Salad with shrimp, grapefruit and mint dressing

large shrimp — 10 pieces
bunch of your favorite salad
Dor blue cheese — 60 grams
grapefruit — 1 PC.
a small piece of ginger root
tablespoon lemon juice
mint leaves
olive oil — 3 tbsp
To prepare shrimp: boil them and clean.
Finely chop the ginger, fry it with the shrimp in a little olive oil until Golden brown. Leave to cool.
For the filling in a blender leaves small bunch mint 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and salt. The leaves should be very much crushed.
Rinse and dry the salad, put it on a plate. Pour half of the filling. Then put the chilled shrimp, cleaned from the film grapefruit segments and diced cheese. Pour the remaining dressing.
Source: /users/1077