Roman Obolonchik: If there is some can not - start with yourself
Anatoly Golubovskii h6>
Obolonchik novel - the owner and founder of a cleaning company "Cleaning-24." Husband, father, son, brother.
novelistic, is this your first business?
No, not the first.
When did the first time there was a desire to create a business?
-When Was a student.
Where learned?
-In CHDTU - Cherkasy Reigning Tehnologіchnіy Unіversitet
-And here right from the first year saw themselves as a serious businessman?
Well, not the first, of course))
-A when the general was the first commercial experience?
Oh, it was still in school. We lived on the territory of the military unit. There were also huge gardens. We tore apples and carried them to the market. Selling buckets. This was the first earnings. More coupons were in circulation.
-It was to some extent dangerous? Could, for example, catch or just pour a belt?
Oh implications somehow not really thought about, and it is unlikely they would have been - our fathers were in serious positions in this part. Just had a passion. The whole house of military children. We had somewhere to throw out energy.
-Was it important financial component, or simply the excitement?
-Just Excitement. Financial difficulties did not have anybody. As for the time, were all better-off. And after the school began working as an assistant bartender at our local bar "Max." Then he went to study in Cherkassy. There, along with classmates selling nuts and pumpkin seeds. My father had a car. And I went through the villages, bought nuts, chopped their home and handed in Cherkassy for wholesale base. There cracking nuts technology to the core smashed into quarters. I learn how to properly chop. Once I bought three bags of seeds. I put into the basement. In the morning I bring to the base, and they are damp. Got ...
-In general, already had experience of the ups and downs
-Yes. Clearly, it was all the little things, but some experience is definitely acquired.
-When do cleaning?
-Tselenapravlenno - A year ago. In July 2014.
Why this choice?
-After The second year of university, I started working at the gas station in Zolotonosha (I was born there). He worked as a junior operator ran the machine. In the summer on a regular basis during school hours - at the weekend. The owner of the business over time, I saw in the prospect of growth, proposed to open a car wash.
How did he identified your prospect? You once stood, take the initiative?
-Proyavlyal. For example, at a gas station oil was trading for cash. The account was not conducted. I suggested record form. There were other cases.
From proposal to establish a car wash, I could not refuse. By that time, he studied at the 5th course and knew where we should start. And we did it. He financed, I found the staff, equipment, chemicals. After washing, followed by the SRT cars. Then the car shop. Then spare parts for freight cars. All this drove me. After three years, I realized that grew out of it. The town is small, I stared at the ceiling features, it was necessary to move on. I decided to go to Kiev. Two years ago he moved. A childhood friend for a long time trying to get me out, shill, they say, nothing to mope in Zolotonosha. About three years ago we had started making website. Done. The site was good
devoted -What?
-Kliningu. Then I moved to Kiev. We began to deal with the case. Together with a friend. But in the end he was gone, leaving me with the site. I stayed. A year ago, the first customers. In the first month it was three orders. Now - 5-7 per day. We have a steady monthly growth. August 17 opened the first branch - in Kharkov.
What motivates you in this business?
-What Is yours. You're all invested in this brand, raise the matter with zero. It's like a child. And I take it very seriously and scrupulously.
-On what values based your business? What do you see in it?
I do not say that it is clean and tidy. I in Kiev more than six hundred competitors. The market is oversaturated. Hard to equipment with chemistry. Their price is pegged to the euro. The total price for the service actually work is minimized. But for all the fight for the customer is important to maintain a human.
-When began working on cleaning you it was interesting, because it was for you to something new, or vice versa, you are in this extensive knowledge and understanding that will be able to build it?
-Razbiralsya I'm pretty about this - had the experience of working at the car wash - and all. Interior cleaning - there is something akin. There were vendors chemistry equipment - I had time to make friends with them for years of manual washing. We are always caught in the action, we were given good conditions. Basically, I'm a goal-oriented, so I think, would have raised any business. Although there was the beginning of the APB. Start-up capital - 5000 hryvnia. On the eve of bought an apartment, so the money is temporarily out ...
Well, and how do you raise the business from scratch in terms of Ukraine?
Off-road walking. If you ask for, it is possible to do everything. But without the initial capital investment and, of course, some areas of life will initially restrained. Previous year the family suffered. A minimum of time was devoted to her maximum - case. At first, everything had to do most - transport, evaluation and delivery.
Now there are two managers have an appraiser, manager, storekeeper in charge of procurement. The driver of the car.
How many people in the office?
-Six. Cleaner - 60-70 people. The storekeeper and driver - on rate. The rest - rate plus a percentage of orders.
-What do you motivate cleaners?
-Come Better payment terms than in other companies. Actually, thanks to this and left. It's usually people with experience from 5 to 10 years in the business, I have learned many useful things moments
-Under nothing ventured, of course, does not flow. But in Ukraine in general, the legal framework is not sharpened for the construction business. And under his "haircut." Your opinion
-It's true. State care does not spoil. No credit. No support for small businesses. There is no conflict with authority - and has the glory of God. In general, I am crying all the time and try to rely on themselves. In general, small business is not particularly spread rot - and thanks for that
-In what state Ukrainian cleaning market at the moment?
-Rynok Killed himself. Competition is a great opportunity to earn reduced to a minimum.
-Otchego such situation? Fifteen years ago this business in Ukraine was not. Not the most obvious way to make money
-Up To 2008 tiding felt confident enough here. Like most businesses. This segment was created by a large number of companies. Then times changed, a gap in which you can earn all the time narrowed, in order to keep many began to dump. At the moment, the market is still oversupplied, the terms of reference are very strict. Over the past year, four companies (this is what I know) left the market in Kiev.
-Theme however, you decide to enter this market is in such a difficult moment. And managed to establish itself in a year and are going to expand. Due to what did you manage to achieve this?
-I Think the main thing - the ability to properly consider and negotiate. Well, living each day with the business.
-How experience manipulated car wash, service stations and other things help you in establishing your company?
-Kolossalno. In fact, I'm 21 years engaged in the management - the selection of personnel, maintenance management tables of summary data.
-Otsenite that bring you more benefits as a businessman - University or experience in business management.
-Of Course, management experience. A year ago I finished "Youth Business" - a Russian project, the school business. Now they hold seminars and Ukraine. The channels to attract new customers, processing, understanding, who came from what the conversion. Courses Personnel Management ...
-So, self-development in business continues.
-Of course. Without this, no way. The universities do not teach this. And what is taught ... Honestly, I studied badly to go through a couple times - to me it was not interesting
-You have two children. I plan to give them the traditional, so to speak, to school or planning alternative teaching methods?
C on September send his son to a private kindergarten. And about the school ... I have big doubts about our education system. And medium and high. The money spent by parents on my education - a waste. In fact, everything comes and has to learn himself. Now the self-attended courses "formula for success". Three phases. Basic Course - for three days. Sixty people. The second phase - half the people. Now I have a third stage - leadership program. Seventeen people. Goal setting, its achievement, responsibility, creativity, thinking, the ability to create a team.
-It's great. But all the baggage claim should be applied in practice. Otherwise, the exhaust from such programs - a certificate on the wall. That's all. Man becomes such a "seminarozavisimost" no more.
Yeah, so, too, had to face. Man lives from the workshop to workshop. And it is necessary to move and do something for yourself. Nothing will work if you simply listen and not to use in life.
-How well do you plan to develop your company?
-Open Branch in Kharkiv. By the end of the year - Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa, Lvov.
-bounded or Ukraine?
-In The future I plan to learn Russian, can - Kazakhstan. But it is more remote. And for the next year - branches in Ukrainian millionaires. Then the rest of the regional centers
-Vseukrainskaya expansion?
-Of Course
-A further? Are you going to sell the business, or plan to stay in it?
-Prodavat Not plan. I realized therein. To develop and grow. It is interesting to observe the implementation and various tools and compare the results. Now this stage in Kharkov. Introduces.
-Zadumyvalis over, will bring to the business of their children? Explain how it works?
Well, while they are still small, not thinking. By the time they grow up, not the fact that we live in Ukraine.
-Why, then, grow your business?
-So, what I said above: to raise and sell. And leave
-Option. But perhaps if I had just finished business for sale, you will not be able to invest in his soul. So this option is not for me
What is for you the family
-Very Important part of life. Support. Caring. Understanding. Inspiration
-Zhena support in all your endeavors?
-Of course. Without the support and faith of a loved one at all difficult to create something
-Questions controversial. Motivation for different people is very different.
For someone just "oh, you do not believe me?" Can be a very serious irritant. But - to each his own
If children choose their way, far from the business, how do you treat this?
-This Is their right to choose. We were with my brother parents never imposed, than you need to do in life, where to work. Complete freedom of choice.
-What is now engaged in a brother?
IT managers in sales in the large company
-What relationship with parents?
-Excellent. With my mother - so almost every day we call up. Often we go to the parents, support, try to make it a pleasant surprise. Mom we have a very creative person.
-What involved?
-By Profession - doctor. Now actively engaged in yoga, to be exact - Train actively bikes, visiting the beauty salon.
How much to her?
-Molodets. Everyone would be so.
Because of active rest which prefer skiing, scuba diving?
-Skiing. And very seriously. Up to a point of winter sports are for me beyond - Zolotonosha was no rollers, no opportunities to do other kinds. So when a student went to the Carpathians and filled for the first time a bunch of bruises, very upset. I decided for myself "this is not mine." A year later, a call from the dean's office and the curator of the group are changed to go. That is, free of charge. I did not refuse. The group was about 30 people - by the way, was a serious experience in management is not always sober and adequate staff. Upon arrival, the youth asks the question: "Can go?". In order not to lose face I said that I can. I had to learn quickly. Since then 3-4 times a year trying to ride.
-In Beech?
-Nachinal On Dragobrat, only now in Bukovel. Although, last year, and went on Drag. I use only for its skiing. So mountains and skiing - our all. A diving - just in case. There was a slight dive up to 10 meters. For the overall development, so to speak
-There are some hobbies unsporting nature?
-Shahmaty Considered?
How did for me - yes))
-For School played on the first board and I thought that a good play. The Institute curator of our group vowed to five points on the exam to those who beat him. I played with him. I understand that I am not able to play
-Not That it was disappointed, but wanted to beat. I read the literature, tried yet ... In general, I had never won
-The most vivid childhood memory?
-Each Summer my brother and I were taken to her grandmother in Mykolayiv region. Fresh air, forests, Bashtaev freedom ... Perhaps this
-What are you most surprised wife?
-Theme That agreed)) We went to the same university. When I was in my third year, and it - on the ground, I tried to care for her. It did not take me. And four years later I arrived in Cherkasy, we accidentally met her, and somehow it happened that this time she could not refuse.
-So, the formula for success of the Roman - perseverance?
-Navernoe, Yes))
-And in business and in personal relationships?
-Yes. I think perseverance - very necessary quality. Ability to delegate responsibility. And yet - responsibility. Do not look for the guilty. If there is some can not - start with yourself.
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