmental Technologies", selling water filters. As an experiment, the young officer threw in a new direction - the sale of water treatment systems for private houses. Experiment recognized successful, and founder of the "Environmental Technologies" Sergey Nazarenko highlight this division into a separate company, which received a great 50% stake. In 2004, he began to set up the pool to its old customers.

Before the crisis in Ukraine there were more than 100 companies offering similar services. During the crisis, many of them closed. Great, too, did not come out unscathed: reduced number of staff, liquidated branch in the Crimea. "The market pools - a narrow segment of the construction market," - he explains. Therefore, the "Empire of water" is now mainly engaged in installation and upgrade of urban fountains. Fountain in Krivoy Rog cost to the customer in 2, 2 million hryvnia, one was built in the winery, seven reconstructed in Kiev. Last year brought fountains "Empire of water" more than half of the $ 1, 5 million in revenue.
Fine motor skills. The Bush brothers spent a million hryvnia for oak designers

In April last year, Oleg Lvov and Nikolai Bush stands began to produce wooden designers under the name "Toy Library." "Our products are called Ukrainian Lego», - says the 39-year-old Oleg Kupin. Of the sets, which contain from 40 to 400 parts can be assembled robot, church, castle and all that tells a fantasy.
In fact, Lego - not a competitor, but rather an ally of Lviv entrepreneurs. The Danish company is actively popularize design as a form of entertainment, and the Bush offer a simplified version of the same entertainment. Their destination - parents who want their children to have to deal not with plastic, and with natural materials. Designers "Toy Library" available from the oak. Every detail is carefully polished to protect the baby from splinters.

Partners did not disclose revenue, but they say that everything is going according to plan. Investing in the business of 1 million hryvnia, they expect to return spent by 2014 th. During the first year of the Bush established supply designers in more than 400 stores in Kiev, Lviv, Odessa and other large cities.
It does not hurt. Two young businessman fed fish by their clients. Muscovites and people of Kiev like

The cozy room with subdued light four aquarium. Client Razuvaev and lowers your feet in the water. They immediately pounced gaggle of small fish. For a while watching with interest about thirty onlookers. This effect has given rise last summer cabin FishMassage in Kiev mall Dream Town.
The creators of the project - 27-year-old Igor Ohrimenko and 26-year-old Alexander Kostromin - assembled idea in Singapore, where he meets new in 2011. Garra Rufa fish devour horny layers of the skin. After that, for younger-looking limbs taken masseur. "This is a pleasant, positive emotions, - says Kostromin - and people are willing to pay for it." Cost of services with massage - 130 hryvnia, no - 89.

Customers good peck on fish. Entrepreneurs for the year opened three cabin, two in Kiev and one in Moscow. All they have already paid off: 15 000 clients, more than $ 200,000 in revenue. In the near future Kostromina and Ohrimenko - open two more points in more remote - the development of the franchise.
King of beasts. Oleg Zubkov has created the most profitable zoo in the country

In the vicinity of the Crimean regional center Belogorsk entrepreneur Oleg Zubkov holds 56 lions and 20 tigers. Predators are the main attraction of its safari park "taigan" area of 32 hectares, which opened in April 2012. Preparations in full swing: erected two-meter rack and viewing platforms are built enclosures for elephants, giraffes and monkeys. "In the safari park can hold more than one day, there will be a hotel, a restaurant," - says the owner. He does not say how much to spend on the project, but not willing to sell it for less than $ 10 million.
Where is the money? In Yalta, the businessman there is a zoo "Fairy Tale". Every year it is visited by more than 100 000 people. Adults pay an entrance fee of 50 hryvnia, children - half. Only on the tickets last year 43-year-old Zubkov earned 7 million hryvnia. 3 million more are brought in the same cafes, shops and attractions. If you divide the revenue by the number of visits, it appears that the average visitor the country's largest reserves of Kharkiv zoo in it 18 hryvnia, whereas the Yalta - about a hundred. In the National Zoo attractions and cafes owned by tenants and Zubkov all their outlets. In 2010, six public zoos have asked President Viktor Yanukovych budgetary assistance to 122 million hryvnia. Zubkov invests in expanding its menagerie without subsidies.

Magic Wand. Former vodka sellers switched to tea. And do not regret it

Tea company "Multiprodukt" stands in retail twice or even three times more expensive packaged - 4, 5 hryvnia for one serving. For customers that are overpaid? For convenience, explains Victor Garshin, co-owner of a startup, began work in May 2010. He packages engine tea superfine aluminum sticks that doubles as a teaspoon. Teabags convenient brewing, but used often nowhere to throw bags. Stick can also mix the sugar, and then put a number on the table - stick is dry. Garshin spied idea from suppliers of imported tea and patented in Ukraine own development.

The new format was rated by the passengers trains and bustling city dwellers. Revenue "Multiprodukta" for 2011 was increased tenfold and reached 9 million hryvnia. Partners - 31-year-old Eugene Jasko, 41-year-old Valery Gerasimenko and 36-year-old Victor Garshin working together in a vodka company "Soyuz-Victan" found among the first customers of merchandise, which used to sell vodka. Since then, their customer base has expanded significantly tea under the brand Less Spoon the company "Multiprodukt" buy more than 600 restaurants and cafes of the capital, a network of filling stations "KLO" NOVUS supermarkets and some management "Ukrzaliznytsya". "It is very convenient, customers have become a lot more to buy tea. 85% of all tea sold in a network of filling stations "KLO", accounted for Less Spoon », - says the manager of the department of non-fuel sales" BT "Hope Malozemova.
At the very root. Zhytomyr company sells 12,000 artificial Christmas trees a year

Artificial Christmas trees Zhytomyr of "Smereka-plus" are very similar to live. 34-year-old director and co-owner Vladimir Yatsenko three years to achieve the maximum similarity: needles counted on a live branch, measure the distance between them. Until Jatsenko artificial Christmas trees made in Ukraine of a polymer film or fishing line. He purchased the imported equipment and established mass production of cast trees: each branch is made of liquid polyethylene, which is poured into a form. "Cast a Christmas tree from Germany to two to three times more expensive than ours and only appear on the market - said Yatsenko. - Produce of the line does not make sense - too many Chinese counterparts. "

Two-storey business. Two business women find most comfortable format excursions

Every year millions of tourists visit Kiev. Tours of the city with a history pyatnadtsativekovoy organize dozens of tour companies. Natalia Stepanova Evgeny Utkin and managed to stand out on their background. They give tours on double-decker buses - such as in London or Dublin. Guides speak in English, and tickets are valid for the whole day. Tourist can come near one sight, and then get on the bus next to each other. First of domestic travel agencies working with clients in the old way: he bought a ticket and sit wait until you mess everywhere and everyone will tell.
Only for the purchase of buses partners spent $ 200 000. The start-up capital in-law gave Natalia - the owner of the holding KM Core Evgeny Utkin (63 th place in the list of Forbes, the state - $ 172 million). He received a pledge of 70% of the company Open Kiev on condition that the money will be refunded with interest after five years. Stepanova sure that it would happen. During the eight months of 2011 on their buses rolled over 3,000 people, revenue exceeded 0, 5 million hryvnia, which allows to pay operating expenses. Ahead - new market development: next year Open Kiev plans to buy two more buses and hold similar tours in the Crimea.

At breakneck speed. Donetsk in Ukraine, the company has established production puzzles

Four years ago, a marketer Igor Bakulin came to the rescue of his friend - the programmer Eugene Miropol'skii. He bought on credit money 10,000 Rubik's Cube, and could not organize a sale. Theoretically, everything was simple: the wholesale price of this popular puzzle - $ 5 retail - $ 16. "This product should be promoted," - explained Bakulin. Partners have established supply to toy stores, organized competitions in high-speed assembly Rubik's Cube, created several online stores pay their promotion in search engines.
In the first year of the company's revenue "Smart Cube" was 380 000 hryvnia, the second - 580 000 hryvnia. 29-year-old Bakulin Miropolsky and greatly expanded the range and organized in Dnepropetrovsk production of wooden puzzles, borrowing ideas in Europe. Now their company sells 70 kinds of puzzles, 35 of them - under its own brand "troubles." Revenues for the last year - 1, 3 million hryvnia.

This is four times more than the nearest competitor - Cherkassy company "DAR", which sells Japanese and Belgian puzzles. In August Miropolsky and Bakulin received an order from Moscow for 15 000 "problems." Recently they organized in China producing copies of the Rubik's Cube under its own brand Smart Cube. This toy is 40% cheaper than the original puzzle of Rubik's.
Legs feed. As of handicrafts to create a network of personal services