Troitsk then and now
I suggest you look at the pictures of Troitsk in the USSR and today and see how it has changed over the years.
Last summer, July 1, a part of Moscow includes two new administrative districts - Trinity and Novomoskovsk, total population, including all the settlements is only 236 thousand people. The Center became the city of Novomoskovsk district of Moscow, which was founded in 2004 on the site of the village Peredeltsy. The city's name is connected with State Farm, which belonged to the executive committee of the capital. Trinity Centre AB, respectively, was the science city of Troitsk, whose history goes far XVII century. It dates back to this time, the first mention of the Trinity as a wasteland of old fiefdoms Boyar Ivan Saltykov. However, these figures are criticized, and historians still can not come to a unanimous opinion. Anyway, it is known that during the war in the Trinity village spent several days Napoleon. According to some sources, there is the emperor ordered the burning of Moscow.
Despite the long history, turning to the development of the city began 30 years of the last century. In the late 30's in the village of Red Pakhra it planned to create a geographic laboratory, but it was not completed. At the same time in 1939 in Leningrad Pavlovsk Observatory it has been transformed in the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism. During World War II the Institute was evacuated to the very structure of the geographic unfinished laboratory.
After the war it was decided not to return to Leningrad Institute, and leave it in the suburbs because of its effectiveness - was not around railways, which prevented the experiments due to electromagnetic waves, which arose from the trains. Since that momentous day Troitsk began his journey to the status of science city, which has been assigned only in 2007.
Over the next half-century in the city there was a set of institutions and research laboratories have been committed important discoveries. The oldest institution - the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation. NV Pushkov (IZMIRAN). No less important was the life troychan Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, who has long carried the status of the branch of the Institute of Atomic Energy. AND IN. Kurchatov. Moreover, until now, the following company: Institute of High Pressure Physics. LF Vereshchagin, Physics Institute. PN Lebedev Institute of Spectroscopy, Institute of Nuclear Research.
Here remembers about the city director of the theater "Pyotr Fomenko Workshop" Andrei Vorobyov, who grew up and still lives in Troitsk: "The city was inhabited by mostly members of research institutes of physics, nuclear physicists. People with characteristic culture of the profession. Users with appropriate education, with a special attitude to life, to the family. The town was extremely clean in terms of morals and human relations ».
He also emphasizes the "special creative and cultural climate" that prevailed in Troitsk: "In those gloomy days of the Brezhnev stagnation, lack of freedom and openness in the Trinity House of scientists were retrospective of films of Bergman, Tarkovsky, Fellini, in the Exhibition Hall held the exhibition of great artists. For example, within a month you could see 120 paintings by Nicholas Roerich! ».
During the 90th Troitsk it is in decline. Institutions were empty, shut down the entire office and laboratory. The past decade has seen the situation change for the better. But it remains a mystery whether the return to the Trinity special scientific spirit and, if so, whether he could settle down in the new Moscow?
Historical photos Troitsk made by various authors, including Roman Prokhorov, around the late 70s and early 80s.
Source: www.ridus.ru

Last summer, July 1, a part of Moscow includes two new administrative districts - Trinity and Novomoskovsk, total population, including all the settlements is only 236 thousand people. The Center became the city of Novomoskovsk district of Moscow, which was founded in 2004 on the site of the village Peredeltsy. The city's name is connected with State Farm, which belonged to the executive committee of the capital. Trinity Centre AB, respectively, was the science city of Troitsk, whose history goes far XVII century. It dates back to this time, the first mention of the Trinity as a wasteland of old fiefdoms Boyar Ivan Saltykov. However, these figures are criticized, and historians still can not come to a unanimous opinion. Anyway, it is known that during the war in the Trinity village spent several days Napoleon. According to some sources, there is the emperor ordered the burning of Moscow.

Despite the long history, turning to the development of the city began 30 years of the last century. In the late 30's in the village of Red Pakhra it planned to create a geographic laboratory, but it was not completed. At the same time in 1939 in Leningrad Pavlovsk Observatory it has been transformed in the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism. During World War II the Institute was evacuated to the very structure of the geographic unfinished laboratory.
After the war it was decided not to return to Leningrad Institute, and leave it in the suburbs because of its effectiveness - was not around railways, which prevented the experiments due to electromagnetic waves, which arose from the trains. Since that momentous day Troitsk began his journey to the status of science city, which has been assigned only in 2007.
Over the next half-century in the city there was a set of institutions and research laboratories have been committed important discoveries. The oldest institution - the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation. NV Pushkov (IZMIRAN). No less important was the life troychan Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, who has long carried the status of the branch of the Institute of Atomic Energy. AND IN. Kurchatov. Moreover, until now, the following company: Institute of High Pressure Physics. LF Vereshchagin, Physics Institute. PN Lebedev Institute of Spectroscopy, Institute of Nuclear Research.

Here remembers about the city director of the theater "Pyotr Fomenko Workshop" Andrei Vorobyov, who grew up and still lives in Troitsk: "The city was inhabited by mostly members of research institutes of physics, nuclear physicists. People with characteristic culture of the profession. Users with appropriate education, with a special attitude to life, to the family. The town was extremely clean in terms of morals and human relations ».
He also emphasizes the "special creative and cultural climate" that prevailed in Troitsk: "In those gloomy days of the Brezhnev stagnation, lack of freedom and openness in the Trinity House of scientists were retrospective of films of Bergman, Tarkovsky, Fellini, in the Exhibition Hall held the exhibition of great artists. For example, within a month you could see 120 paintings by Nicholas Roerich! ».

During the 90th Troitsk it is in decline. Institutions were empty, shut down the entire office and laboratory. The past decade has seen the situation change for the better. But it remains a mystery whether the return to the Trinity special scientific spirit and, if so, whether he could settle down in the new Moscow?
Historical photos Troitsk made by various authors, including Roman Prokhorov, around the late 70s and early 80s.

Source: www.ridus.ru