As your body forms the fate
Did you know that in your body echo the story of your life? And the same story of the Past is that code, on the basis of which formed your Future.
Ie all of your mental anxieties that you have experienced throughout life from the moment of conception, and which have been impregnated with these or other emotions when certain conditions are purely physiological mapping in the muscles and cells of your body, including in neurons. And this fact is already proved experimentally.
Therefore, in order to have the opportunity to shape the Future in your life, you need to get rid of negative emotions locked in the body – ie, those "triggers" that channels feedback from the brain, again and again trigger mental mechanisms that generate patterns of behavior, and, therefore, destiny.
Eighty two million nine hundred ten thousand fifty six
©Nunzio Paci
Because of that, the issue of changing fate, in addition to the solution using the conscious and subconscious, has another solution: using one's own body.
Let's try to understand by neurophysiological mechanism of formation of those "traces" that are left in the body of the emotions experienced. This will allow us to understand not only how to change the life, but also how to get rid of many physical ailments.
And since the person is a functional unity of consciousness, the subconscious and the physical body, we are interested in the communication algorithm between its three "hypostases".
What is the communication channels between emotions and body?To answer this question you need to consider, the functioning of our nervous system. But since a full description of this process is quite difficult and beyond the scope of this article, we restrict ourselves to defined schematic data that will allow us to understand the main thing – the mechanism of the effect of emotions on the body.
So, the structure of the nervous system can be summarized as follows.
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Rice.1 Structure of the human nervous system
Central nervous system includes neurons that comprise the brain and spinal cord.
The brain, in turn, has the following structure:
Rice.2 Structure of the human brain
Spinal cord receives and processes sensory information from skin, joints, muscles of limbs and trunk and provides the transmission of nerve signals to the brain.
There it is processed, is compared with a predetermined in the genes, and the result is a reaction as the result of this comparison, which goes back to the spinal cord and then around the body.
In this case the Spinal cord, controlling the movement of the limbs and trunk, conducts motor signals from the brain to the various nerve endings in our body: skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, smooth muscles of internal organs and glands of the endocrine system.
The result of this comparison, and, accordingly, the output command body, in the huge impact of emotions felt by man, since, as mentioned above, almond kernel manage the two channels of communication between the brain and the body: the autonomic and endocrine systems, which we will discuss below.
The emotion most directly affect the somatic system controls all the muscles of the body.
If the person is in a negative emotional state, or is experiencing quite a lot of stress, a difference occurs between the actual and setpoint values, which are processed in the brain, and is the error term regulation of the processes occurring in the body. In this case, the hypothalamus expects the regulatory variables and by means of nerve impulses (via the autonomic nervous system) or hormones (of the hypothalamic-pituitary and endocrine systems) activates the control elements of the body — muscles which are reduced, and cells in which the processes of protein synthesis and the division of cages as long as both values are received and given again are agreed.
But if disturbing emotional stressors so for a long time and are great value, the cells and muscles do not have time to respond adequately to calculated by the hypothalamus regulating signals, i.e., can not provide the necessary changes in the metabolism and reduction, respectively, in the control system of the body fails and the body loses its natural self-repair mechanism. The influence of the hypothalamus is gradually reduced, the metabolism and motility already do not focus on specifying the size, the muscles more and more spazmiruyutsya and organs of the body start to hurt – ie there is an imbalance of balance inside the body. In extreme cases can extend to errors in migration by RNA transcription, which leads to uncontrolled proliferation of cells (cancer) as well as other very unpleasant diseases: allergies, impaired immunity and, in the worst case, to severe damage to the organs.
In fairness I should say that such disturbing effects are not only negative emotions but also:
But if these effects can be eliminated by strong-willed, the question of addressing emotional stressors one will not do.
The autonomic and endocrine systems, as the control body contours
Our brain regulates all physical processes in the body via the autonomic and endocrine systems. Herewith :
Vegetative nervous system ,in turn, consists of two subsystems: the sympathetic and parasympathetic. Connected to the body by these subsystems is as follows.
Sympathetic system works for arousal and consists of two cell neural circuits, in which one neuron is in brainstem or spinal cord (i.e., is included within the Central nervous system) in the thoracic and lumbar spine, and the second forms with other neurons in ganglia (ganglia), and connects to the heart and smooth muscles of a given body.
Parasympathetic system working on relaxation. Has the same structure with the only difference that her single neurons are in the brain and the sacral division of the spinal cord.
Direct chemical substance that is transferred across synapses (the contacts between neurons) aksonam ("branches" extending from neurons) and sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia are neuro-transmitters (see Fig.3).
It's the hormones that transmit information from one neuron to another. Their type and concentration, among other factors, depends again, on the subjects of emotions. Ie in fact, the neurotransmitter, chemical substance, depends on the bioenergetic parameters – emotions.
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Rice.3 Structure of nerve cells
For example, a neurotransmitter, which transmits signals from the brain to the muscles of the internal organs, is acetylcholine. It is characterized by parasympathetic nerve ganglia directly into the fibers of smooth muscles of internal organs, thus carrying out the connection between them and the brain.
In normal mode, the internal organs controlled by the Autonomous subcortical regions of our Central nervous system. But under the influence of strong emotions (we're talking about negative emotions) control pulses generated by the cerebral cortex are distorted, which causes an increase in the concentration of acetylcholine. And this, in turn, leads to increased force of muscle contraction can develop involuntary twitching of individual muscle fibers, in severe cases – even seizures, and sometimes spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs.
But in any case, with constant exposure acetylcholine in high concentrations for extended periods of time smooth muscles of internal organs "gets used" to spazmirovannah condition that leads to serious organic damage.
Thus is a purely physical effect that by means of nerve impulses is to a specific body. That's why under stress, for example, people "break your heart" (responsive cardiac muscle), increased blood pressure (constricts blood vessels), is the acceleration and deepening of breathing up to breathlessness (the stimulation of the respiratory center).
Now let's see what is the mechanism of impact on the body's endocrine system.
Endocrine system
"Working instrument" of the endocrine system are chemical products called hormones. They are produced by cells, combined into special organs – glands of the endocrine system.
Also some hormones can produce individual cells that are designed for other functions. Call them tissue hormones.
Produced hormones enter the bloodstream and then distributed throughout the body. Well, reaching the cells of the body, these hormones cause specific effects: i.e., stimulate the processes of division and replacing dying cells as well as conversion of the inhaled oxygen and food eaten into energy and protein compounds.
Thus, the hormones are directly related to the work and condition of the cells, and, therefore, the most direct impact on health.
Endocrine glands include the following (Fig.Four):
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Pituitary :receives commands from the hypothalamus and secretes hormones into blood to regulate the function of other glands of the endocrine system. In this regard, is the main gland.
The pineal gland, the pineal gland: regulates metabolism and controls body temperature, "biological clock" of the body.
Parathyroid: control the metabolism of calcium.
Pancreas: responsible for the production of insulin, ie, at the level of blood sugar.
Adrenals :the adrenal cortex secretes three groups of hormones that influence the metabolism of carbohydrates, salt and water balance and sexual function. Themselves, the adrenal glands produce epinephrine and norepinephrine, which affect the sympathetic nervous system.
Sex gland (ovaries in women and testes in men): responsible for secondary sexual characteristics (such as female Breasts and hips, beard in men) and the activity of reproductive organs.
The functional activity of specific endocrine glands is regulated by certain "substrate", which is aimed at the effect of the hormone. And each of the peripheral endocrine gland in the pituitary gland corresponds to a specific hormone – regulator. This creates a number of separate systems between which there is interaction.
Glands receive a command for the secretion of hormones from the hormones that the pituitary produces. And the latter, in turn, stimulate the hormones that the hypothalamus secretes.
The hypothalamus is connected through the thalamus with the limbic system (which, among other functions, is responsible for the formation of motivations, emotions, behavioral reactions) and through the frontal cortex — with a big brain.
Both brain region constantly convey information about the emotional background of a person, as well as the condition of the surrounding world and the body (actual value), which he compares with the existing it "normative" values. If it finds any deviation, then actuates the nervous (system through autonomic) and hormonal (through the endocrine system) response, which aims to bring the body into balance.
Thus, among the factors that affect the hypothalamus and, consequently, the entire endocrine system, which with the help of hormones controls the operation of the cells, are one of the basic emotions.
Neurophysiological anatomy of stress
A vivid example of the mode of action of these mechanisms of adaptation are somatic reactions to stress. In the first phase of such intensive violation of internal balance, called shock the hypothalamus via the limbic system stimulates the Central nervous system, which through its vegetative part leads to the first nervous reactions such as increased heart rate and tone muscles (for deeper breathing and constriction of peripheral blood vessels).
In parallel with this series of impulses of autonomic nervous system hypothalamus and causes arousal of the endocrine system: through the Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis (FLD) he directs the internal tissues of the adrenal glands team momentum on the release of the hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline. Adrenaline enhances the transformation of energy, is mobilizing stocks of sugar and causes an increased frequency of strikes and the force of heartbeats. Noradrenaline causes constriction of surface blood vessels (so blood is forced from the periphery of the body, which is especially important when the damage and the vital organs — heart, brain and liver may be due to this better secured).
While the shock phase must ensure the preservation of life in cases of substantial damage, the body is preparing for in the Wake of her "anti-shock" phase to self-defense, and recovery.
For this autonomic regulation drives the processes that generate energy. In particular, the hypothalamus prompts (along with the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline) to produce "rockowego" hormone NRC. The latter causes the pituitary secretion of the hormone ACTH, which enters the bloodstream and induces the adrenal cortex to produce and secrete hormones cortisol and TK. TK supports a faster metabolism, and cortisol under the influence of adrenaline produces from amino acids sugar, supports the effect of adrenaline, aimed at strengthening cardiac and General vasoconstrictor effect of norepinephrine, increases the secretion of gastric juice and has anti-inflammatory effects.
In addition to responses of the hypothalamus to stress, which causes the corresponding reactions of the autonomic and endocrine systems, in the frontal lobes of the brain (frontal cortex) starts on analytical assessment of the situation. This happens with the involvement accumulated in the memory of the personal knowledge and experience. Part of the resulting excitations in the cells and muscles goes back to the frontal cortex where they are recognized and, together with the skills accumulated in the associative field, and the field memory of the cerebral cortex provide the opportunity to fully assess the situation and respond to — verbal or motor.
This dual method of information processing shows us both the "weak points" of neural regulation, which can be distorted actual values:
— the lack of desired level of knowledge and experience (read: memory) in the cortical region can very easily lead to incorrect assessment of the situation, which will cause a distorted behavioural response;
— this reaction usually completes the negative emotion, which starts the process in the following circle, which in turn, again causing errors in the motor, endocrine and autonomic reactions.
Thus, disturbances of the autonomic and hormonal vnutriorgannogo equilibrium in repeated or constant stress, as mentioned above, can cause a variety of organic disease or to contribute to muscle spazmirovannah, which over the years accumulates and can turn a man into a cripple.
That's why in the beginning of the article it was said that the whole past history of man is in his body – in the cells and muscles. This is the story of experienced emotions, which, not being released on time, has caused the displacement of the control commands of the hypothalamus and feedback system acting on neocortical region of the brain, forming appropriate thoughts, beliefs, and behavioral responses – i.e., shaping destiny.
Consequently, the question of constructing the desired future must begin with the release of such blocked emotions and bookmarks in long-term memory those elements of experience that are necessary to build this most desired future.
But as the blocking of negative emotions that causes the greatest disturbance in the nervous system, occurs in childhood, beginning with the prenatal period, therefore, begin to eliminate them it is necessary from there, working in parallel with the mappings of these blocks in the muscles and cells of the body.published
Author: Ludmila Filipovic
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: duhosin.ru/kak-izmenit-zhizn-razblokirovav-sobstvennoe-telo/
Ie all of your mental anxieties that you have experienced throughout life from the moment of conception, and which have been impregnated with these or other emotions when certain conditions are purely physiological mapping in the muscles and cells of your body, including in neurons. And this fact is already proved experimentally.
Therefore, in order to have the opportunity to shape the Future in your life, you need to get rid of negative emotions locked in the body – ie, those "triggers" that channels feedback from the brain, again and again trigger mental mechanisms that generate patterns of behavior, and, therefore, destiny.
Eighty two million nine hundred ten thousand fifty six
©Nunzio Paci
Because of that, the issue of changing fate, in addition to the solution using the conscious and subconscious, has another solution: using one's own body.
Let's try to understand by neurophysiological mechanism of formation of those "traces" that are left in the body of the emotions experienced. This will allow us to understand not only how to change the life, but also how to get rid of many physical ailments.
And since the person is a functional unity of consciousness, the subconscious and the physical body, we are interested in the communication algorithm between its three "hypostases".
What is the communication channels between emotions and body?To answer this question you need to consider, the functioning of our nervous system. But since a full description of this process is quite difficult and beyond the scope of this article, we restrict ourselves to defined schematic data that will allow us to understand the main thing – the mechanism of the effect of emotions on the body.
So, the structure of the nervous system can be summarized as follows.
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Rice.1 Structure of the human nervous system
Central nervous system includes neurons that comprise the brain and spinal cord.
The brain, in turn, has the following structure:
- brain stem ,
- Midbrain ,
- Diencephalon (consists of two brain structures: the thalamus and hypothalamus; the thalamus processes information coming into the cortex from other parts of the nervous system; the hypothalamus regulates autonomic and endocrine systems, as well as the function of internal organs),
- Large hemispheres of the brain (composed of cortex and three structures: the basal ganglia, the hippocampus and the amygdala nuclei comprising the limbic system (Fig.2). Basal ganglia participate in regulating motor function; the hippocampus is responsible for memory work; amygdaloid nuclei coordinate the autonomic and endocrine responses in conjunction with emotional States).
Rice.2 Structure of the human brain
Spinal cord receives and processes sensory information from skin, joints, muscles of limbs and trunk and provides the transmission of nerve signals to the brain.
There it is processed, is compared with a predetermined in the genes, and the result is a reaction as the result of this comparison, which goes back to the spinal cord and then around the body.
In this case the Spinal cord, controlling the movement of the limbs and trunk, conducts motor signals from the brain to the various nerve endings in our body: skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, smooth muscles of internal organs and glands of the endocrine system.
The result of this comparison, and, accordingly, the output command body, in the huge impact of emotions felt by man, since, as mentioned above, almond kernel manage the two channels of communication between the brain and the body: the autonomic and endocrine systems, which we will discuss below.
The emotion most directly affect the somatic system controls all the muscles of the body.
If the person is in a negative emotional state, or is experiencing quite a lot of stress, a difference occurs between the actual and setpoint values, which are processed in the brain, and is the error term regulation of the processes occurring in the body. In this case, the hypothalamus expects the regulatory variables and by means of nerve impulses (via the autonomic nervous system) or hormones (of the hypothalamic-pituitary and endocrine systems) activates the control elements of the body — muscles which are reduced, and cells in which the processes of protein synthesis and the division of cages as long as both values are received and given again are agreed.
But if disturbing emotional stressors so for a long time and are great value, the cells and muscles do not have time to respond adequately to calculated by the hypothalamus regulating signals, i.e., can not provide the necessary changes in the metabolism and reduction, respectively, in the control system of the body fails and the body loses its natural self-repair mechanism. The influence of the hypothalamus is gradually reduced, the metabolism and motility already do not focus on specifying the size, the muscles more and more spazmiruyutsya and organs of the body start to hurt – ie there is an imbalance of balance inside the body. In extreme cases can extend to errors in migration by RNA transcription, which leads to uncontrolled proliferation of cells (cancer) as well as other very unpleasant diseases: allergies, impaired immunity and, in the worst case, to severe damage to the organs.
In fairness I should say that such disturbing effects are not only negative emotions but also:
- suboptimal nutrition,
- bad ecology,
- injuries,
- viruses,
- physical overload.
But if these effects can be eliminated by strong-willed, the question of addressing emotional stressors one will not do.
The autonomic and endocrine systems, as the control body contours
Our brain regulates all physical processes in the body via the autonomic and endocrine systems. Herewith :
- Vegetative nervous system almost instantly transfers the commands of the brain in the form of nerve impulses to smooth muscles of internal organs.
- Endocrine system responsible for the regulation of metabolic processes in the cells of the body, through hormones – i.e., chemicals that comes to them with blood, which have a different influence on the cells, and therefore organs of the body. In this case, the transmission speed is much greater, but the effect persists much longer.
Vegetative nervous system ,in turn, consists of two subsystems: the sympathetic and parasympathetic. Connected to the body by these subsystems is as follows.
Sympathetic system works for arousal and consists of two cell neural circuits, in which one neuron is in brainstem or spinal cord (i.e., is included within the Central nervous system) in the thoracic and lumbar spine, and the second forms with other neurons in ganglia (ganglia), and connects to the heart and smooth muscles of a given body.
Parasympathetic system working on relaxation. Has the same structure with the only difference that her single neurons are in the brain and the sacral division of the spinal cord.
Direct chemical substance that is transferred across synapses (the contacts between neurons) aksonam ("branches" extending from neurons) and sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia are neuro-transmitters (see Fig.3).
It's the hormones that transmit information from one neuron to another. Their type and concentration, among other factors, depends again, on the subjects of emotions. Ie in fact, the neurotransmitter, chemical substance, depends on the bioenergetic parameters – emotions.
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Rice.3 Structure of nerve cells
For example, a neurotransmitter, which transmits signals from the brain to the muscles of the internal organs, is acetylcholine. It is characterized by parasympathetic nerve ganglia directly into the fibers of smooth muscles of internal organs, thus carrying out the connection between them and the brain.
In normal mode, the internal organs controlled by the Autonomous subcortical regions of our Central nervous system. But under the influence of strong emotions (we're talking about negative emotions) control pulses generated by the cerebral cortex are distorted, which causes an increase in the concentration of acetylcholine. And this, in turn, leads to increased force of muscle contraction can develop involuntary twitching of individual muscle fibers, in severe cases – even seizures, and sometimes spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs.
But in any case, with constant exposure acetylcholine in high concentrations for extended periods of time smooth muscles of internal organs "gets used" to spazmirovannah condition that leads to serious organic damage.
Thus is a purely physical effect that by means of nerve impulses is to a specific body. That's why under stress, for example, people "break your heart" (responsive cardiac muscle), increased blood pressure (constricts blood vessels), is the acceleration and deepening of breathing up to breathlessness (the stimulation of the respiratory center).
Now let's see what is the mechanism of impact on the body's endocrine system.
Endocrine system
"Working instrument" of the endocrine system are chemical products called hormones. They are produced by cells, combined into special organs – glands of the endocrine system.
Also some hormones can produce individual cells that are designed for other functions. Call them tissue hormones.
Produced hormones enter the bloodstream and then distributed throughout the body. Well, reaching the cells of the body, these hormones cause specific effects: i.e., stimulate the processes of division and replacing dying cells as well as conversion of the inhaled oxygen and food eaten into energy and protein compounds.
Thus, the hormones are directly related to the work and condition of the cells, and, therefore, the most direct impact on health.
Endocrine glands include the following (Fig.Four):
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Pituitary :receives commands from the hypothalamus and secretes hormones into blood to regulate the function of other glands of the endocrine system. In this regard, is the main gland.
The pineal gland, the pineal gland: regulates metabolism and controls body temperature, "biological clock" of the body.
Parathyroid: control the metabolism of calcium.
Pancreas: responsible for the production of insulin, ie, at the level of blood sugar.
Adrenals :the adrenal cortex secretes three groups of hormones that influence the metabolism of carbohydrates, salt and water balance and sexual function. Themselves, the adrenal glands produce epinephrine and norepinephrine, which affect the sympathetic nervous system.
Sex gland (ovaries in women and testes in men): responsible for secondary sexual characteristics (such as female Breasts and hips, beard in men) and the activity of reproductive organs.
The functional activity of specific endocrine glands is regulated by certain "substrate", which is aimed at the effect of the hormone. And each of the peripheral endocrine gland in the pituitary gland corresponds to a specific hormone – regulator. This creates a number of separate systems between which there is interaction.
Glands receive a command for the secretion of hormones from the hormones that the pituitary produces. And the latter, in turn, stimulate the hormones that the hypothalamus secretes.
The hypothalamus is connected through the thalamus with the limbic system (which, among other functions, is responsible for the formation of motivations, emotions, behavioral reactions) and through the frontal cortex — with a big brain.
Both brain region constantly convey information about the emotional background of a person, as well as the condition of the surrounding world and the body (actual value), which he compares with the existing it "normative" values. If it finds any deviation, then actuates the nervous (system through autonomic) and hormonal (through the endocrine system) response, which aims to bring the body into balance.
Thus, among the factors that affect the hypothalamus and, consequently, the entire endocrine system, which with the help of hormones controls the operation of the cells, are one of the basic emotions.
Neurophysiological anatomy of stress
A vivid example of the mode of action of these mechanisms of adaptation are somatic reactions to stress. In the first phase of such intensive violation of internal balance, called shock the hypothalamus via the limbic system stimulates the Central nervous system, which through its vegetative part leads to the first nervous reactions such as increased heart rate and tone muscles (for deeper breathing and constriction of peripheral blood vessels).
In parallel with this series of impulses of autonomic nervous system hypothalamus and causes arousal of the endocrine system: through the Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis (FLD) he directs the internal tissues of the adrenal glands team momentum on the release of the hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline. Adrenaline enhances the transformation of energy, is mobilizing stocks of sugar and causes an increased frequency of strikes and the force of heartbeats. Noradrenaline causes constriction of surface blood vessels (so blood is forced from the periphery of the body, which is especially important when the damage and the vital organs — heart, brain and liver may be due to this better secured).
While the shock phase must ensure the preservation of life in cases of substantial damage, the body is preparing for in the Wake of her "anti-shock" phase to self-defense, and recovery.
For this autonomic regulation drives the processes that generate energy. In particular, the hypothalamus prompts (along with the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline) to produce "rockowego" hormone NRC. The latter causes the pituitary secretion of the hormone ACTH, which enters the bloodstream and induces the adrenal cortex to produce and secrete hormones cortisol and TK. TK supports a faster metabolism, and cortisol under the influence of adrenaline produces from amino acids sugar, supports the effect of adrenaline, aimed at strengthening cardiac and General vasoconstrictor effect of norepinephrine, increases the secretion of gastric juice and has anti-inflammatory effects.
In addition to responses of the hypothalamus to stress, which causes the corresponding reactions of the autonomic and endocrine systems, in the frontal lobes of the brain (frontal cortex) starts on analytical assessment of the situation. This happens with the involvement accumulated in the memory of the personal knowledge and experience. Part of the resulting excitations in the cells and muscles goes back to the frontal cortex where they are recognized and, together with the skills accumulated in the associative field, and the field memory of the cerebral cortex provide the opportunity to fully assess the situation and respond to — verbal or motor.
This dual method of information processing shows us both the "weak points" of neural regulation, which can be distorted actual values:
— the lack of desired level of knowledge and experience (read: memory) in the cortical region can very easily lead to incorrect assessment of the situation, which will cause a distorted behavioural response;
— this reaction usually completes the negative emotion, which starts the process in the following circle, which in turn, again causing errors in the motor, endocrine and autonomic reactions.
Thus, disturbances of the autonomic and hormonal vnutriorgannogo equilibrium in repeated or constant stress, as mentioned above, can cause a variety of organic disease or to contribute to muscle spazmirovannah, which over the years accumulates and can turn a man into a cripple.
That's why in the beginning of the article it was said that the whole past history of man is in his body – in the cells and muscles. This is the story of experienced emotions, which, not being released on time, has caused the displacement of the control commands of the hypothalamus and feedback system acting on neocortical region of the brain, forming appropriate thoughts, beliefs, and behavioral responses – i.e., shaping destiny.
Consequently, the question of constructing the desired future must begin with the release of such blocked emotions and bookmarks in long-term memory those elements of experience that are necessary to build this most desired future.
But as the blocking of negative emotions that causes the greatest disturbance in the nervous system, occurs in childhood, beginning with the prenatal period, therefore, begin to eliminate them it is necessary from there, working in parallel with the mappings of these blocks in the muscles and cells of the body.published
Author: Ludmila Filipovic
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: duhosin.ru/kak-izmenit-zhizn-razblokirovav-sobstvennoe-telo/