Constitution of Uzupis

District Užupis has a special place on the map of Vilnius. By the early '90s he was considered a poor and unsafe. That all changed when in abandoned houses started to settle artists - poets, musicians, artists.
Apr. 1, 1997 residents of the area proclaimed "independent Republic of Užupis" - with its own flag, anthem, currency and even the army. Now you have and its own constitution.
Website publish words, followed by the freest people in the world.
Everyone has the right to live next to Vilnelė and Vilnelė flowing next to a man. Everyone has the right to hot water, heating in winter and a tiled roof. Everyone has the the right to die, but is not required. Everyone has the right to be wrong. Everyone has the right to be unique. Everyone has the right to love. Everyone has the right to be loved, but not necessarily. Everyone has the right to be anonymous and neznamenitym. Everyone has the right to be lazy and do nothing. < Everyone has the right to love and take care of your cat.

Everyone has the right to take care of the dog for the rest of one of them. A dog has the right to be a dog. A cat is not obliged to love its master, but in difficult times is obliged to come to his aid. Everyone has the right to forget, if he has responsibilities. Everyone has the right to question, but it's not an obligation. Everyone has the the right to be happy. Everyone has the right to be unhappy. Everyone has the right to remain silent. Everyone has the right to believe. Everyone has the the right to be aware of their insignificance or its greatness. No one has the right to commit violence. No one has the right to encroach on the eternal. Everyone has the right to understand. < /

Everyone has the right to understand nothing. Everyone has the right to any nationality. Everyone has the right to celebrate or not to celebrate his birthday. < Everyone shall remember his name. Everyone may share what he has. No one can share what they do not have. Each has the right to the brothers, sisters and parents. Everyone can be free. Everyone is responsible for their freedom. Everyone has the right to cry. Everyone has the right to be misunderstood. No one has the right to shift the blame on others. Everyone has the right to be an individual. Everyone has the right not to have no rights. Everyone has the right not to be afraid.

Užupis constitution translated into two dozen languages.
Zapovit di
does not win Does not protect Do not give up
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