Echinacea— medicinal properties and recipes
Thirteen million eight hundred two thousand one hundred fifty six
Today, Echinacea is one of the most powerful tools for strengthening and enhancing immunity in the human body. This plant is actively used in folk medicine and in the pharmaceutical industry.
Echinacea — this is just for storage of active substances, which strengthen the protection of our body. This essential oil, saponins, and polysaccharides, a variety of polyunsaturated and not only, organic acids, resins, and other substances.
In addition, medicinal properties of Echinacea due to the presence of phenolic acids, which are known to have a pronounced antiseptic effect. And in this plant contains such interesting substances as polity. They know how to destroy and inhibit the microorganisms of the fungal type.
The roots of Echinacea contain betaine, which is able to reduce, significantly, the risk of heart attack, stroke, which is very, very important to many people. Also here there are fenomenologie acids which are very beneficial it on the immune functions of the human body. In addition, such acids have a diuretic effect, which allows the use of medicinal properties of Echinacea in a variety of fields of medicine.
Rich is a remarkable plant and various mineral components, which are also very useful for our health. And a variety of minerals, more than impressive: selenium, manganese, zinc, calcium, silver, cobalt, potassium and other representatives of the periodic table of elements. And Echinacea components such as vanadium, barium, are generally rare items and so they are even more valuable.
Medicinal properties of Echinacea, it is possible to list long enough, so I will mention only the most pronounced of them. Echinacea has anti-inflammatory properties effective against fungi, having antiviral effect, is effective in eliminating a number of allergic manifestations. Also it is used in a variety of rheumatoid exacerbations, and, of course, as the strongest immune-modulator.
Fifty nine million four hundred eighty thousand sixty one
If we talk about specific diseases that can help to heal medicinal properties of Echinacea here it should be mentioned, various diseases of catarrhal origin, diseases of the genitourinary system. Echinacea is also effective, at various blood infections, infectious lesions around the ear. For the treatment of boils and other pustular exacerbations on the skin, hives, burns, withdrawal manifestations for herpes, also it is advisable to use this wonderful plant.
For the medical needs of all parts of the plant. For example, in August, you can harvest the flower baskets of Echinacea. But in the autumn days of October and even November are usually harvested Echinacea root. The grass must be dried, however, to store harvested Echinacea, not more than six months. From the harvested plants, make decoctions and infusions.
Echinacea recipes• for colds, after treatment with heavy antibiotics, eczema, effective tea made from Echinacea.
Tea, take two teaspoons of pre-crushed leaves and roots of plants, pour a half of liter of boiling water. After the infusion could stand forty minutes, he's ready to use. In the preventive mode, there will be just one Cup per day. Well, if the disease has already occurred, the dose should be at least triple.
But for the treatment of diseases, we cannot limit ourselves to only taking tea from Echinacea. For all its virtues, it can not guarantee recovery without other drugs.
• A decoction of the leaves of Echinacea is useful in various health problems. This decrease in visual acuity, and various headaches, joint pain, swelling symptoms, peptic ulcer disease, and others.
To prepare the broth, one teaspoon of the dried leaves of Echinacea purpurea, pour a glass of boiling water, simmer 5 minutes, then let stand for twenty minutes. After that, strain the broth and it's ready. It dose for the whole day. Divide it into 3 parts and drink.
For the treatment of skin diseases, this broth make lotions and compresses. Therapeutic properties apply to wounds, boils, burns, insect bites, eczema, urticaria etc.
• It is also very common kind of medication, on the basis of Echinacea is an alcohol-based tincture. This drug you can buy in any pharmacy. In this form all the therapeutic properties of Echinacea are saved without loss.
If you want to cook yourself, here's the recipe: crushed leaves, pour the vodka, in the ratio of 1 to 10 and put in a dark place for 10 days. She was adopted by 20 — 30 drops 3 times a day.
This infusion helps with women's diseases, gastritis and gastric ulcer, prostatic adenoma, diseases of the kidneys and bladder, improves metabolism and increases the overall immunity of the body. Another inhibits the development of different viruses: E. coli, herpes, Staphylococcus, influenza, stomatitis, thus being indispensable in the therapeutic treatment.
Among contraindications to medications on the basis of Echinacea are: tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, rheumatism, as well as pregnancy and nursing.
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru