Prevention of increased sweating
Hyperhidrosis is a disease that manifests itself in sweating. Sweat performs a thermoregulatory function in the body and is mainly composed of water. When we actively move or overheat in the heat, evaporation helps stabilize body temperature.
In the inguinal zones and armpits, fat and carbohydrates are also released from the sweat glands along with water. They serve as a lubricating material for rubbing surfaces.
In healthy people, sweat is released only for objective reasons. And in patients, it's uncontrollable. This causes great inconvenience: an unpleasant smell, wet clothes, sloppy appearance.
DepositPhotos Treatment of increased sweating Before you start treatment, you need to determine what caused hyperhidrosis. The emotional state of a person is inextricably linked with the nervous system. With the manifestation of emotions, the heart begins to beat faster, pressure rises, muscles come into tone. Sometimes you can observe a reaction from the sweat glands. This happens for psychological reasons and is not a sign of illness.
Excess sweat production is caused by changes in the nervous system, both autonomic and central. Often this is a consequence of more serious diseases, such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, menopause, tuberculosis, oncology, damage to the nervous system. In such cases, treating hyperhidrosis without eliminating the primary causes of its occurrence is ineffective.
In any case, local manifestations of increased sweating have to fight. There are several ways to do this.
How to deal with sweating
Before choosing a method of treatment, be sure to consult a doctor. And also do not forget about prevention and preventive measures for hyperhidrosis: contrast shower, warm baths with infusion of chamomile and oak bark for palms and feet, wiping.
Increased sweating in women leads to a decrease in attractiveness, and increased sweating in men - to a decrease in efficiency. Therefore, this problem cannot be ignored.
In the inguinal zones and armpits, fat and carbohydrates are also released from the sweat glands along with water. They serve as a lubricating material for rubbing surfaces.
In healthy people, sweat is released only for objective reasons. And in patients, it's uncontrollable. This causes great inconvenience: an unpleasant smell, wet clothes, sloppy appearance.

DepositPhotos Treatment of increased sweating Before you start treatment, you need to determine what caused hyperhidrosis. The emotional state of a person is inextricably linked with the nervous system. With the manifestation of emotions, the heart begins to beat faster, pressure rises, muscles come into tone. Sometimes you can observe a reaction from the sweat glands. This happens for psychological reasons and is not a sign of illness.

Excess sweat production is caused by changes in the nervous system, both autonomic and central. Often this is a consequence of more serious diseases, such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, menopause, tuberculosis, oncology, damage to the nervous system. In such cases, treating hyperhidrosis without eliminating the primary causes of its occurrence is ineffective.
In any case, local manifestations of increased sweating have to fight. There are several ways to do this.
How to deal with sweating
- Taking anticholinesterase drugs that block the transmission of a nerve impulse, preventing it from reaching the nerve endings.
DepositPhotos - Botulinum toxin injection. Simply put, the use of Botox injections. The action of botulinum toxin is aimed at blocking the biologically active substance responsible for the intensity of sweat production. The drug is administered subcutaneously, so that the work of the sweat glands is completely blocked for a period from six months to a year.
DepositPhotos - Sympathectomy is the cutting of the sympathetic nerve trunk.
DepositPhotos - Laser destruction of sweat glands on a certain area of skin.
Before choosing a method of treatment, be sure to consult a doctor. And also do not forget about prevention and preventive measures for hyperhidrosis: contrast shower, warm baths with infusion of chamomile and oak bark for palms and feet, wiping.

Increased sweating in women leads to a decrease in attractiveness, and increased sweating in men - to a decrease in efficiency. Therefore, this problem cannot be ignored.