Psychosomatic diseases of the back
Six million seventy four thousand nine hundred seventy two
How Your state of mind can affect the condition of Your back?
Remember how Your body reacts to any stress? It all seems to shrink!
Muscle contraction as a reaction to stress is a stereotypical coping mechanism given us by Nature. To escape or attack – that is the steps that a person needs to take to implement included internal capacity. Socially acceptable form – it fitness classes in the form of anaerobic activity, that is, the physical exercises of high intensity (fast running, a set of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles, push-UPS to the seventh sweat, etc.).
And now the question: “How often do You give yourself a physical discharge when it asks the body?”. Very rare. And piling up in the human body not reacted emotions in the form of muscle. And spin is no exception.
First and foremost, react to stress the so-called paravertebral (okolofutbolnye) back muscles.
Prolonged muscle spasm holds in the reduced state is not only muscle, but all the adjacent tissue. Figuratively speaking, in the area adjacent to the shortened muscle, gets very crowded. And in this “crush” is a so-called “mascotcapsule, or restrictions” of the spinal nerve.
But through the spinal nerves pass nerve impulses to all organs of the human body, except the head (to her impulses carried by cranial nerves).
Thus, even a small compression of a spinal nerve that disrupts normal conduction of nerve impulses to the corresponding internal organs, vessels, muscles, bones, joints, skin! And these bodies are already starting to have problems.
The area of the spine with paravertebral clip (okolomatocnah) muscle is called a functional spinal unit. Of course, in the field of functional spinal unit disrupted okolomatocnah not only muscles but all components of the vertebral motor segment (PDS).
The composition includes two PDS adjacent to each other vertebra with intervertebral disc between them, the joints between the vertebrae, spinal nerve emerging from the intervertebral foramina, paravertebral muscles, ligaments and blood vessels.
When forming a functional spinal unit interferes with the normal work of ALL of these elements, because they are unable to decompress compresses the muscle!
Thus, the conclusion:
“Functional spinal unit is an intermediate link between psychological cause (negative thoughts, emotions) and physical consequence (diseases of internal organs) in the development of psychosomatic diseases”...
Violations in a certain sphere of human life cause a violation in certain parts of the spine
Legend to the table:
C (cervix, lat — neck) – vertebrae of the cervical spine.
Th (thorax, lats – chest) vertebrae the thoracic spine.
L (lumbar, lat — lower back) vertebrae of the lumbar spine.
The number of letters is the number of the vertebrae in the appropriate section above. For example, Th7 – 7 thoracic vertebrae, if counting from the top down.
The table is compiled on the basis of the results of scientific research Dr. Basnetsova V. S., published in 2008:
The portion of the spine
Description broken areas of life
The causes of the violations
The pelvis and sacrum
Self-preservation: the love of your body and life.
Thoughts on the unfortunate fate of the inferiority of his body, thought about the threat to health and life, overwork, strong-willed overcoming feelings of fatigue.
Breeding: love of the opposite sex, the motivation of all desires
Conflicts with a sexual partner, a sense of their own sexual failure, undesirable for the patient development in the family and at work, negative emotions due to the inability to satisfy their material desires.
Th7 – Th12
Rationality: the love of success and material abundance.
Negative emotions due to conflict at work, due to the humiliation of sexual possibilities and desires of the patient, because of the humiliation of the physical data of the patient.
Th1 – Th6
Love: the relationship with the one you love and what you love.
Negative emotions because of conflicts with loved ones, the loss of beloved things, beloved pet, etc.
C4 – C7
Service: what you benefit people?
Negative thoughts about yourself as a person, the unclaimed people, attempts to impose on another person like him to behave, aggression towards colleagues, superiors, authorities.
C2 – C3
Wisdom: acceptance.
Rejection of what is happening, thinking “what is happening is unfair and wrong,” the desire to cheat, the negative emotions caused by deception.
The desire to escape reality (drugs, alcohol, sects, the Internet).
Every negative thought and emotion has its own target in Your spine
Legend to the table:
C (cervix, lat — neck) – vertebrae of the cervical spine.
Th (thorax, lats – chest) vertebrae the thoracic spine.
L (lumbar, lat — lower back) vertebrae of the lumbar spine.
The number of letters is the number of the vertebrae in the appropriate section above. For example, Th7 – 7 thoracic vertebrae, if counting from the top down.
The table is compiled on the basis of the results of scientific research Dr. Basnetsova V. S., published in 2008:
Functional block vertebra
Mental causes
The desire to escape reality (drugs, alcohol, sects, the Internet).
Rejection of what is happening, thinking “what is happening is unfair and wrong.”
The desire to cheat, the negative emotions caused by deception.
Thoughts “I am stupid and weak-willed people,” “I am a loser in life”, attempts to impose on another person like him to behave.
Thoughts: “nobody loves me”, “I am worthless” condemnation of the authorities.
Thoughts: “I am a mediocrity as a specialist, everything goes wrong”, the condemnation of colleagues or immediate supervisor.
Negative emotions due to physical disabilities, poor health or lack of attractiveness from the opposite sex.
Negative emotions due to the fact that loved ones blame the patient in evasion from reality, inaction in important decisions.
Negative emotions due to the fact that loved ones accuse the patient of being selfish and dodging his direct family responsibilities
Negative emotions due to the fact that loved ones accuse the patient of callousness, lack of love and involvement towards the close.
Negative emotions due to the fact that loved ones blame the patient for insufficient wages, unreasonable waste of money.
Negative emotions due to the fact that your loved one accuses the patient of adultery, avoiding sexual intercourse, flirting.
Negative emotions due to the fact that loved ones humiliating physical patient data (blaming obesity, snoring, untidiness).
Negative emotions because of the humiliation of a person at work.
Negative emotions because of the humiliation of managerial and organizational abilities of the patient
Negative emotions because of the humiliation of the mental qualities of a patient in relation to colleagues
Negative emotions because of the humiliation of skills and abilities
Negative emotions because of the humiliation of sexual possibilities and desires
Negative emotions from humiliation to physical data of the patient
Adults — conflicts with sexual partner;
The child conflicts with the parent of the opposite sex.
Undesirable for the patient development in the family
Undesirable for the patient development at work and at home.
The sense of his own sexual failure
Negative emotions because of the impossibility to satisfy their material desires
The pelvis and sacrum
Thoughts on the unfortunate fate of the inferiority of his body, thought about the threat to health and life, overwork, strong-willed overcoming feelings of fatigue.
Block right – active violation of this sphere of life a person experiences anger, aggression.
The block on the left is a passive violation of this sphere of life a person experiences hurt, sadness.
If you're left-handed, the sides change places!
As feelings about ordinary life situations undermining your health
Legend to the table:
C (cervix, lat — neck) – vertebrae of the cervical spine.
Th (thorax, lats – chest) vertebrae the thoracic spine.
L (lumbar, lat — lower back) vertebrae of the lumbar spine.
The number of letters is the number of the vertebrae in the appropriate section above. For example, Th7 – 7 thoracic vertebrae, if counting from the top down.
Life examples. The most frequent stress human
The table is compiled on the basis of the results of scientific research Dr. Basnetsova V. S., published in 2008:
A stressful situation
Blocks vertebrae →
Diseases of the internal organs
The conflict between the spouses
Th 1 – 6, L1 →
L1 (left): the Loss of sexual interest in his wife.
L1 (right) with fatigue and depression
The wife accuses her husband that he “goes left” or little earns. The husband is offended
Th 4, Th 5 (left) with husband →
Coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction.
Accusing her husband in a small salary and suspecting him of cheating, his wife treats him not as a beloved person, but as a worker.
Th 7 (on the right) →
Calculous cholecystitis.
Wife “re-educates” her husband
C4's wife →
Thyroid disease, headaches, dizziness, arthritis of the fingers
Thoughts: “Why am I married (or married) for this person?”
Dysfunction of the pelvis on the left →
Diseases of the reproductive organs (uterine fibroids, prostate adenoma)
The conflict between the spouses: the husband wants to buy one thing, my wife wants to buy another, and money is not enough for all
L5 →
Disease of the hip and ankle joints, reproductive organs
Conflicts at work
Th 7 – Th12
The patient hears from the chief of insults, for example: “You fool and idiot!”
Unit Th7 patient →
Diseases of the pancreas
The patient hears from the boss: “you no compassion, you all people like pawns!”
Unit Th9 in a patient →
Diseases of the pancreas, spleen, duodenum 12.
The patient hears from the boss: “You don't know how specialist you're a total zero!”
Block Th10, the patient →
Diabetes, enteritis.
The patient hears from the boss: “Working, just the dough to get more, even if the work itself little thought!”
Unit Th11 patient →
Kidney disease and adrenal glands.
Anger at the mother-in-law, mother-in-law
Unit 8-9 Th.
Gastritis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.
Anger at someone from relatives due to the fact that they did something wrong
Unit Th 6 (right)
Chronic liver disease: hepatitis, cirrhosis, tumors, psoriasis, eczema, autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus)
Obstructed labour
Unit C1 the child
Astigmatism, myopia, strabismus in children, mental retardation, cerebral palsy.
The imposition on others of his point of view or, on the contrary, the unspoken thoughts, emotions
Unit C3
Diseases of ENT organs
Destroyed plans for a rich and decent life.
Unit L3
Diseases of the large intestine (constipation or diarrhea) pain in the buttocks, sciatica.
How to eliminate the functional blocks of the spine of psychological origin?
1. Safely Express your feelings. All psychologists at all times suggest exactly that. A reasonable question arises: “Who is with me will communicate, if I give people what I think?”. No, we are not talking about that heap all the insults.
If you just said out loud what I feel your body is freed from the muscle clamp, caused by the emotions that You are experiencing!
A simple statement of fact, expressed verbally:
It makes me sad.
It pisses me off.
It makes me sad.
I'm angry... And so on.
Yet the transition to the individual, such as “I'm mad because you're an idiot!”, there will be no conflict. And at the same time, Your body will be free and not stuck, no repressed emotion.
2. Acceptance and Forgiveness. You want to focus on a problem situation and sincerely say, “I accept you exactly so (so) like you are. I forgive you, you forgive me.” That one phrase, spoken from the heart, enough to be liberated.
Attention can be focused both on problem situations and problem area of the back.
3. Confess Your Love Life! This approach of the Hawaiian healing tradition, Ho'oponopono (translated into Russian: “to Fix”). In order to free your mind from negative psychological or emotional reactions, enough to appeal to the World, life, the Universe, Higher Mind, God (as you wish). The essence of the appeal request:
“Cleanse me from such a negative.”
Then – repeating 4 phrases:
“Please forgive me”.
”I repent”.
“I thank you”.
“I love you”.
You are not addressing at this point to someone specific, the appeal is to Life itself, to Being, in which all forms are transient.
4. The technique of subconscious reprogramming.
It is an approach of psychotherapy that treats the disease as the best of what the subconscious mind of the patient could “come up” in the current situation. This is how man adapts to the requirements imposed by the external environment.
From the perspective as a behavior strategy can make a significant conclusion: “every disease has its positive intent, only the subconscious of the patient are unable to find a more effective model for its implementation, than to suffer his body to one or another ailment”...
The task of man is to find those patterns of behavior, which on one hand will realize the positive intention of his disease, and on the other hand will be more favorable both for himself and for the people around him.
5. Techniques of deprogramming.
Cult means “erase”. Of course, the “erased”, not the information itself, and the emotional “charge” which it contains. If the person is freed from the emotions associated with another person or with a situation, he is cured of the causes of his psychosomatic illness and many other problems in his life.
A deeper study of the psychological causes is performed when “erasing” emotional “charges”, a belief in sustainable beliefs. In fact, any belief is relevant for a particular person in a particular situation. And no one belief may not be correct for all occasions.
Accordingly, if a person believes in something that he considers “the absolute truth”, lives and acts based on this belief, in many cases his behavior and emotional response, is inadequate, that this inadequacy causes stress, which sooner or later will affect the condition.
The fact that most of the beliefs to which a person believes, he is not even aware of. For example, a belief that is firmly ingrained in the brain of each person: “I like people around. My feeling is dependent on the people around me”. Imagine how much harm it brings physical and mental health of each person?
— All sorts of fears and anxieties: “what if?”
— Girls torture themselves with diets in the pursuit of some fictional “standard of beauty”.
— Work in the area, which is really interesting, and that prestigious.
— The lies and hypocrisy, hiding their feelings, and then “volcanic eruption” of negative emotions, when no more strength to restrain myself.
— All kinds of psychological manipulation.
— And much more!
Here are only a few consequences of belief, just one belief! published
Author: Atroshchenko, I. N.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: spina63.ru/psychological
How Your state of mind can affect the condition of Your back?
Remember how Your body reacts to any stress? It all seems to shrink!
Muscle contraction as a reaction to stress is a stereotypical coping mechanism given us by Nature. To escape or attack – that is the steps that a person needs to take to implement included internal capacity. Socially acceptable form – it fitness classes in the form of anaerobic activity, that is, the physical exercises of high intensity (fast running, a set of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles, push-UPS to the seventh sweat, etc.).
And now the question: “How often do You give yourself a physical discharge when it asks the body?”. Very rare. And piling up in the human body not reacted emotions in the form of muscle. And spin is no exception.
First and foremost, react to stress the so-called paravertebral (okolofutbolnye) back muscles.
Prolonged muscle spasm holds in the reduced state is not only muscle, but all the adjacent tissue. Figuratively speaking, in the area adjacent to the shortened muscle, gets very crowded. And in this “crush” is a so-called “mascotcapsule, or restrictions” of the spinal nerve.
But through the spinal nerves pass nerve impulses to all organs of the human body, except the head (to her impulses carried by cranial nerves).
Thus, even a small compression of a spinal nerve that disrupts normal conduction of nerve impulses to the corresponding internal organs, vessels, muscles, bones, joints, skin! And these bodies are already starting to have problems.
The area of the spine with paravertebral clip (okolomatocnah) muscle is called a functional spinal unit. Of course, in the field of functional spinal unit disrupted okolomatocnah not only muscles but all components of the vertebral motor segment (PDS).
The composition includes two PDS adjacent to each other vertebra with intervertebral disc between them, the joints between the vertebrae, spinal nerve emerging from the intervertebral foramina, paravertebral muscles, ligaments and blood vessels.
When forming a functional spinal unit interferes with the normal work of ALL of these elements, because they are unable to decompress compresses the muscle!
Thus, the conclusion:
“Functional spinal unit is an intermediate link between psychological cause (negative thoughts, emotions) and physical consequence (diseases of internal organs) in the development of psychosomatic diseases”...
Violations in a certain sphere of human life cause a violation in certain parts of the spine
Legend to the table:
C (cervix, lat — neck) – vertebrae of the cervical spine.
Th (thorax, lats – chest) vertebrae the thoracic spine.
L (lumbar, lat — lower back) vertebrae of the lumbar spine.
The number of letters is the number of the vertebrae in the appropriate section above. For example, Th7 – 7 thoracic vertebrae, if counting from the top down.
The table is compiled on the basis of the results of scientific research Dr. Basnetsova V. S., published in 2008:
The portion of the spine
Description broken areas of life
The causes of the violations
The pelvis and sacrum
Self-preservation: the love of your body and life.
Thoughts on the unfortunate fate of the inferiority of his body, thought about the threat to health and life, overwork, strong-willed overcoming feelings of fatigue.
Breeding: love of the opposite sex, the motivation of all desires
Conflicts with a sexual partner, a sense of their own sexual failure, undesirable for the patient development in the family and at work, negative emotions due to the inability to satisfy their material desires.
Th7 – Th12
Rationality: the love of success and material abundance.
Negative emotions due to conflict at work, due to the humiliation of sexual possibilities and desires of the patient, because of the humiliation of the physical data of the patient.
Th1 – Th6
Love: the relationship with the one you love and what you love.
Negative emotions because of conflicts with loved ones, the loss of beloved things, beloved pet, etc.
C4 – C7
Service: what you benefit people?
Negative thoughts about yourself as a person, the unclaimed people, attempts to impose on another person like him to behave, aggression towards colleagues, superiors, authorities.
C2 – C3
Wisdom: acceptance.
Rejection of what is happening, thinking “what is happening is unfair and wrong,” the desire to cheat, the negative emotions caused by deception.
The desire to escape reality (drugs, alcohol, sects, the Internet).
Every negative thought and emotion has its own target in Your spine
Legend to the table:
C (cervix, lat — neck) – vertebrae of the cervical spine.
Th (thorax, lats – chest) vertebrae the thoracic spine.
L (lumbar, lat — lower back) vertebrae of the lumbar spine.
The number of letters is the number of the vertebrae in the appropriate section above. For example, Th7 – 7 thoracic vertebrae, if counting from the top down.
The table is compiled on the basis of the results of scientific research Dr. Basnetsova V. S., published in 2008:
Functional block vertebra
Mental causes
The desire to escape reality (drugs, alcohol, sects, the Internet).
Rejection of what is happening, thinking “what is happening is unfair and wrong.”
The desire to cheat, the negative emotions caused by deception.
Thoughts “I am stupid and weak-willed people,” “I am a loser in life”, attempts to impose on another person like him to behave.
Thoughts: “nobody loves me”, “I am worthless” condemnation of the authorities.
Thoughts: “I am a mediocrity as a specialist, everything goes wrong”, the condemnation of colleagues or immediate supervisor.
Negative emotions due to physical disabilities, poor health or lack of attractiveness from the opposite sex.
Negative emotions due to the fact that loved ones blame the patient in evasion from reality, inaction in important decisions.
Negative emotions due to the fact that loved ones accuse the patient of being selfish and dodging his direct family responsibilities
Negative emotions due to the fact that loved ones accuse the patient of callousness, lack of love and involvement towards the close.
Negative emotions due to the fact that loved ones blame the patient for insufficient wages, unreasonable waste of money.
Negative emotions due to the fact that your loved one accuses the patient of adultery, avoiding sexual intercourse, flirting.
Negative emotions due to the fact that loved ones humiliating physical patient data (blaming obesity, snoring, untidiness).
Negative emotions because of the humiliation of a person at work.
Negative emotions because of the humiliation of managerial and organizational abilities of the patient
Negative emotions because of the humiliation of the mental qualities of a patient in relation to colleagues
Negative emotions because of the humiliation of skills and abilities
Negative emotions because of the humiliation of sexual possibilities and desires
Negative emotions from humiliation to physical data of the patient
Adults — conflicts with sexual partner;
The child conflicts with the parent of the opposite sex.
Undesirable for the patient development in the family
Undesirable for the patient development at work and at home.
The sense of his own sexual failure
Negative emotions because of the impossibility to satisfy their material desires
The pelvis and sacrum
Thoughts on the unfortunate fate of the inferiority of his body, thought about the threat to health and life, overwork, strong-willed overcoming feelings of fatigue.
Block right – active violation of this sphere of life a person experiences anger, aggression.
The block on the left is a passive violation of this sphere of life a person experiences hurt, sadness.
If you're left-handed, the sides change places!
As feelings about ordinary life situations undermining your health
Legend to the table:
C (cervix, lat — neck) – vertebrae of the cervical spine.
Th (thorax, lats – chest) vertebrae the thoracic spine.
L (lumbar, lat — lower back) vertebrae of the lumbar spine.
The number of letters is the number of the vertebrae in the appropriate section above. For example, Th7 – 7 thoracic vertebrae, if counting from the top down.
Life examples. The most frequent stress human
The table is compiled on the basis of the results of scientific research Dr. Basnetsova V. S., published in 2008:
A stressful situation
Blocks vertebrae →
Diseases of the internal organs
The conflict between the spouses
Th 1 – 6, L1 →
L1 (left): the Loss of sexual interest in his wife.
L1 (right) with fatigue and depression
The wife accuses her husband that he “goes left” or little earns. The husband is offended
Th 4, Th 5 (left) with husband →
Coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction.
Accusing her husband in a small salary and suspecting him of cheating, his wife treats him not as a beloved person, but as a worker.
Th 7 (on the right) →
Calculous cholecystitis.
Wife “re-educates” her husband
C4's wife →
Thyroid disease, headaches, dizziness, arthritis of the fingers
Thoughts: “Why am I married (or married) for this person?”
Dysfunction of the pelvis on the left →
Diseases of the reproductive organs (uterine fibroids, prostate adenoma)
The conflict between the spouses: the husband wants to buy one thing, my wife wants to buy another, and money is not enough for all
L5 →
Disease of the hip and ankle joints, reproductive organs
Conflicts at work
Th 7 – Th12
The patient hears from the chief of insults, for example: “You fool and idiot!”
Unit Th7 patient →
Diseases of the pancreas
The patient hears from the boss: “you no compassion, you all people like pawns!”
Unit Th9 in a patient →
Diseases of the pancreas, spleen, duodenum 12.
The patient hears from the boss: “You don't know how specialist you're a total zero!”
Block Th10, the patient →
Diabetes, enteritis.
The patient hears from the boss: “Working, just the dough to get more, even if the work itself little thought!”
Unit Th11 patient →
Kidney disease and adrenal glands.
Anger at the mother-in-law, mother-in-law
Unit 8-9 Th.
Gastritis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.
Anger at someone from relatives due to the fact that they did something wrong
Unit Th 6 (right)
Chronic liver disease: hepatitis, cirrhosis, tumors, psoriasis, eczema, autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus)
Obstructed labour
Unit C1 the child
Astigmatism, myopia, strabismus in children, mental retardation, cerebral palsy.
The imposition on others of his point of view or, on the contrary, the unspoken thoughts, emotions
Unit C3
Diseases of ENT organs
Destroyed plans for a rich and decent life.
Unit L3
Diseases of the large intestine (constipation or diarrhea) pain in the buttocks, sciatica.
How to eliminate the functional blocks of the spine of psychological origin?
1. Safely Express your feelings. All psychologists at all times suggest exactly that. A reasonable question arises: “Who is with me will communicate, if I give people what I think?”. No, we are not talking about that heap all the insults.
If you just said out loud what I feel your body is freed from the muscle clamp, caused by the emotions that You are experiencing!
A simple statement of fact, expressed verbally:
It makes me sad.
It pisses me off.
It makes me sad.
I'm angry... And so on.
Yet the transition to the individual, such as “I'm mad because you're an idiot!”, there will be no conflict. And at the same time, Your body will be free and not stuck, no repressed emotion.
2. Acceptance and Forgiveness. You want to focus on a problem situation and sincerely say, “I accept you exactly so (so) like you are. I forgive you, you forgive me.” That one phrase, spoken from the heart, enough to be liberated.
Attention can be focused both on problem situations and problem area of the back.
3. Confess Your Love Life! This approach of the Hawaiian healing tradition, Ho'oponopono (translated into Russian: “to Fix”). In order to free your mind from negative psychological or emotional reactions, enough to appeal to the World, life, the Universe, Higher Mind, God (as you wish). The essence of the appeal request:
“Cleanse me from such a negative.”
Then – repeating 4 phrases:
“Please forgive me”.
”I repent”.
“I thank you”.
“I love you”.
You are not addressing at this point to someone specific, the appeal is to Life itself, to Being, in which all forms are transient.
4. The technique of subconscious reprogramming.
It is an approach of psychotherapy that treats the disease as the best of what the subconscious mind of the patient could “come up” in the current situation. This is how man adapts to the requirements imposed by the external environment.
From the perspective as a behavior strategy can make a significant conclusion: “every disease has its positive intent, only the subconscious of the patient are unable to find a more effective model for its implementation, than to suffer his body to one or another ailment”...
The task of man is to find those patterns of behavior, which on one hand will realize the positive intention of his disease, and on the other hand will be more favorable both for himself and for the people around him.
5. Techniques of deprogramming.
Cult means “erase”. Of course, the “erased”, not the information itself, and the emotional “charge” which it contains. If the person is freed from the emotions associated with another person or with a situation, he is cured of the causes of his psychosomatic illness and many other problems in his life.
A deeper study of the psychological causes is performed when “erasing” emotional “charges”, a belief in sustainable beliefs. In fact, any belief is relevant for a particular person in a particular situation. And no one belief may not be correct for all occasions.
Accordingly, if a person believes in something that he considers “the absolute truth”, lives and acts based on this belief, in many cases his behavior and emotional response, is inadequate, that this inadequacy causes stress, which sooner or later will affect the condition.
The fact that most of the beliefs to which a person believes, he is not even aware of. For example, a belief that is firmly ingrained in the brain of each person: “I like people around. My feeling is dependent on the people around me”. Imagine how much harm it brings physical and mental health of each person?
— All sorts of fears and anxieties: “what if?”
— Girls torture themselves with diets in the pursuit of some fictional “standard of beauty”.
— Work in the area, which is really interesting, and that prestigious.
— The lies and hypocrisy, hiding their feelings, and then “volcanic eruption” of negative emotions, when no more strength to restrain myself.
— All kinds of psychological manipulation.
— And much more!
Here are only a few consequences of belief, just one belief! published
Author: Atroshchenko, I. N.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: spina63.ru/psychological