A simple procedure for the prevention of varicose veins
Self-massage for prevention of varicose veins
Self-massage stimulates blood flow in the fingers, feet, knee, and ankle joints of the legs and muscles of the lumbar spine. It is an effective method of prevention of varicose veins, diseases of the joints and feet.
Everyone should know that the foot and toes of each foot is lowered a powerful artery, and ascends to the heart of the same vein. Connect these blood tubes capillaries — many subtle tube, through which the red blood cells can only move one after another.
In poor patency of blood through the capillaries of the fingers and soles of the feet (injury, long standing on feet, hard physical work, etc.) blood in a small amount of effort moves from the arteries to the veins.
In this case the right atrium (this is a pump suction blood from the veins to the heart) can not overcome the force of the vacuum formed in the veins due to low blood flow through the capillaries of the fingers and feet.
The blood is delayed, gradually accumulates in the veins, it expands the walls and increases their length.So there is varicose veins. In this position of the heart, to ensure the functioning of the body, drains blood from other veins, in which it passes more freely through the capillaries. If the body will be impenetrable capillaries of other organs, the heart will stop due to lack of venous blood. Therefore, this exercise should be done daily.
1. Sit on the sofa, bed or chair.
2. The left leg bend at the knee and outer side of lower leg lay on the knee of the right leg. Palms of both hands grasp the foot and do straight alternate stroking of the sole and top of the foot from the toes to the back surface of the heel (on the sole) and to ankle (back foot). When the left hand ends up stroking the back side of the foot, the right starts stroking of the sole.
3. Left hand lock foot in the ankle. Fingers of the right hand grasp the big toe of the left foot so that the pads of the index and middle finger from below into the plantar side and a large pillow – top. Do rotational and/or linear movement from the tip of the big toe to its base. In the same way, make a rubbing of the other toes. Perform active and passive (right hand) finger movements – flexion and extension, rotation.
4. In the same position with the right hand make a straight line stroking the soles from the toes to the heel, then comb fist straight rubbing in the same direction and complement its spiral rubbing the soles of the back surfaces of the middle phalanges of the bent fingers of the right hand.
5. Without changing the position of the feet, hugging the bottom heel of the left foot so that the thumb of the right hand was on the inner surface of the heel, and the other four – on the outer. Follow sepaarate stroking the outer, inner and rear surfaces of the heel. While the thumb and other four as if eager to meet each other and unite on the posterior surface of the calcaneus. Without moving the fingers of the right hands make straight rubbing his left heel. To do this, alternating four fingers, with the thumb of the right hand RUB the bottom of the heel to the metatarsal tuberosity (located at the back of the heel). Then just alternately four fingers, performing a rotational motion in the direction of the little finger, the thumb, moving clockwise, twist the spiral rubbing the heel.
6.Now the Palmar surface of the fingers of the right hand follow sepaarate stroking the Achilles tendon, and then with fingers of the same hand – wipeabate straight and spiral rubbing the tendon. In the process sepaarate rubbing Achilles tendon massaged simultaneously from both sides, in a spiral with the outer side (four fingers), with the inner (thumb).
7. Palm of his right hand (four fingers on the outer side of the foot, greater on the inside) follow these straightforward stroking of the back region of the foot.
8. Fingertips of the left hand make a straight, then spiral rubbing Milosevich periods of the foot in the direction from the base of the toes to the ankle joint.
9. Tightly and taking a few squeezing the foot with both hands (thumbs on the back surface, the other on the sole), alternating hand movements up and down make the kneading feet.
10. Palms of both hands placed across the lower leg, grasp the ankle. Perform the concentric (circular) stroking of the joint.
11. Placing the thumbs of both hands on the anterior surface of the tibia (5-7 inches above the ankles), and the pads of four fingers close together, both hands on the front surface of the joint (along the joint slit), at the same time making the pads of four fingers straight or spiral movement from top to bottom and from bottom to top, make a rubbing of the ankle joint.
12. Now put your right foot on the floor and resting on her left knee, do the active and passive flexion, extension, turns the feet outward and inward, and rotation of the foot in the joint in both directions.
13. Complete the self-massage of the foot, Achilles tendon and ankle stroking. Then clasp your both hands left foot at the ankle. Slowly, his hands slipping both hands along the leg to the pelvis, perform a General stroking of the leg and thigh.
14. In a similar way, changing only the starting position, with the other hand perform a self-massage of the foot, Achilles tendon and ankle of the right leg.
In the evening take a warm bath for the feet. Do not wear tight shoes, to avoid stagnation of blood in the veins and she easily entered the heart. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_6178
Self-massage stimulates blood flow in the fingers, feet, knee, and ankle joints of the legs and muscles of the lumbar spine. It is an effective method of prevention of varicose veins, diseases of the joints and feet.
Everyone should know that the foot and toes of each foot is lowered a powerful artery, and ascends to the heart of the same vein. Connect these blood tubes capillaries — many subtle tube, through which the red blood cells can only move one after another.

In poor patency of blood through the capillaries of the fingers and soles of the feet (injury, long standing on feet, hard physical work, etc.) blood in a small amount of effort moves from the arteries to the veins.
In this case the right atrium (this is a pump suction blood from the veins to the heart) can not overcome the force of the vacuum formed in the veins due to low blood flow through the capillaries of the fingers and feet.
The blood is delayed, gradually accumulates in the veins, it expands the walls and increases their length.So there is varicose veins. In this position of the heart, to ensure the functioning of the body, drains blood from other veins, in which it passes more freely through the capillaries. If the body will be impenetrable capillaries of other organs, the heart will stop due to lack of venous blood. Therefore, this exercise should be done daily.
1. Sit on the sofa, bed or chair.
2. The left leg bend at the knee and outer side of lower leg lay on the knee of the right leg. Palms of both hands grasp the foot and do straight alternate stroking of the sole and top of the foot from the toes to the back surface of the heel (on the sole) and to ankle (back foot). When the left hand ends up stroking the back side of the foot, the right starts stroking of the sole.

3. Left hand lock foot in the ankle. Fingers of the right hand grasp the big toe of the left foot so that the pads of the index and middle finger from below into the plantar side and a large pillow – top. Do rotational and/or linear movement from the tip of the big toe to its base. In the same way, make a rubbing of the other toes. Perform active and passive (right hand) finger movements – flexion and extension, rotation.

4. In the same position with the right hand make a straight line stroking the soles from the toes to the heel, then comb fist straight rubbing in the same direction and complement its spiral rubbing the soles of the back surfaces of the middle phalanges of the bent fingers of the right hand.

5. Without changing the position of the feet, hugging the bottom heel of the left foot so that the thumb of the right hand was on the inner surface of the heel, and the other four – on the outer. Follow sepaarate stroking the outer, inner and rear surfaces of the heel. While the thumb and other four as if eager to meet each other and unite on the posterior surface of the calcaneus. Without moving the fingers of the right hands make straight rubbing his left heel. To do this, alternating four fingers, with the thumb of the right hand RUB the bottom of the heel to the metatarsal tuberosity (located at the back of the heel). Then just alternately four fingers, performing a rotational motion in the direction of the little finger, the thumb, moving clockwise, twist the spiral rubbing the heel.

6.Now the Palmar surface of the fingers of the right hand follow sepaarate stroking the Achilles tendon, and then with fingers of the same hand – wipeabate straight and spiral rubbing the tendon. In the process sepaarate rubbing Achilles tendon massaged simultaneously from both sides, in a spiral with the outer side (four fingers), with the inner (thumb).
7. Palm of his right hand (four fingers on the outer side of the foot, greater on the inside) follow these straightforward stroking of the back region of the foot.
8. Fingertips of the left hand make a straight, then spiral rubbing Milosevich periods of the foot in the direction from the base of the toes to the ankle joint.

9. Tightly and taking a few squeezing the foot with both hands (thumbs on the back surface, the other on the sole), alternating hand movements up and down make the kneading feet.
10. Palms of both hands placed across the lower leg, grasp the ankle. Perform the concentric (circular) stroking of the joint.
11. Placing the thumbs of both hands on the anterior surface of the tibia (5-7 inches above the ankles), and the pads of four fingers close together, both hands on the front surface of the joint (along the joint slit), at the same time making the pads of four fingers straight or spiral movement from top to bottom and from bottom to top, make a rubbing of the ankle joint.
12. Now put your right foot on the floor and resting on her left knee, do the active and passive flexion, extension, turns the feet outward and inward, and rotation of the foot in the joint in both directions.

13. Complete the self-massage of the foot, Achilles tendon and ankle stroking. Then clasp your both hands left foot at the ankle. Slowly, his hands slipping both hands along the leg to the pelvis, perform a General stroking of the leg and thigh.

14. In a similar way, changing only the starting position, with the other hand perform a self-massage of the foot, Achilles tendon and ankle of the right leg.
In the evening take a warm bath for the feet. Do not wear tight shoes, to avoid stagnation of blood in the veins and she easily entered the heart. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_6178
Harvest time: old age need not be afraid, it is necessary to prepare!
Simple procedure for the prevention of varicose veins