Acid-base balance: a List of products for level of acidity
The acid-alkaline balanceThe food we eat can be divided into two main groups: acidic and alkaline. Of course, it is not about the food itself, and that gets into the blood and lymph after completion of its processing.
There are different opinions about what foods to include to alkaline and which is acidic to, so in order to balance the power, you should focus on their own feelings and not to overdo it.
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List of products by level of acidityFurther, proposed product list, which is delimited by the principle "from the most sour – sour to the minimum".
Acidic foods:
But in this case, has its pitfalls. The fact that animal products contain a lot of substances which food of plant extract impossible. It is not only proteins that maintain tissue, but, it would seem that this unhealthy component of cholesterol. It is the cholesterol becomes material for brain tissue and contributes to hormonal balance. Particularly worth mentioning acids and vitamins, which can only be obtained from animal fat: A, D, K2. This company plays an important role in the absorption of minerals, and also has a positive effect on the intestinal epithelium.
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Alkaline foodsNow let's look at the categories of products distributed by the level of alkalinity.
Strongly alkaline:
If you want the acid-alkaline balance in your body was close to perfect, for Breakfast, lunch and dinner in your servings should be about seventy percent of the vegetables. You should not be overly hung up and start to "measure" portions – enough approximate volume.
If you practice vegetarianism that the protein can be obtained from: avocados, legumes, coconut, nuts, seeds, soy products.
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112176-kislotno-schelochnoy-balans-spisok-produktov-po-urovnyu-kislotnosti
There are different opinions about what foods to include to alkaline and which is acidic to, so in order to balance the power, you should focus on their own feelings and not to overdo it.
Sixty six million seven hundred ninety two thousand four hundred eighty seven
List of products by level of acidityFurther, proposed product list, which is delimited by the principle "from the most sour – sour to the minimum".
Acidic foods:
- crops: barley;
- meat and poultry: pheasant, beef or minced meat, offal;
- fish and seafood: any fish dishes, lobster;
- fruits: any fruit in the marinade or in the form of canned food; dried apricots, prunes, raisins;
- nuts and legumes: soy, cashews;
- dairy products: soft cheeses (melted), milk, ice cream and Popsicle;
- drink: chocolate, beer and malt;
- sweets: jams and marmalades;
- spices and sauces: salt, soy, mustard and light sauces;
- other: white flour.
- grains: corn, rye products, oat bran,
- meat and poultry: chicken, pork, bear meat and calf fat;
- fish and seafood: clam;
- vegetables: carrots;
- nut and beans: pistachios, and walnuts, peanuts, peas and other beans;
- dairy products: milk protein, cheese products, fresh cheese, soy milk;
- drink: coffee;
- sweets: all sweeteners;
- fruits and berries: pomegranates, cranberries;
- flour products: bread;
- other: margarine.
- cereals: buckwheat, millet;
- meat and poultry: lamb, elk, boar, duck, Turkey
- fish and seafood: clams and crayfish;
- vegetables: tomatoes;
- dairy products: fresh milk cows, Mature and soy cheese;
- nuts and legumes: pecans, bertholletia, forestry and nutmeg (seasoning of them), dry peas;
- fruits and berries: plum;
- drinks: alcohol, black tea;
- spices and sauces: vanilla, balsamic, tomato dressings, mayonnaise;
- other: stevia.
- grains: brown rice, lentils and millet;
- meat and poultry: deer meat, duck meat;
- dairy products: cheeses made from goat or sheep milk, fatty foods;
- vegetables: rhubarb, spinach, squash;
- eggs: whites and yolks (chicken);
- nuts and legumes: cedar;
- seeds: pumpkin, sunflower, flax;
- oil: sunflower, grape seed, canola;
- fruits and berries: some types of exotic fruits (coconut, guava), persimmon, date;
- spices: curry, vinegar of rice;
- sweets: honey and syrups (maple);
- other: gelatin.
But in this case, has its pitfalls. The fact that animal products contain a lot of substances which food of plant extract impossible. It is not only proteins that maintain tissue, but, it would seem that this unhealthy component of cholesterol. It is the cholesterol becomes material for brain tissue and contributes to hormonal balance. Particularly worth mentioning acids and vitamins, which can only be obtained from animal fat: A, D, K2. This company plays an important role in the absorption of minerals, and also has a positive effect on the intestinal epithelium.
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Alkaline foodsNow let's look at the categories of products distributed by the level of alkalinity.
Strongly alkaline:
- vegetables: cucumbers, onion, daikon radish;
- fruits and berries: watermelon, lime, pineapple, raspberry;
- nuts and legumes: sprouted beans;
- seeds: any;
- spices: salt (including sea);
- other: algae, burdock, soda, Mizo.
- vegetables and herbs: parsnips, stems and leaves of parsley, cabbage, broccoli and kohlrabi, asparagus and olives;
- fruits and berries: mango, oranges, grapefruits, lemons;
- spices: ginger, garlic, cinnamon sticks, Basil leaves, rosemary;
- sweets: molasses;
- other: Kombucha, poppy seeds, mustard greens.
- vegetables: potatoes (sweet varieties), eggplant, pumpkin, avocado, cabbage, white cabbage and cauliflower, turnips;
- fruits and berries: lemon, pear, Apple, BlackBerry, cherry, papaya and peaches;
- dairy products: milk of almond and coconut;
- nut and bean: green soy beans, almonds;
- eggs: quail;
- herbs and greens: nettle, bergamot, aloe;
- oils: sesame, evening primrose and cod liver;
- drink: sake, green tea;
- spices: ginseng;
- other: mushrooms, brown rice syrup, Apple cider vinegar.
- grains: oatmeal, wild rice varieties, quinoa;
- vegetables and herbs: cabbage, Brussels, sweet peppers and potatoes, zucchini and artichokes, sugar beet, leek, cilantro;
- oil: coconut, olive, macadamia, Flaxseed, borage, almond, ghee, soya;
- eggs: duck;
- fruits and berries: strawberries, currants, blueberries, bananas, oranges, grapes, pineapple, apricots;
- seeds: any;
- beverages: natural coffee drinks tea with ginger;
- miscellaneous: algae.
If you want the acid-alkaline balance in your body was close to perfect, for Breakfast, lunch and dinner in your servings should be about seventy percent of the vegetables. You should not be overly hung up and start to "measure" portions – enough approximate volume.
If you practice vegetarianism that the protein can be obtained from: avocados, legumes, coconut, nuts, seeds, soy products.
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112176-kislotno-schelochnoy-balans-spisok-produktov-po-urovnyu-kislotnosti