How to get rid of athlete's foot
Our people there is one rather strange, from my point of view, the rule is to make visitors people to remove their shoes. Judge: you came in the cultural society, wearing on this occasion an expensive-looking suit, kicked the brand-new shoes, and you in return give the old, well-worn life Slippers!
Yes God with them, with Slippers, because the process of changing shoes at the hotel quite often accompanied by a far more unpleasant consequence — the proliferation of foot odor, is very far from fine fragrances the house of Chanel. There is, of course, the opinion that real men must be "fierce, smelly and hairy", but only share his "favorites", so the issue of the unpleasant smell of the feet is very, very relevant. What can be done to ensure that guests did not need to rush to the bathroom, without even having to say hi to the owners? This will help us to understand the doctor-the dermatologist Hops Evgeny Valeryevich, Feodosia.
Area of excessive sweating the fact that the foot is the area of excessive sweating. It is known that the foot placed thousands of sweat glands that produce about 200 ml of sweat a day. However, the faceted glass! And if the person leads an active lifestyle, prolonged time on the feet (divisions of police and soldiers, who all day shod in boots), interested in sports, legs, respectively, are sweating even more. Sweat, of course, not only the legs but the whole body.
This condition, according to our consultant, is called hyperhidrosis. In this article we will focus on hyperhidrosis of the feet when they are not only sweat, and foot skin changes color from bodily to cyanotic (acrocyanosis), and even softens the Horny layer of the skin. As noted by Evgeny Valeryevich, the sweat has any odor, because it consists of water and salt. The appearance of the "flavor" due to multiplication of bacteria, hungrily eating our sweat and leaving behind waste products.
Very often on his feet wear socks and closed-toe shoes, thus creating an ideal environment for bacteria to grow — they like, you know, so it was dark and humid. And the greater the perspiration (e.g., rubber boots or socks made of synthetic materials), the more bacteria the food and the more "spirit." "However, fungal infections of the skin of feet is often also the cause of unpleasant foot odor, and when joining secondary purulent infection this smell is enhanced," adds Evgeny Valeryevich.
How to solve the problem? The first and most simple rule is: wash your feet guys often! The usual warm soapy water, preferably with the use of 72% soap. Wash your feet several times a day if you sweat a lot and begin to smell. The second commandment is just as trite, but no less effective: just say no "standing" socks. This element of the wardrobe should be systematically changed, preferring socks made from natural materials, for example cotton. The moisture absorption of cotton is much higher than that of synthetic fabrics.
Choose the right shoes. Closed type shoes increases sweating and creates the perfect environment for bacteria. Try not to wear the same shoes several days in a row. I understand that your favorite sneakers do not want to remove the clock, until their natural death, but in order to make the shoes sufficiently dried, it requires at least 24 hours. To prevent bad smell from the feet, use the deodorant or funds from sweat (the best antiperspirant).
Deodorants for feet, as well as deodorant for other parts of the body are created with the use of antibacterial agents. Some suspend sweating, others eliminate odor resulting from bacteria, and others do it all at once. It is also recommended to use special socks and insoles impregnated with deodorizing and antifungal substances, which must be periodically replaced by a fresh one.
Expert advice "case of excessive sweating of the feet is simply irreplaceable all kinds of baths, says Evgeny. — This kind of hygiene is not only the most pleasant and simple, but very effective". Contrast baths help relieve fatigue and swelling, while reducing the number of allocated sweat. Prepare two basins — with hot and cold water.
Dip your feet for 5-8 minutes first in hot water, then 15-20 seconds in cold. The procedure must be repeated 5 times, ending it with cold water. In cold water you can add lemon juice. After these simple manipulations soak for 10-15 minutes, holding his feet. In General hyperhidrosis (i.e. sweating of the whole body) recommended air baths, bathing and daily reception of a contrast shower. Tea baths. Tea has antiseptic and antibacterial qualities, it contains tannins and a considerable amount of essential oils, which is very important for people who have excessively sweaty feet.
The bath is prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of tea, pour a liter of boiling water, the broth infused for 10 minutes, then filtered and diluted with two liters of hot water. The duration of treatment — 20-30 minutes. Bath with vinegar. In a bowl pour 2 liters of warm water, dilute it in a Cup of Apple cider vinegar and add a few drops tumannogo oil. Keep your feet in the solution for 15-20 minutes. Acidic environment kills bad fungus, and the essential oil of thyme as a powerful antiseptic, kills bacteria. But be careful: if your feet have unhealed wounds or cracks, the procedure is undesirable, since vinegar is corrosive to the skin, causing discomfort and burning.
Herbal medicine hyperhidrosis With the problem of athlete's foot perfectly help to cope decoctions of various herbs. Here are some recipes: — half a Cup of chopped sage, pour a liter of boiling water and insist under the lid for 10 minutes. The bath is taken 15-20 minutes. — The fragrant and effective infusion obtained from peppermint, sage and common nettle. A mixture of equal parts of all herbs poured a liter of boiling water and infuse. Our consultant also recommends the use of oak bark is an astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.
Tannin in abundance contained in the bark of the oak, effectively kills bacteria, tightens pores, weakening perspiration. To prepare this decoction, take 100 grams of oak bark, pour her a liter of water and boil on low heat for about 20-30 minutes. Then insist within an hour. In the resulting broth to keep the feet for 15-20 minutes. But particularly effective are the baths from the same oak bark, Rowan leaves and sage, taken in equal proportions. This herbal collection pour 2 liters of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. After the procedure you need to wipe your feet with a towel and sprinkle talcum powder.
Add some salt, you can not only food! Try to do a salt bath, adding water half a Cup of coarse salt. Soak feet for 15 minutes in salted water, after that, without rinsing, wipe dry. And, of course, always be careful what eat. When taking spicy food, for example, onions, pepper or garlic, the fragrant aroma of the products can be released through the sweat glands on the feet. And don't be surprised if after a meal, the legs will come back stronger "fragrance"! If you tried everything suggested above, but foot odor is poor, feel free to ask for the advice of a physician. Perhaps the problem is much deeper and more serious. The specialist will identify disease or determine the cause of excessive sweating, and will prescribe you a course of special drugs.
Source: globalscience.ru
Yes God with them, with Slippers, because the process of changing shoes at the hotel quite often accompanied by a far more unpleasant consequence — the proliferation of foot odor, is very far from fine fragrances the house of Chanel. There is, of course, the opinion that real men must be "fierce, smelly and hairy", but only share his "favorites", so the issue of the unpleasant smell of the feet is very, very relevant. What can be done to ensure that guests did not need to rush to the bathroom, without even having to say hi to the owners? This will help us to understand the doctor-the dermatologist Hops Evgeny Valeryevich, Feodosia.

Area of excessive sweating the fact that the foot is the area of excessive sweating. It is known that the foot placed thousands of sweat glands that produce about 200 ml of sweat a day. However, the faceted glass! And if the person leads an active lifestyle, prolonged time on the feet (divisions of police and soldiers, who all day shod in boots), interested in sports, legs, respectively, are sweating even more. Sweat, of course, not only the legs but the whole body.
This condition, according to our consultant, is called hyperhidrosis. In this article we will focus on hyperhidrosis of the feet when they are not only sweat, and foot skin changes color from bodily to cyanotic (acrocyanosis), and even softens the Horny layer of the skin. As noted by Evgeny Valeryevich, the sweat has any odor, because it consists of water and salt. The appearance of the "flavor" due to multiplication of bacteria, hungrily eating our sweat and leaving behind waste products.
Very often on his feet wear socks and closed-toe shoes, thus creating an ideal environment for bacteria to grow — they like, you know, so it was dark and humid. And the greater the perspiration (e.g., rubber boots or socks made of synthetic materials), the more bacteria the food and the more "spirit." "However, fungal infections of the skin of feet is often also the cause of unpleasant foot odor, and when joining secondary purulent infection this smell is enhanced," adds Evgeny Valeryevich.
How to solve the problem? The first and most simple rule is: wash your feet guys often! The usual warm soapy water, preferably with the use of 72% soap. Wash your feet several times a day if you sweat a lot and begin to smell. The second commandment is just as trite, but no less effective: just say no "standing" socks. This element of the wardrobe should be systematically changed, preferring socks made from natural materials, for example cotton. The moisture absorption of cotton is much higher than that of synthetic fabrics.
Choose the right shoes. Closed type shoes increases sweating and creates the perfect environment for bacteria. Try not to wear the same shoes several days in a row. I understand that your favorite sneakers do not want to remove the clock, until their natural death, but in order to make the shoes sufficiently dried, it requires at least 24 hours. To prevent bad smell from the feet, use the deodorant or funds from sweat (the best antiperspirant).
Deodorants for feet, as well as deodorant for other parts of the body are created with the use of antibacterial agents. Some suspend sweating, others eliminate odor resulting from bacteria, and others do it all at once. It is also recommended to use special socks and insoles impregnated with deodorizing and antifungal substances, which must be periodically replaced by a fresh one.
Expert advice "case of excessive sweating of the feet is simply irreplaceable all kinds of baths, says Evgeny. — This kind of hygiene is not only the most pleasant and simple, but very effective". Contrast baths help relieve fatigue and swelling, while reducing the number of allocated sweat. Prepare two basins — with hot and cold water.
Dip your feet for 5-8 minutes first in hot water, then 15-20 seconds in cold. The procedure must be repeated 5 times, ending it with cold water. In cold water you can add lemon juice. After these simple manipulations soak for 10-15 minutes, holding his feet. In General hyperhidrosis (i.e. sweating of the whole body) recommended air baths, bathing and daily reception of a contrast shower. Tea baths. Tea has antiseptic and antibacterial qualities, it contains tannins and a considerable amount of essential oils, which is very important for people who have excessively sweaty feet.
The bath is prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of tea, pour a liter of boiling water, the broth infused for 10 minutes, then filtered and diluted with two liters of hot water. The duration of treatment — 20-30 minutes. Bath with vinegar. In a bowl pour 2 liters of warm water, dilute it in a Cup of Apple cider vinegar and add a few drops tumannogo oil. Keep your feet in the solution for 15-20 minutes. Acidic environment kills bad fungus, and the essential oil of thyme as a powerful antiseptic, kills bacteria. But be careful: if your feet have unhealed wounds or cracks, the procedure is undesirable, since vinegar is corrosive to the skin, causing discomfort and burning.
Herbal medicine hyperhidrosis With the problem of athlete's foot perfectly help to cope decoctions of various herbs. Here are some recipes: — half a Cup of chopped sage, pour a liter of boiling water and insist under the lid for 10 minutes. The bath is taken 15-20 minutes. — The fragrant and effective infusion obtained from peppermint, sage and common nettle. A mixture of equal parts of all herbs poured a liter of boiling water and infuse. Our consultant also recommends the use of oak bark is an astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.
Tannin in abundance contained in the bark of the oak, effectively kills bacteria, tightens pores, weakening perspiration. To prepare this decoction, take 100 grams of oak bark, pour her a liter of water and boil on low heat for about 20-30 minutes. Then insist within an hour. In the resulting broth to keep the feet for 15-20 minutes. But particularly effective are the baths from the same oak bark, Rowan leaves and sage, taken in equal proportions. This herbal collection pour 2 liters of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. After the procedure you need to wipe your feet with a towel and sprinkle talcum powder.
Add some salt, you can not only food! Try to do a salt bath, adding water half a Cup of coarse salt. Soak feet for 15 minutes in salted water, after that, without rinsing, wipe dry. And, of course, always be careful what eat. When taking spicy food, for example, onions, pepper or garlic, the fragrant aroma of the products can be released through the sweat glands on the feet. And don't be surprised if after a meal, the legs will come back stronger "fragrance"! If you tried everything suggested above, but foot odor is poor, feel free to ask for the advice of a physician. Perhaps the problem is much deeper and more serious. The specialist will identify disease or determine the cause of excessive sweating, and will prescribe you a course of special drugs.
Source: globalscience.ru
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