10 paranoid theories about mind control, who have a right to life
Sometimes we want to force people to do those things that they would never in their lives did not. Therefore, the most desperate are forced to dance to their tune by force or fraud. But the most cunning people invented ways to manipulate the human mind so that the victims are not even aware that they are already on the hook. Evidence of this is scarce, and scientific to call them impossible. To operate secretly and successfully, it is necessary that this one does not know. And how many believe the US ahead of the rest in this regard. Why? And because...
For most people, the social network has become part of life, not just a tool to communicate with their friends and acquaintances. But have you ever thought about why they all of a sudden, almost out of nowhere came into our lives? And why means of mass information are actively supporting them? The social network has achieved the main thing, they assured all users of the honesty and safe. We trust them, we even conduct business negotiations, put up personal photos and secrets on public display. Now they have the opportunity to spy on us.
There are a few people who know and believe in the situation. In WeeklyWorldNews argue that talking with the "anonymous source" directly from the CIA. He revealed the organization's plans for 2012 and they collected data on the personal life of people to formulate their model of behavior and to develop on this basis the project of total domination of USA all over the world.
Brainwashing during the Korean war.
During the Korean war, American soldiers captured North Koreans, who were known for their cruelty to prisoners. They tortured them to death, killed or simply allowed to die quietly of hunger and cold. But when the Chinese took over control of the camps, they stopped the useless killing. Instead, they tried to undermine faith in capitalism and democracy. Of course torture no one was banned, but now everything was done with purpose.
After the war many were concerned that fled from captivity too many people subjected to the "Chinese wash". But the number of fugitives was exaggerated. To be honest, it was not a fugitive. Some experts argue that it was a ploy used by the Chinese. They are planted in the minds of the captives doubts about the political faith, thus forced on them all the time to think about something, but not about escape. Hence the result, there was not one escaped, and there was not even any attempt to escape.
But despite the decoys, their efforts did not go unnoticed. To this day pop-up message about using "Chinese methods of mind control on prisoners who allegedly "infect" and go to his home to undermine the country from within. Hello Guys... ;)
Johnstown – - the CIA.
In 1973 in Jonestown was a mass suicide just in time for the visit of Congressman Leo Ryan, arrived to investigate. It is stated officially that the murder was committed by the cultists, but some skeptics say that his murder was planned for something more.
Also, inquiring minds would argue that the number of corpses is extremely inaccurate, and besides, some of them were poisoned with cyanide. The injection marks were in unusual places for a person who has decided on suicide. These doubts gave rise to the assumption that the entire camp was created by the CIA to work out some techniques of mind control. In fact, the Congressman was shot dead by the US government because he knew too much.
Much impossible to explain, and we can only speculate about his involvement in this case CIA. Who if not they, will be able to clean up a mass suicide from clues and evidence of the involvement of the most influential government organizations in the United States.
Fluoride in the water.
There are many theories about fluoride poisoned water, but the fact that adequate amount of fluoride in the body causes mental disorders that suppress the will, and make any absolutely obedient, virtually turning it into a puppet. It all started with the Nazi death camps, where this method of control was used everywhere. And the secret is that we can not notice how become pawns, because the fluorine in the human body accumulate gradually and practically does not appear.
Few people know, but the US government hires scientists who strongly refute that fact through the media. The most common argument from them says that the fluoride too quickly poisons the human body, and the government needed the living, not the dead zombies.
Bad video clips.
People believe in the existence of a conspiracy of the spin doctors who create the idols of adoration for the masses of the population. They invest in the image of another star all of the qualities which, in their opinion, must have people to make them easier to control. With their light hand on the radio and music channels twist mindless singles, tells about the dissolute life and murders and tragic love in the chorus of the two words.
Experts find proof in every modern video. What is Lady Gaga and PSY. And every scene they decode in accordance with the American plan to take over the world. Even some of the movements and the lyrics attest to its ambiguity — a lot of political metaphors and overtones.
The Haitian zombie slaves.
This legend was born long before people learned how to make movies. She appeared in the days when the Bokor (Haitian sorcerer) could order the dead to do his will. Sometimes he ordered the zombies to kill people in their sleep to join the ranks of their slaves.
This legend rose from the dead", when a botanist Wade Davis discovered neurotoxic powder on one of the Islands of Haiti. This powder is active in the nervous system of man, making him a mindless obedient drone. The problem is that this drug is very toxic and kills the man.
To reproduce the exact recipe failed and Davis was a failure. All his subjects were either dead or mentally ill. Therefore, critics broke all of his experiments to smithereens.
The government's aliens.
One radically-minded website claims that the government kidnaps people from their homes at night, tortures, experiments, and then released as if nothing had happened. Due to the psychotropic drugs administered to victims of kidnapping during the experiment, they either do not remember or remember only vague images.
Why would the us government do that? Because they want we have released your anger on a non-existent aliens. They work on our subconscious mind, we unconsciously hated strangers. So the nation is produced by patriotism. All these secret zones are created only to Americans feared and were more Patriotic.
Long ago there is a theory that advertisers use 25-th frame to suggestion us naive their ideas. For example, a widely known experiment with Coca-Cola and popcorn showed a sharp jump in sales of these products. But when scientists want to re-reproduce this experiment, it showed no positive results.
The belief that the company secretly want to manipulate us, spread around the world with incredible speed. Then the society decided to solve this non-existent problem and then was offered the bills which prohibited the use of 25 fps. But we can't be sure. Who knows, maybe USA is in cahoots with advertisers?
According to one version, the entire sports infrastructure (sections, events, competitions, facilities) were created in order to bring in the lives of children for another man, which they are obliged to obey parents. Thus, the U.S. government prepares the children's minds for their future impact.
In adult life, as is seen, the sport plays a big role in the brainwashing of the American nation. Under the influence of excitement, people fly into a rage, show out its animal insides. Animals are easier to control than an educated and intelligent man. Professional trainers claim that monkeys and dolphins are the hardest to train, because the method of carrot and stick has no effect on them. They know how to reason and prioritize.
A division of people's preferences in sports, love to the different clubs, and especially their local showdown and a fight I will not even comment, because it is primitive to horror.
Intelligent programming.
Looking post-apocalyptic movie, you put yourself in the place of the main characters? That's what they sought! They want you to become more pliable, soft in the event of a global catastrophe or in case of success any other plan to seize power around the world. As always, one goal – they want to control us.
A striking example is the movie "I robot" with will Smith, where the computer decides that humanity must be protected from himself. There is still a very good film with Christian Bale in "equilibrium" where each person needs to take drugs to suppress their emotions and feelings. People who took this drug, look docile, but insensitive (as if dead). Thus, the U.S. government prepares people...
Nonsense? All the same, or is this something reasonable?
Source: /users/104
For most people, the social network has become part of life, not just a tool to communicate with their friends and acquaintances. But have you ever thought about why they all of a sudden, almost out of nowhere came into our lives? And why means of mass information are actively supporting them? The social network has achieved the main thing, they assured all users of the honesty and safe. We trust them, we even conduct business negotiations, put up personal photos and secrets on public display. Now they have the opportunity to spy on us.
There are a few people who know and believe in the situation. In WeeklyWorldNews argue that talking with the "anonymous source" directly from the CIA. He revealed the organization's plans for 2012 and they collected data on the personal life of people to formulate their model of behavior and to develop on this basis the project of total domination of USA all over the world.
Brainwashing during the Korean war.
During the Korean war, American soldiers captured North Koreans, who were known for their cruelty to prisoners. They tortured them to death, killed or simply allowed to die quietly of hunger and cold. But when the Chinese took over control of the camps, they stopped the useless killing. Instead, they tried to undermine faith in capitalism and democracy. Of course torture no one was banned, but now everything was done with purpose.
After the war many were concerned that fled from captivity too many people subjected to the "Chinese wash". But the number of fugitives was exaggerated. To be honest, it was not a fugitive. Some experts argue that it was a ploy used by the Chinese. They are planted in the minds of the captives doubts about the political faith, thus forced on them all the time to think about something, but not about escape. Hence the result, there was not one escaped, and there was not even any attempt to escape.
But despite the decoys, their efforts did not go unnoticed. To this day pop-up message about using "Chinese methods of mind control on prisoners who allegedly "infect" and go to his home to undermine the country from within. Hello Guys... ;)
Johnstown – - the CIA.
In 1973 in Jonestown was a mass suicide just in time for the visit of Congressman Leo Ryan, arrived to investigate. It is stated officially that the murder was committed by the cultists, but some skeptics say that his murder was planned for something more.
Also, inquiring minds would argue that the number of corpses is extremely inaccurate, and besides, some of them were poisoned with cyanide. The injection marks were in unusual places for a person who has decided on suicide. These doubts gave rise to the assumption that the entire camp was created by the CIA to work out some techniques of mind control. In fact, the Congressman was shot dead by the US government because he knew too much.
Much impossible to explain, and we can only speculate about his involvement in this case CIA. Who if not they, will be able to clean up a mass suicide from clues and evidence of the involvement of the most influential government organizations in the United States.
Fluoride in the water.
There are many theories about fluoride poisoned water, but the fact that adequate amount of fluoride in the body causes mental disorders that suppress the will, and make any absolutely obedient, virtually turning it into a puppet. It all started with the Nazi death camps, where this method of control was used everywhere. And the secret is that we can not notice how become pawns, because the fluorine in the human body accumulate gradually and practically does not appear.
Few people know, but the US government hires scientists who strongly refute that fact through the media. The most common argument from them says that the fluoride too quickly poisons the human body, and the government needed the living, not the dead zombies.
Bad video clips.
People believe in the existence of a conspiracy of the spin doctors who create the idols of adoration for the masses of the population. They invest in the image of another star all of the qualities which, in their opinion, must have people to make them easier to control. With their light hand on the radio and music channels twist mindless singles, tells about the dissolute life and murders and tragic love in the chorus of the two words.
Experts find proof in every modern video. What is Lady Gaga and PSY. And every scene they decode in accordance with the American plan to take over the world. Even some of the movements and the lyrics attest to its ambiguity — a lot of political metaphors and overtones.
The Haitian zombie slaves.
This legend was born long before people learned how to make movies. She appeared in the days when the Bokor (Haitian sorcerer) could order the dead to do his will. Sometimes he ordered the zombies to kill people in their sleep to join the ranks of their slaves.
This legend rose from the dead", when a botanist Wade Davis discovered neurotoxic powder on one of the Islands of Haiti. This powder is active in the nervous system of man, making him a mindless obedient drone. The problem is that this drug is very toxic and kills the man.
To reproduce the exact recipe failed and Davis was a failure. All his subjects were either dead or mentally ill. Therefore, critics broke all of his experiments to smithereens.
The government's aliens.
One radically-minded website claims that the government kidnaps people from their homes at night, tortures, experiments, and then released as if nothing had happened. Due to the psychotropic drugs administered to victims of kidnapping during the experiment, they either do not remember or remember only vague images.
Why would the us government do that? Because they want we have released your anger on a non-existent aliens. They work on our subconscious mind, we unconsciously hated strangers. So the nation is produced by patriotism. All these secret zones are created only to Americans feared and were more Patriotic.
Long ago there is a theory that advertisers use 25-th frame to suggestion us naive their ideas. For example, a widely known experiment with Coca-Cola and popcorn showed a sharp jump in sales of these products. But when scientists want to re-reproduce this experiment, it showed no positive results.
The belief that the company secretly want to manipulate us, spread around the world with incredible speed. Then the society decided to solve this non-existent problem and then was offered the bills which prohibited the use of 25 fps. But we can't be sure. Who knows, maybe USA is in cahoots with advertisers?
According to one version, the entire sports infrastructure (sections, events, competitions, facilities) were created in order to bring in the lives of children for another man, which they are obliged to obey parents. Thus, the U.S. government prepares the children's minds for their future impact.
In adult life, as is seen, the sport plays a big role in the brainwashing of the American nation. Under the influence of excitement, people fly into a rage, show out its animal insides. Animals are easier to control than an educated and intelligent man. Professional trainers claim that monkeys and dolphins are the hardest to train, because the method of carrot and stick has no effect on them. They know how to reason and prioritize.
A division of people's preferences in sports, love to the different clubs, and especially their local showdown and a fight I will not even comment, because it is primitive to horror.
Intelligent programming.
Looking post-apocalyptic movie, you put yourself in the place of the main characters? That's what they sought! They want you to become more pliable, soft in the event of a global catastrophe or in case of success any other plan to seize power around the world. As always, one goal – they want to control us.
A striking example is the movie "I robot" with will Smith, where the computer decides that humanity must be protected from himself. There is still a very good film with Christian Bale in "equilibrium" where each person needs to take drugs to suppress their emotions and feelings. People who took this drug, look docile, but insensitive (as if dead). Thus, the U.S. government prepares people...
Nonsense? All the same, or is this something reasonable?
Source: /users/104
Problematic veins and lymphatic disorders
A 19-year-old student has created a system to clean the ocean of plastic