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Back pain: How to live with the perspective of a chiropractor

If something we have stops working, it is usually in the best circumstances. This also applies to the back.

No, we will not talk about the numerous ills of the spine — one of their transfer brings sad thoughts about the eternal: osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylitis, herniated disc, sciatica, lumbago... And especially about such an unpleasant thing as "widow's hump".

But better we will talk about good posture. Because if the posture you have everything in order, all of these diseases can be avoided.

So, why do we slouch?

In our body, in addition to "fizicheskih" muscles, which run only when you need to perform a particular job, there is the muscles are "tonic" — these should work all his life without interruption. These muscles should keep the spine in good condition. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, the tonic muscles are often out of order and quickly get used to not working. The correction of the posture is to remind the tonic muscles of their labour duty.

Correct your posture at any age. There are many examples of active old ladies suddenly decide to deal with them, and undergo a magical metamorphosis, they not only straightened, but also begin to feel younger. And you do not even have to resort to the help of a doctor. There are very simple exercises that people can do.

And yet the tactics of the struggle for a slender back is better to work with your doctor. Actually that would be chiropractors. But, maybe you ought to talk with a therapist. As necessary, you can easily determine yourself. And here's why.




The word "psychosomatics" everyone knows, although not all fully imagine what it is. Roughly speaking, "psychosomatics" is the dependence of the physiological state of a person from mental factors. The back is very sensitive to our personal and official issues. Muscles are sensitive to any experience, especially if this experience is with a minus sign. Negative emotion is a burden, the burden assumed. And though the severity of this is not physical, the muscles of the back and neck to react to it as if you really put something on the shoulders. The more a person experiences stress, the more it affects their posture.

The maximum stress usually experience neck, shoulders, back. Spine condition says a lot of psychotherapists.

For example,

  • excessive stress at work (regardless of profession) affects the condition of the shoulders and neck;
  • middle back reacts too controversial, mixed feelings: this is when, for example, you something you really want, but are afraid of the consequences;
  • the lower back responds to painful financial problems — people who have experienced sudden difficulties with money, suddenly Wake up the sciatica or lumbago;
  • fear of pain (e.g., cores) makes people cringe.
However, posture is influenced by positive emotions. Remember how it looks and feels in love with: it's like he's acrylate ceases to slouch, even as if grows. An acute attack of self-esteem also rights of man, expands his shoulders.


So posture is a direct reflection of our lives.Than more positive emotions and better feeling back.

No matter how we bend under the weight of problems, mostly incorrect posture is formed in childhood. And the blame for this is not only a wrong position in the classroom. From the frequent punishment, twos, conflicts also spoil posture.

In General, psychological causes of poor posture are many. You, for example, ever notice that children, which impose excessively high demands (and they are honestly trying to meet these requirements), greatly raise the shoulders? This habit often remains for life. Which in turn affects the muscles, the condition of the spine and, as a consequence, the internal organs.

Often, however, the opposite effect: poor posture causes a person to do, he creates a psychological discomfort which, in turn, again leads to different ailments. That's why before going to a "chiropractor", it is better to go to a therapist. If you will help to reduce the burden of problems, manual therapy, you may no longer need.





Emotions are emotions, but most likely your tonic muscles needed for proper posture, already weaned to work. Remind them how it's done, needs a chiropractor.

For a start, he will determine whether you have serious violations of of the spine, such as scoliosis. And if not, will tell you where you have "lordosis", and where "kyphosis". Kyphosis and lordosis have with each person. Kyphosis is when the spine is arched back, and lordosis — when forward. In a healthy person, is both that, and another, because these curves help the intervertebral discs to absorb movement. If the muscles have ceased work, the spine is curved too much n there is a "Hyper-kyphosis" or "hyperlordosis". That is the incorrect posture, requiring medical intervention.

"Chiropractor" just does what regulates the kyphosis-lordosis, strengthen muscles, and generally dealing with the spine. But it is necessary to warn of a chiropractor you need to choose very carefully.





The person you trust your spine, must have a medical degree, you have to be a professional doctor. In Europe, a doctor usually has a helper, and having secondary medical education, but he is forbidden to work with joints. It is desirable that in addition to higher education, he still had a certificate allowing him to work a chiropractor because, if the spine will work optometrist or dermatologist, success is highly questionable.

In Russia, chiropractors often employ people without higher education. They often have successful, from a financial point of view, a private practice. And sometimes be really talented healers. But...

If you are invited for a "therapeutic massage with elements of manual therapy", do not go there. Firstly, these things are not always compatible with each other. In addition, often the massage is done unprofessionally, to say nothing of "elements of manipulation." Complications can be quite severe, even fatal. As a result of improper manual manipulation may be violated, for example, the circulation of the brain. Or will not sustain heart. And there are just fractures.

When someone recommends you a chiropractor, find out to begin with, how long he practices, — it is desirable that not less than one year. Experienced doctor's hands is much more sensitive. And in addition, an aspiring chiropractor often asserts itself at the expense of patients — deliberately cracks his joints to show themselves and the patient, how cool it works. It would be good to ask the person who recommended you the doctor how it works. If will tell you how wonderful the chiropractor goes through the spine and how it hurts, is better from this doctor to refuse.Because a good, experienced doctor is soft.

Next. For manual therapy is not really suitable production method. Speed work with the spine can be taken only as first aid. To achieve really good long-term results need long-term treatment.

Finally, a good chiropractor never ignores psychotherapeutic methods. For example, if he explicitly asks you about your problems, keenly interested in your personal life, know that it is part of the treatment.

But most of the work on improving the posture you have to do yourself. The doctor will only give you some tips that are not original. But what if we are forgetful.





For starters, observe how you sit, lie, stand. Certainly will discover something new. For example, you previously may have not even noticed that used to be based only on one leg. But that overstrained its joints, internal organs will mix and begin to function properly, chest and head take the wrong position. The spine is constantly not only curved, but in the "twisted" state and gets used to it. If you pay attention to how you stand, and will try to stand straighter, you will quickly feel much better.

This applies not only to the feet and any other part of the body. You have, for example, a headache. And why do you always pull the neck forward? And why is your right shoulder you have all the time it is raised?





Need to sit on the ischial bones. And not just sit and balance on those bones. Ideally, the back should not lean on the back of a chair, especially if the backrest is not vertical. Low seat with "vertebral" point of view are generally very harmful. The flat chair seat should be shorter than thigh to the edge of a chair does not put pressure on the artery behind the knees. Height from seat to floor should be such that thigh is parallel to the floor. Do not put the foot on the leg.


In the car it is impossible to sit upright, and hips can be parallel with the floor, but to do something. It is not necessary to move the seat too close to the steering wheel. At the back it would be good to put some kind of cushion or pillow.

Posture deteriorates, in particular, due to the fact that the head is constantly tilted forward. This contributes, for example, work with a computer, especially if you don't type blind and you have no special bumagodelatelnaja, which is mounted at eye level.

Even just working with people can adversely affect the neck and shoulder girdle. For example, therapists have very often sore neck: after all, they are listening to the patient, unwittingly pull your neck forward, as if wanting to look into his soul.

To relieve tension and fatigue of neck need three times the maximum to raise the shoulders to the ears for 10-15 seconds, holding your breath.





It is better to lie on mattresses with "hard background". But note: Paty on the Board with a sheet, is not less dangerous than on a very soft feather-bed. For people with any serious back problems perfect orthopedic mattresses, which now appeared in the sale of furniture and sports stores.




How to stand too need to learn. To do this, imagine that you put down an imaginary slope from the navel to the floor. The slope must touch the anterior third of the foot (closer to the fingers). It is not accustomed to stand, it will seem that you're pretty much tilted forward. Can try before a mirror and you will see that just such a situation and is direct.


Lifting weights, not have to really lean forward. To raise an object (or, for example, a child), it is better to put one leg forward, while maintaining the same center of gravity. For example, standing on the floor of the suitcase. Why we don't usually get to it one step, bend over and much straining, lifting it up? It would be much easier to stand next to him, sit down and lift the suitcase without bending the back.





When walking the center of gravity should be slightly in front, the chest is slightly tilted forward. Each step should involve not only the muscles of the legs and hips, but the back and belly. Blades when walking should be slightly back and down. If you go straight, the shock from each step are absorbed by the cartilage discs, that act as springs and protect the brain and spinal cord from damage.





Since ways to strengthen your back do not count, we chose only one exercise. But what! First, it requires no special training. Second, the effect is uncanny: once you begin to do, after a couple of weeks you will not know. If you master this exercise, others hardly need it.

In order to achieve real and rapid effect, to stand in the position described below and for 15 minutes daily. At first you will not very work, the muscles may ache because they dereniowa. But nobody said it would be easy.


The exercise involves four elements.

1. Up against the wall (or imagine you're standing at a vertical surface), touching her neck, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels. The head horizontally slide back a little. Look lock in front of him. At the same time try to reach the top of the head up without changing the position of chin and nose on the floor. Imagine that you are trying to stretch the spine, become higher.

2. Blades slightly together and down (but not strain).

3. Try to pull the stomach inward and upward simultaneously, as if under the ribs. Slightly squeeze your buttocks and tighten the anus. The pelvis needs to move forward a little. To do this we must also without much effort.

4. Drop an imaginary plumb line from your navel to the floor and stand so that it touches the anterior third of the foot.

All this must be done simultaneously and hold this position for 15 minutes.





Flexion of the lumbar

Sitting on the floor (or bed), to stretch towards your toes, without bending his legs. Taking yourself for a Shin or foot, fix this position for a few minutes.


Extension of the lumbar

Lying on his stomach off the floor the head, chest and legs and hold it in until we get tired. It should be done three times.



Lying on your back, right leg bent and put on the knee of the other leg (if possible, can be higher). Arm to put on the bent knee and gradually withdraw it to the left. Then to do the same with the other leg. The blades from the horizontal surface to get a needs.


The "stretching" of the lumbar spine

Lying on your back, pull the heel of one foot myself, and the other sock is on. To do this you need 7-9 times, slowly, fixing each position.published


Also interesting: bad back: stretch or "loading"

Psychosomatic diseases of the back


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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Source: ill.ru/news.art.shtml?c_article=449