Riot items
This problem has existed eternally in the collective unconscious of all humanity and in the individual subconscious of each of us. I remember how in my childhood when I turned off the light in my room, I impatiently waited for some time to then suddenly turn around in his bed, simultaneously turning on the light, and to surprise toys, to catch them in the moment that I have imagined and even had a strange feeling, in the moment when they come alive and begin to move. I did not know then that the same do millions of children from the very beginning of our history and that it was and remains one of the elements of the original ancient magic, which never completely overshadow the ambiguous gift of Prometheus — the fire of the mental, the mind.
The title of this article reproduces the title of an ancient Babylonian tablets, now in the British Museum, on which is written the myth of Gilgamesh. It speaks of the time when the earth after the flood there was one Gilgamesh. Like a seed thrown into the ground, he passed through great tribulation, symbolizing the first humanity that has lost its natural immortality, and subsequently put before a difficult task: again earn immortality, but this time consciously, to look back and find it in the depths of the great waters of Time, where it is hidden in the image of the magical seaweed. About the many mysterious things described in this label, including about how the antediluvian people were caught off guard "revolt of the objects" creations of their own hands, which has acquired the life and rebellious.
On the other side of the earth, on the North coast of Peru (Trujillo Department), in the ruins of Chan Chan, former capital of chima, since you can see the frieze, which also depicts the creation of human hands — things that are, having hands and feet, dance and leave their usual place...
Can objects have their own life?
Although our materialist worldview, shaped by the prejudices of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, rebels against this, we can say: Yes, you can. And not only can, but reviving them becomes inevitable from the moment when they begin to think, to desire them, from the moment when they are created by human hands.
Refer to the example of the Potter. His work can be divided into three stages:
Potter thinks, draws in his imagination, sees in the inner mirror of his mind a vessel that creates. It already represents its size, color and other properties.
Gonchar stocks up on soft clay, the Potter's wheel. A desire, a dream inspires him to put it all together and start working. The mass of clay begins to spin under his hands, gradually taking shape which, though not yet sufficiently defined, already strive for perfection.
Form is embodied in clay, reproducing what was thought about the dream, something to aspire to master.
Paints, varnishes and heat furnace complete this truly magical materialization. The power of thought, supported by sincere desire, and then the ceremony itself make work a genuine miracle.
The vase is obviously not a simple subject, an empty form, containing nothing but the substance from which it is made. It is a living being, created mentally and then extracted from the invisible world of thought by force of necessity; it is embodied in a docile and malleable matter, by its very nature amorphous, but already receiving and storing in the depths of this mental form, and its corresponding magnetism. This magnetism is transferred mental form in proportion to its embodiment in matter through the interaction of simple elements, similar to the processes occurring in the battery, which will discharge itself over time. His hands, more precisely, through the mediation of their hands, various tools and devices Gonchar passes the material form the spark of life, which will continue as long as the form itself begin to crumble and disappear completely.
Philosophy and esoteric teachings have reached a very deep understanding of the topic, thereby transcending and denying in its approach emerged in the last century helpless the division into the so-called living beings and inanimate beings, "inanimate". Modern physics and chemistry, thankfully, managed to move away from these outdated positivist stamps. Physics recognizes a certain form of life in everything that exists in the universe, everything is subject to cycles of birth and death. Chemistry as a science is not divided into organic and inorganic, it's another klassificeret that part that used to be called organic, and speaks of it as the chemistry of carbon, because that carbon prevails in all materials used by nature in its biological constructs, its architecture.
So, there is nothing dead, there is nothing that would be devoid of life in any of its manifestations. All committed to survival, to self-preservation.
To prove it we will help one very simple experiment.
If we hit a hand on the table next to insects, it will run away, saving his life. From this we conclude that it is a living being. However, if we try, applying greater force to bend the Board the same table, in our perception, still, we will see that it will provide resistance; it is also a form, albeit passive, in which the Board reveals its own self-preservation instinct. It follows that between insects and the Board, essentially, there is a big difference; they differ only in intensity and form of manifestation of life; but the spark of fire, spark of life, which strikes them, illuminates and gives meaning to matter and energy as insect and Board, that spark of life that permeates both, is a manifestation of the same source — well a certain ancient Indian philosophers Jiva-Prana (the universal principle of prana. — Ed.).
If people were able to Express a higher level of sensitivity, this would allow him to hear the crunching and breaking wood, a roaring cry of a dying animal. This world is both tragic and dramatic, and Comedy... the actors playing different roles countless times on stage, countless times to leave her, disappear to peregrimovs and appear again, already other. This process of purification is necessary for all souls, no matter what level of consciousness they may be. Nothing in reality is "created", all embodied; and what is the differences, there is only a form of that incarnation, of birth and death. Understanding and awareness of this ancient mystery will relieve us of a large share of vanity.
Can objects acquire a special, additional charge vitality?
Yes. Besides the inevitable and natural forces ogutveren, which we talked about before the subject when it is in direct, constant contact with people and even animals, gets a special, additional charge vitality: the subject personifizierte, that is, having some properties that distinguish it from all the others, turning to him, sometimes he even gets pet names and "traits", more similar to those usually attributed only to living beings refers to those creatures that are recognized and are referred to as living according to the generally accepted modern terminology.
In addition, if the subject focuses the attention of many people, this gives him the ability to respond to certain influences. This reaction is sometimes manifested outwardly as parapsychological phenomena. This happens with many shrines of any religion. The devotion of the faithful, hymns and prayers "charged" object, making it "miraculous". This explains why many parish priests refuse to change the old, dilapidated Church imagery and icons, pierced by beetles to a new, more beautiful appearance.
Ancient religions associated with the sacraments, the Mysteries, knew and used this amazing chain of natural events. For example, when in Ancient Egypt do solemnly laid the Church his place was determined in a special way — in accordance with a certain part of the sky; all the parts of the building — from Foundation to column capitals, carefully and lovingly polished, was installed and consecrated in a special, astrologically installed highlights; all the stones were taken from strictly defined places, and the building of the temple was not a simple set of processes; it has become a real ceremony of labor, challenging and very effective. The most important statues and panels, as well as ritual objects was obsessis directly: during ceremonies they settled one of the nature spirits, invisible beings, called by modern occultists elementals; he had to answer the calls and prayers said during the ceremony. So to the ordinary charge, which the believers passed the statue, was added to the cosmic and telluric energy currents, the influence of the heavenly bodies and the natural magnetism of rocks.
Such objects of religious cults used dedicated to the sacraments by the priests, worked miracles: he healed, he encouraged the gods to those manifested in the forms, visible to all, did, and more.
Some of these ancient statues continue to be charged that Intuit tourists, visiting the museums and ruins of temples. People feel like they are caught off guard, and keep a respectful silence. Some even start to fear and may subsequently become victims of their own fears and obsessions. All the negative phenomena occurring with them later, they attribute the alleged effects of pre-imposed curse, which is actually normal sign of warning, like the signs that are now put on the high-voltage lines.
Over time, statues lose such a charge, retaining only its natural properties.
Is there a possibility of riot items?
To answer this question, we need to extend the concept of objects to include here everything that is made by man, and all the consequences of the use of these items. Among such consequences come to mind the sad example of the physical and psychological intrusion, which we are all exposed.
Improper use of the items, giving them too much importance, idolatry and social distortion arising from this, as well as these psychological abnormalities that result in the rebellion of things, when, instead of to serve man, they out of the submission and appeal against it.
It is this danger that threatens our civilization and come down to the fact that her children use a calculator to add two and two; civilization, where the real adventure is replaced by the view of illusion offered by television box that settled in each family, and the choice of a flat or house paid more attention to the place where you will install the machine for opening cans, than the fact, where you could hang a painting or place a sculpture; civilization, where people are dumb, listening ceaselessly to the same vulgar but fashion to a song without making the slightest effort to choose the music that you really want to listen.
But still a terrible problem of rebellion of the subjects is not associated with some form of black magic, descended from the unknown corner of the sky, and with the loss of a man of his inner freedom, fanaticism, ignorance, atavistic fear, with human frailties, mental weakness and emptiness.
It's a terrible problem of humanity, stretching to drugs, assigns and greed caressing her wet hands any object. Thus, it not only imposes on the subject an unnatural mode of existence, but due to lack of own will and even provoke it, causing the most terrible effects that remains in the human mind as a terrible nightmare; and it is not surprising that eventually the object itself, the machine itself turns against its owner.
And then what we call evil fate, becomes the main factor on which is based the relationship between man and object, and what is more important in this relationship one becomes a victim of the response items.
The will of man, retarded and enslaved by a false desire for comfort, turns him into a slave that would serve him, but the man himself does not dare neither to change their habits, nor to destroy their stereotypes and customs, which, in turn, only the dregs of the old obsolete time.
To overcome these, and any other rebellion of things, man must first possess itself, by awakening the will, leading a healthy lifestyle away from vices, avoiding any form of politicking and racism, not succumbing to the pressure of ugly and coarse, not recognizing the cult of the barbaric violence that fills our streets today.
Human society that has no true ruler and not conscious of their life purpose, gives rise to the same people and the same people — without a ruler and destiny. And as will gradually awaken a genuine desire and will to new individual and collective order, the danger of revolt of the objects will decrease until it disappears entirely.
And God forbid that the people and the gods of fate wanted to bring this day closer.
Author Jorge Angel Livraga
Source: /users/1077

The title of this article reproduces the title of an ancient Babylonian tablets, now in the British Museum, on which is written the myth of Gilgamesh. It speaks of the time when the earth after the flood there was one Gilgamesh. Like a seed thrown into the ground, he passed through great tribulation, symbolizing the first humanity that has lost its natural immortality, and subsequently put before a difficult task: again earn immortality, but this time consciously, to look back and find it in the depths of the great waters of Time, where it is hidden in the image of the magical seaweed. About the many mysterious things described in this label, including about how the antediluvian people were caught off guard "revolt of the objects" creations of their own hands, which has acquired the life and rebellious.
On the other side of the earth, on the North coast of Peru (Trujillo Department), in the ruins of Chan Chan, former capital of chima, since you can see the frieze, which also depicts the creation of human hands — things that are, having hands and feet, dance and leave their usual place...
Can objects have their own life?
Although our materialist worldview, shaped by the prejudices of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, rebels against this, we can say: Yes, you can. And not only can, but reviving them becomes inevitable from the moment when they begin to think, to desire them, from the moment when they are created by human hands.
Refer to the example of the Potter. His work can be divided into three stages:
Potter thinks, draws in his imagination, sees in the inner mirror of his mind a vessel that creates. It already represents its size, color and other properties.
Gonchar stocks up on soft clay, the Potter's wheel. A desire, a dream inspires him to put it all together and start working. The mass of clay begins to spin under his hands, gradually taking shape which, though not yet sufficiently defined, already strive for perfection.
Form is embodied in clay, reproducing what was thought about the dream, something to aspire to master.
Paints, varnishes and heat furnace complete this truly magical materialization. The power of thought, supported by sincere desire, and then the ceremony itself make work a genuine miracle.
The vase is obviously not a simple subject, an empty form, containing nothing but the substance from which it is made. It is a living being, created mentally and then extracted from the invisible world of thought by force of necessity; it is embodied in a docile and malleable matter, by its very nature amorphous, but already receiving and storing in the depths of this mental form, and its corresponding magnetism. This magnetism is transferred mental form in proportion to its embodiment in matter through the interaction of simple elements, similar to the processes occurring in the battery, which will discharge itself over time. His hands, more precisely, through the mediation of their hands, various tools and devices Gonchar passes the material form the spark of life, which will continue as long as the form itself begin to crumble and disappear completely.
Philosophy and esoteric teachings have reached a very deep understanding of the topic, thereby transcending and denying in its approach emerged in the last century helpless the division into the so-called living beings and inanimate beings, "inanimate". Modern physics and chemistry, thankfully, managed to move away from these outdated positivist stamps. Physics recognizes a certain form of life in everything that exists in the universe, everything is subject to cycles of birth and death. Chemistry as a science is not divided into organic and inorganic, it's another klassificeret that part that used to be called organic, and speaks of it as the chemistry of carbon, because that carbon prevails in all materials used by nature in its biological constructs, its architecture.
So, there is nothing dead, there is nothing that would be devoid of life in any of its manifestations. All committed to survival, to self-preservation.
To prove it we will help one very simple experiment.
If we hit a hand on the table next to insects, it will run away, saving his life. From this we conclude that it is a living being. However, if we try, applying greater force to bend the Board the same table, in our perception, still, we will see that it will provide resistance; it is also a form, albeit passive, in which the Board reveals its own self-preservation instinct. It follows that between insects and the Board, essentially, there is a big difference; they differ only in intensity and form of manifestation of life; but the spark of fire, spark of life, which strikes them, illuminates and gives meaning to matter and energy as insect and Board, that spark of life that permeates both, is a manifestation of the same source — well a certain ancient Indian philosophers Jiva-Prana (the universal principle of prana. — Ed.).
If people were able to Express a higher level of sensitivity, this would allow him to hear the crunching and breaking wood, a roaring cry of a dying animal. This world is both tragic and dramatic, and Comedy... the actors playing different roles countless times on stage, countless times to leave her, disappear to peregrimovs and appear again, already other. This process of purification is necessary for all souls, no matter what level of consciousness they may be. Nothing in reality is "created", all embodied; and what is the differences, there is only a form of that incarnation, of birth and death. Understanding and awareness of this ancient mystery will relieve us of a large share of vanity.
Can objects acquire a special, additional charge vitality?
Yes. Besides the inevitable and natural forces ogutveren, which we talked about before the subject when it is in direct, constant contact with people and even animals, gets a special, additional charge vitality: the subject personifizierte, that is, having some properties that distinguish it from all the others, turning to him, sometimes he even gets pet names and "traits", more similar to those usually attributed only to living beings refers to those creatures that are recognized and are referred to as living according to the generally accepted modern terminology.
In addition, if the subject focuses the attention of many people, this gives him the ability to respond to certain influences. This reaction is sometimes manifested outwardly as parapsychological phenomena. This happens with many shrines of any religion. The devotion of the faithful, hymns and prayers "charged" object, making it "miraculous". This explains why many parish priests refuse to change the old, dilapidated Church imagery and icons, pierced by beetles to a new, more beautiful appearance.
Ancient religions associated with the sacraments, the Mysteries, knew and used this amazing chain of natural events. For example, when in Ancient Egypt do solemnly laid the Church his place was determined in a special way — in accordance with a certain part of the sky; all the parts of the building — from Foundation to column capitals, carefully and lovingly polished, was installed and consecrated in a special, astrologically installed highlights; all the stones were taken from strictly defined places, and the building of the temple was not a simple set of processes; it has become a real ceremony of labor, challenging and very effective. The most important statues and panels, as well as ritual objects was obsessis directly: during ceremonies they settled one of the nature spirits, invisible beings, called by modern occultists elementals; he had to answer the calls and prayers said during the ceremony. So to the ordinary charge, which the believers passed the statue, was added to the cosmic and telluric energy currents, the influence of the heavenly bodies and the natural magnetism of rocks.
Such objects of religious cults used dedicated to the sacraments by the priests, worked miracles: he healed, he encouraged the gods to those manifested in the forms, visible to all, did, and more.
Some of these ancient statues continue to be charged that Intuit tourists, visiting the museums and ruins of temples. People feel like they are caught off guard, and keep a respectful silence. Some even start to fear and may subsequently become victims of their own fears and obsessions. All the negative phenomena occurring with them later, they attribute the alleged effects of pre-imposed curse, which is actually normal sign of warning, like the signs that are now put on the high-voltage lines.
Over time, statues lose such a charge, retaining only its natural properties.
Is there a possibility of riot items?
To answer this question, we need to extend the concept of objects to include here everything that is made by man, and all the consequences of the use of these items. Among such consequences come to mind the sad example of the physical and psychological intrusion, which we are all exposed.
Improper use of the items, giving them too much importance, idolatry and social distortion arising from this, as well as these psychological abnormalities that result in the rebellion of things, when, instead of to serve man, they out of the submission and appeal against it.
It is this danger that threatens our civilization and come down to the fact that her children use a calculator to add two and two; civilization, where the real adventure is replaced by the view of illusion offered by television box that settled in each family, and the choice of a flat or house paid more attention to the place where you will install the machine for opening cans, than the fact, where you could hang a painting or place a sculpture; civilization, where people are dumb, listening ceaselessly to the same vulgar but fashion to a song without making the slightest effort to choose the music that you really want to listen.
But still a terrible problem of rebellion of the subjects is not associated with some form of black magic, descended from the unknown corner of the sky, and with the loss of a man of his inner freedom, fanaticism, ignorance, atavistic fear, with human frailties, mental weakness and emptiness.
It's a terrible problem of humanity, stretching to drugs, assigns and greed caressing her wet hands any object. Thus, it not only imposes on the subject an unnatural mode of existence, but due to lack of own will and even provoke it, causing the most terrible effects that remains in the human mind as a terrible nightmare; and it is not surprising that eventually the object itself, the machine itself turns against its owner.
And then what we call evil fate, becomes the main factor on which is based the relationship between man and object, and what is more important in this relationship one becomes a victim of the response items.
The will of man, retarded and enslaved by a false desire for comfort, turns him into a slave that would serve him, but the man himself does not dare neither to change their habits, nor to destroy their stereotypes and customs, which, in turn, only the dregs of the old obsolete time.
To overcome these, and any other rebellion of things, man must first possess itself, by awakening the will, leading a healthy lifestyle away from vices, avoiding any form of politicking and racism, not succumbing to the pressure of ugly and coarse, not recognizing the cult of the barbaric violence that fills our streets today.
Human society that has no true ruler and not conscious of their life purpose, gives rise to the same people and the same people — without a ruler and destiny. And as will gradually awaken a genuine desire and will to new individual and collective order, the danger of revolt of the objects will decrease until it disappears entirely.
And God forbid that the people and the gods of fate wanted to bring this day closer.
Author Jorge Angel Livraga
Source: /users/1077