Problematic veins and lymphatic disorders
Problematic veins and various lymphatic disorders will help cure one of the most effective healing plants – prickly butcher. Butcher is widely used since ancient times in folk medicine for the treatment of venous problems and lymphatic disorders.

Butcher's broom grows in the forests of the entire southern Europe. This shrub has a thorny end, and it bears fruit bright red berries. The active ingredients are butcher's broom prickly concentrated in its root. Mainly, the root of butcher's broom contain specific substances – saponated, ruscogenin, generosity and so on, which have a most beneficial effect on vein – toning them and giving them. To take the prickly butcher's broom recommend that people with these symptoms:
- venous stasis;
- heaviness in the legs;
- varicose veins;
- frequent convulsions;
- swelling;
- lymphatic stagnation;
- hemorrhoids;
- painful periods;
- some symptoms of menopause.

Problematic veins encountered to date – quite common, both among people in age, and among young people, so anyone suffering from symptoms of unhealthy veins, it is recommended to take butcher's broom prickly as dietary supplements. Due to its beneficial properties, that help which is able to render this plant is much more efficient and safer than using synthetic drugs. In the treatment of prickly butcher can be found as dietary supplements in such forms of production:
- capsules;
- cream;
- tincture;
- powder;
- dry collection;
- tablets;
- the extract of the fresh plant.

To take butcher as prevention, recommend that women after 30 years, and especially those with a predisposition to venous stagnation, and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle in these women, often problematic veins. As for the method of application and dosage, the recommended daily allowance is 8 to 11 mg ruscogenins. You can prepare an infusion of dry collection of butcher's broom and take it 200 grams three times a day.
Side effects or overdose butcher's broom – it happens very rarely. Such an effect is manifested in the form of minor disorders of the stomach or mild nausea.
It is interesting to know that the root of butcher's broom is a member of famous ancient diuretic prescription, which consists of four rhizomes of medicinal plants (celery, asparagus, parsley and fennel), which also has a good effect on the veins.
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