Antivarikozny diet
Fifty one million fifty seven thousand five hundred ninety eight
You have inherited fragile veins? Then leafy greens, black currants, buckwheat, ginger, onions and other antivarikozny products should be in your menu. They strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood circulation in the legs.
Who started it? A diet developed by American phlebologists — specialists in the treatment of venous diseases.
The essence
Varicose veins be inherited, as the tendency to diabetes and obesity. However, how much you will suffer from this genetic "gift" depends primarily on lifestyle. If you are building a diet on the healthy foods of the blood vessels, control weight and exercise regularly, even from the weak nature of the vein are functioning smoothly.
How does the diet
Spider veins and veins appearing on the skin indicate poor circulation. If the blood stagnates in the vessels, over time, the venous walls are stretched more and become visible. Substances bioflavonoids (especially rutin) strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood circulation.
Another cause of slow blood flow in varicose veins is high blood protein fibrin. It as it envelops the veins and disrupts the normal flow of blood. Its content, has been shown in scientific studies to effectively reduce the ginger, onion and garlic.
Venous outflow may also be compromised because of frequent constipation. The blood is sealed in the vessels when the intestine is shortened, trying to get rid of the content. Flour and starchy foods cause constipation, slow down the blood flow, causing a feeling of heaviness and swelling in the legs. To stimulate the gastrointestinal tract may be rich in fiber food.
If you drink enough water and abusing salty, fatty and fried foods, the blood thickens, it increases the acidity and the content of the "bad" cholesterol. Therefore, it overloads the blood vessels and can damage them. Drinking plenty of fluids will correct the situation, the water thins the blood and helps to prevent constipation.
How it go
At each meal eat at least one product, rich in rutin (berries, green buckwheat, leafy greens), anticandida (blueberries, green tea, pineapple) and fiber (vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals, wholemeal). For lunch and dinner, prepare salad greens (spinach, arugula, cress, corn salad, chard, lettuce, mustard, radish sprouts). As seasonings actively engage with ginger, garlic and onions. If the smell and taste of onion / garlic edgy for you, try leeks and red onions.
Drink at least five to six glasses of pure still water a day. Train yourself to drink green tea with ginger and lemon instead of coffee and fizzy drinks. Together with the doctor-flebolog pick a vitamin complex. As a minimum it must contain: b vitamins (tone of the venous wall), lecithin (thins fats, improves circulation), magnesium (relaxes muscle tissue, and protects the vein from spasms), vitamin K (strengthens capillaries) and zinc (promotes skin elasticity).
On what to focus
Citrus, berries (Aronia, blackcurrant, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries), rose hips, dark green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, turnips, carrots, whole grains (especially buckwheat), green tea, pineapple, ginger, onion, garlic, water.
From what should be abandoned
Canned food, fast food, fatty cheeses, ice cream, fatty sauces, fried meat, white bread and pastries, potatoes, salted nuts and fish, alcohol and coffee (a dehydrating effect.
How many times a day should eat
Five times a day, small portions. A break between meals no more than three to four hours.
The duration and the result
If you want to keep your veins healthy, stick to this diet permanently. You will not get rid of existing spider veins and varicose veins, but will improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. That is to protect themselves from serious consequences of varicose veins (e.g. thrombosis) in the future.
Sample menu for a week
Flax cereal with natural yoghurt, slices of citrus or berries, handful of nuts
Green tea with lemon and ginger
Berry-leaf lettuce
(example: 2 handfuls of spinach, 6 celery stalks, 4 stalks of boiled asparagus, 2 large tomatoes, handful of berries, almonds or walnuts)
Soup with vegetable or meat broth with leeks, cabbage, greens
Warm salad with bean sprouts and vegetables
Banana-berry smoothies
(banana + handful of nuts + a few handfuls of berries, e.g. blueberries, blackberries, cranberries)
1-2 roasted bell peppers stuffed with brown rice, red onion, garlic, tomatoes and herbs
Oatmeal with natural yoghurt, slices of fruit or berries, handful of nuts
Hard-boiled egg on toast (wholemeal bread) two slices of baked tomato
Fresh juice
Pea soup
Mexican guacamole salad
(chopped tomatoes, celery, chili, onion, mix with the pulp of the avocado, season with olive oil, juice of lemon or lime, spices, and herbs to taste)
Fresh juice
(1/2 orange + 1/2 grapefruit)
Buckwheat with meat balls
(Turkey or chicken breast)
Vegetable salad with spinach
A sandwich with low-fat soft cheese, tomato and leafy greens
(watercress, arugula, spinach)
Jelly made from fruit or berries, green tea with ginger and lemon
Frozen yogurt with berries
Broth hips
Soup of leek
Beef steak with mashed potatoes
Vegetable salad
Orange or grapefruit
Fillet of grilled salmon tabbouleh Salad
(boil the bulgur, mix with finely chopped tomato, cucumber, green onions, parsley, season with olive oil and lemon juice to taste)
Green tea with ginger and lemon
Pineapple-ginger smoothie
(200 ml pineapple juice + mint + ginger slice, mix in a blender)
Cheesecake, low fat (150 g)
Green tea with ginger and lemon
Ravioli from whole wheat flour with seafood
Vegetable salad
Whole grain sandwich with vegetables and hummus (a paste of beans)
Boiled buckwheat with stewed shiitake mushrooms
Jelly black currant (200 g)
Green tea with ginger and lemon
Low-fat cottage cheese with buckwheat and berries
Broth hips
Soup chicken broth with egg, funchoza (pasta of bean flour) and green onions
Vegetable salad with brown rice and shredded chicken
A Cup of blueberries or other berries
Pizza from thin dough stuffed vegetables (arugula, watercress, corn) and low-fat cheese
It's Saturday.
Baked apples with berries, cinnamon and nuts
Green tea with ginger and lemon
Yogurt with handful of berries
Gazpacho soup
Roasted vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, leek), spices and herbs
The spring rolls (4-5 pieces.)
Green tea
Poached salmon with sun-dried tomatoes
Leaf lettuce
Freshly squeezed citrus juice
(1/2 orange + 1/2 grapefruit or lemon)
Omelette with slices of tomatoes, sweet peppers and arugula
Milk-berry cocktail
Baked chicken breast seasoned with lemon juice and mustard
Salad with spinach and strawberries (or oranges)
Fruit salad
(Apple, grapes, banana slices, kiwi and pineapple)
Buckwheat noodles with vegetables and tofu
Green tea
source: pokolenie-x.com
Source: /users/1077
You have inherited fragile veins? Then leafy greens, black currants, buckwheat, ginger, onions and other antivarikozny products should be in your menu. They strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood circulation in the legs.
Who started it? A diet developed by American phlebologists — specialists in the treatment of venous diseases.
The essence
Varicose veins be inherited, as the tendency to diabetes and obesity. However, how much you will suffer from this genetic "gift" depends primarily on lifestyle. If you are building a diet on the healthy foods of the blood vessels, control weight and exercise regularly, even from the weak nature of the vein are functioning smoothly.
How does the diet
Spider veins and veins appearing on the skin indicate poor circulation. If the blood stagnates in the vessels, over time, the venous walls are stretched more and become visible. Substances bioflavonoids (especially rutin) strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood circulation.
Another cause of slow blood flow in varicose veins is high blood protein fibrin. It as it envelops the veins and disrupts the normal flow of blood. Its content, has been shown in scientific studies to effectively reduce the ginger, onion and garlic.
Venous outflow may also be compromised because of frequent constipation. The blood is sealed in the vessels when the intestine is shortened, trying to get rid of the content. Flour and starchy foods cause constipation, slow down the blood flow, causing a feeling of heaviness and swelling in the legs. To stimulate the gastrointestinal tract may be rich in fiber food.
If you drink enough water and abusing salty, fatty and fried foods, the blood thickens, it increases the acidity and the content of the "bad" cholesterol. Therefore, it overloads the blood vessels and can damage them. Drinking plenty of fluids will correct the situation, the water thins the blood and helps to prevent constipation.
How it go
At each meal eat at least one product, rich in rutin (berries, green buckwheat, leafy greens), anticandida (blueberries, green tea, pineapple) and fiber (vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals, wholemeal). For lunch and dinner, prepare salad greens (spinach, arugula, cress, corn salad, chard, lettuce, mustard, radish sprouts). As seasonings actively engage with ginger, garlic and onions. If the smell and taste of onion / garlic edgy for you, try leeks and red onions.
Drink at least five to six glasses of pure still water a day. Train yourself to drink green tea with ginger and lemon instead of coffee and fizzy drinks. Together with the doctor-flebolog pick a vitamin complex. As a minimum it must contain: b vitamins (tone of the venous wall), lecithin (thins fats, improves circulation), magnesium (relaxes muscle tissue, and protects the vein from spasms), vitamin K (strengthens capillaries) and zinc (promotes skin elasticity).
On what to focus
Citrus, berries (Aronia, blackcurrant, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries), rose hips, dark green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, turnips, carrots, whole grains (especially buckwheat), green tea, pineapple, ginger, onion, garlic, water.
From what should be abandoned
Canned food, fast food, fatty cheeses, ice cream, fatty sauces, fried meat, white bread and pastries, potatoes, salted nuts and fish, alcohol and coffee (a dehydrating effect.
How many times a day should eat
Five times a day, small portions. A break between meals no more than three to four hours.
The duration and the result
If you want to keep your veins healthy, stick to this diet permanently. You will not get rid of existing spider veins and varicose veins, but will improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. That is to protect themselves from serious consequences of varicose veins (e.g. thrombosis) in the future.
Sample menu for a week
Flax cereal with natural yoghurt, slices of citrus or berries, handful of nuts
Green tea with lemon and ginger
Berry-leaf lettuce
(example: 2 handfuls of spinach, 6 celery stalks, 4 stalks of boiled asparagus, 2 large tomatoes, handful of berries, almonds or walnuts)
Soup with vegetable or meat broth with leeks, cabbage, greens
Warm salad with bean sprouts and vegetables
Banana-berry smoothies
(banana + handful of nuts + a few handfuls of berries, e.g. blueberries, blackberries, cranberries)
1-2 roasted bell peppers stuffed with brown rice, red onion, garlic, tomatoes and herbs
Oatmeal with natural yoghurt, slices of fruit or berries, handful of nuts
Hard-boiled egg on toast (wholemeal bread) two slices of baked tomato
Fresh juice
Pea soup
Mexican guacamole salad
(chopped tomatoes, celery, chili, onion, mix with the pulp of the avocado, season with olive oil, juice of lemon or lime, spices, and herbs to taste)
Fresh juice
(1/2 orange + 1/2 grapefruit)
Buckwheat with meat balls
(Turkey or chicken breast)
Vegetable salad with spinach
A sandwich with low-fat soft cheese, tomato and leafy greens
(watercress, arugula, spinach)
Jelly made from fruit or berries, green tea with ginger and lemon
Frozen yogurt with berries
Broth hips
Soup of leek
Beef steak with mashed potatoes
Vegetable salad
Orange or grapefruit
Fillet of grilled salmon tabbouleh Salad
(boil the bulgur, mix with finely chopped tomato, cucumber, green onions, parsley, season with olive oil and lemon juice to taste)
Green tea with ginger and lemon
Pineapple-ginger smoothie
(200 ml pineapple juice + mint + ginger slice, mix in a blender)
Cheesecake, low fat (150 g)
Green tea with ginger and lemon
Ravioli from whole wheat flour with seafood
Vegetable salad
Whole grain sandwich with vegetables and hummus (a paste of beans)
Boiled buckwheat with stewed shiitake mushrooms
Jelly black currant (200 g)
Green tea with ginger and lemon
Low-fat cottage cheese with buckwheat and berries
Broth hips
Soup chicken broth with egg, funchoza (pasta of bean flour) and green onions
Vegetable salad with brown rice and shredded chicken
A Cup of blueberries or other berries
Pizza from thin dough stuffed vegetables (arugula, watercress, corn) and low-fat cheese
It's Saturday.
Baked apples with berries, cinnamon and nuts
Green tea with ginger and lemon
Yogurt with handful of berries
Gazpacho soup
Roasted vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, leek), spices and herbs
The spring rolls (4-5 pieces.)
Green tea
Poached salmon with sun-dried tomatoes
Leaf lettuce
Freshly squeezed citrus juice
(1/2 orange + 1/2 grapefruit or lemon)
Omelette with slices of tomatoes, sweet peppers and arugula
Milk-berry cocktail
Baked chicken breast seasoned with lemon juice and mustard
Salad with spinach and strawberries (or oranges)
Fruit salad
(Apple, grapes, banana slices, kiwi and pineapple)
Buckwheat noodles with vegetables and tofu
Green tea
source: pokolenie-x.com
Source: /users/1077