“Show me where your back hurts and I’ll tell you what your problems are.” A common cause of pain is the usual...
Medicine is now developing comprehensively. Doctors are increasingly thinking about disease-causing Instead of futilely dealing with their consequences and external manifestations. In this regard, recently such a medical direction as psychosomatic medicine has become popular, which studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of somatic (body) diseases.
This is what psychosomatics says about the nature of back diseases.
This part of the body we never see, so put in it everything that we want to hide. Those feelings and experiences that bring suffering.
The spine serves as the support frame of the whole organism. He who loses support in life does not feel it in the body. Such a person is worried about tomorrow, looking for stability in work and family, and support in friends, but to no avail. He has no confidence that everything will be okay. Usually, this confidence becomes the basis for moving forward, not allowing confusion to master the emotional state of a person. The result of this loss of guidance is backache.
What is evidenced by pain in the upper back
This refers to the area from the beginning of the shoulders to the end of the shoulder blades. It is believed that pain in this part of the back occurs in people who feel insecure. They slouch, showing the world a sense of insignificance and inability to withstand difficulties. Life circumstances fall on them, and they shoulder down under this load.
Also, in this part of the back, feelings accumulate that we do not dare or cannot express. They grow up behind a hump.
Pain in this place feels and unrealized person. Once he suppressed his desires, forgot about aspirations, retreated from goals. Ambition has been pushed to the background.
Remember that those who do what they love are proud of it. He is proud and straight, always. holding the posture.
Psychosomatics of the middle back
We are talking about the region in the projection of the solar plexus. Problems with this part of the back occur in people who lose balance in life and are afraid to express themselves. The balance between the inner development of the self and the knowledge of the external world is lost.
The environment seems hostile to the person, and he decides that it is safer to keep everything within himself. As a result, symptomatic pain that passes with the onset psychological maturity.
Lower back psychosomatics
My lower back hurts.The area from the projection of the solar plexus to the tailbone, in those who experience fear of the coming of old age. Often this sense of anxiety about the inevitable comes after anniversaries, adult graduation calls, big anniversaries. People begin to think of themselves as unnecessary.
It seems to him that he does not hold on to anything, and just as no one depends on him. And literally feels like he's not being held by his own back.
If you backacheSo you don't let yourself relax even at night. Let go of all the worries and let the body gain the strength that is needed to solve the daily problems.
Editorial Board Work on your psycho-emotional state. But do not forget about physical activity and exercises for the whole body. Often, those who begin to go to a massage or gym, notice improvements not only in health, but also changes in the way of thinking. Everything in the body is interconnected!
If you had back pain and managed to get rid of them, share your experience. Write about it in the comments. Useful information from this article is shared among friends!

This is what psychosomatics says about the nature of back diseases.
This part of the body we never see, so put in it everything that we want to hide. Those feelings and experiences that bring suffering.

The spine serves as the support frame of the whole organism. He who loses support in life does not feel it in the body. Such a person is worried about tomorrow, looking for stability in work and family, and support in friends, but to no avail. He has no confidence that everything will be okay. Usually, this confidence becomes the basis for moving forward, not allowing confusion to master the emotional state of a person. The result of this loss of guidance is backache.
What is evidenced by pain in the upper back

This refers to the area from the beginning of the shoulders to the end of the shoulder blades. It is believed that pain in this part of the back occurs in people who feel insecure. They slouch, showing the world a sense of insignificance and inability to withstand difficulties. Life circumstances fall on them, and they shoulder down under this load.
Also, in this part of the back, feelings accumulate that we do not dare or cannot express. They grow up behind a hump.

Pain in this place feels and unrealized person. Once he suppressed his desires, forgot about aspirations, retreated from goals. Ambition has been pushed to the background.
Remember that those who do what they love are proud of it. He is proud and straight, always. holding the posture.
Psychosomatics of the middle back

We are talking about the region in the projection of the solar plexus. Problems with this part of the back occur in people who lose balance in life and are afraid to express themselves. The balance between the inner development of the self and the knowledge of the external world is lost.
The environment seems hostile to the person, and he decides that it is safer to keep everything within himself. As a result, symptomatic pain that passes with the onset psychological maturity.
Lower back psychosomatics

My lower back hurts.The area from the projection of the solar plexus to the tailbone, in those who experience fear of the coming of old age. Often this sense of anxiety about the inevitable comes after anniversaries, adult graduation calls, big anniversaries. People begin to think of themselves as unnecessary.
It seems to him that he does not hold on to anything, and just as no one depends on him. And literally feels like he's not being held by his own back.
If you backacheSo you don't let yourself relax even at night. Let go of all the worries and let the body gain the strength that is needed to solve the daily problems.

Editorial Board Work on your psycho-emotional state. But do not forget about physical activity and exercises for the whole body. Often, those who begin to go to a massage or gym, notice improvements not only in health, but also changes in the way of thinking. Everything in the body is interconnected!

If you had back pain and managed to get rid of them, share your experience. Write about it in the comments. Useful information from this article is shared among friends!
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