Top 10 things for which we say thank you mom

Mom's love warms and sustains all life, and you always know that in the world there is one person for whom all your victories and sorrows are much more important than their own. Maternal feelings beyond time and space, and you can understand them only if you are the parent, and nothing else.
Therefore, the mother's love often take for granted. But it is worth thinking about how much they gave us to feel deep gratitude. We at the Website have done so.
27 November in Russia celebrated mother's Day and we have a wonderful opportunity to greet their moms and tell them again how we love them.
Mom taught us to love

Mom gave us unconditional love — the kind when you just like, not for what you bring home straight a's or help around the house. Just because you are. Well, maybe more for the fact that you have the most cute in the world chubby cheeks. Such love is creative and host, gives us a sense of security and trust in the world for life. And we in turn can pass it on — to your loved ones, children, friends.
Love is probably the most important mother's gift.
They gave us faith in ourselves

One of the official kanapianov Leonardo DiCaprio said about his mom from the stage: "Only one person I have to thank for standing here. I grew up in poverty in a terrible neighborhood, but my mom was able to show me that I can do better."
Mom told us: "you will succeed, you need to try." They said, "Look, you trained hard and here is the result." They taught us that their goal is to strive for.
Mom taught us generosity and unselfishness

Mom taught us to share and help another. They started with small things and pay our attention on those who need help — a grandma that needs help to go down the slippery stairs, or grandfather, who must give way to the transport. They are taught to give and not to expose the internal account for what we have done for others. Good multiplies in the world and somehow itself will return to us.
They are taught to deal with setbacks and fight to the end

Mom showed us that everyone makes mistakes and that it is not necessary to quit at the first failure. They take responsibility for what happens in their lives — and it was the best example.
Mom helped to know himself and the world

Mother helped to cope with emotions and understand what is happening to us. With mom we can be ourselves (and studied this) and we were then able to carry this knowledge to the outside world while staying true to herself and not being afraid of ridicule. As if we put on the armor of a mother's love.
Under her mother's protection, we know the world and all that Scarecrow would become clear and simple. In the early years, we saw the world through her eyes — her trust the world and love for others was passed to us.
Mom revealed that the family is the most precious, and taught to care about each other

Mom was able to show us that family is the most important in human life. This is our little world where everything is clear and easy, where everything is familiar and dear. However, she was able to convey to us that peace and good relations in the family is not just given: it requires respect, patience, ability to take the interests of others and infinite care about each other.
Mom taught to believe the best

Mom could dry any tears, and just hugged and hugged her again and we smiled and believed that everything will be fine. "To be on our street festival," and the confidence we carry into adulthood.
Mother has shown what it means to enjoy life

My mother taught me to appreciate the moment, live in the present and enjoy life. Yes, she was often busy, cleaned, cooked and washed, trying to take care of each and every one. But there were moments when she was singing, laughing, fooling around and dancing with us. And given that sincerely and with all your soul, forgetting about all the problems.
Mom taught us to forgive

Mom has forgiven us for everything, and next to it could be wrong to be illogical and ridiculous. Her forgiveness and acceptance is the best role model. And in relation to their own parents too. Time goes by, and one day we realize that they were wrong in many ways, fed by the clock, too controlling, too strict punish, set an example Bob, etc.
Yes, they were wrong, not once. But they always proceeded from the fact that I thought was best for us. And we are not immune from mistakes, and our children may one day say to us: "Mom, you did wrong." And here just also there is a vast resource for inner growth: we learn to forgive like a mother would forgive us for everything.
Mom gave us life

Though we've heard it a thousand times, but it's true. They gave us life, literally. And they gave us their lives — and sleepless nights and troubled thoughts, and joys, and sorrows — it was all about us.
And so the world that we understand the depth and power of maternal love, when they themselves become parents. And then the circle of love is closed.
Photos on the preview Olga Repkina
See also
Moms are moms
Thank you, mom!
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/spasibo-mama-814260/
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