Foods rich in alkali: add them to the diet and strengthen your immune system!
Many diseases arise due to violation of the acid-base balance of the body. In 1931, a biochemist, physician and physiologist Otto Warburg of Germany was awarded the Nobel Prize for what proved the relationship between cancer and the acidification of the internal environment. But the alkaline environment is not conducive to completely inhabit cancer cells.
Most people disturbed acid-base balance, and because of this, develop the disease. In this first you feel constant fatigue, there are dizziness, headaches, cramps, insomnia and frequent colds.
Each of us can independently determine its acid-base balance with a special test. It can be purchased at the pharmacy with instructions for use. The optimal pH balance is 7. Verify it is best for an hour before eating or two hours after. If you have a pH less than this figure, the body creates a favorable environment for the development of infections. Change is possible by means of food that will help shift the balance of the body to the alkaline side. Alkalization of the body found is now extremely rare, so alkalizing foods in reasonable quantities useful to all.
From this table you can find out the extent to which foods affect the acid-base balance of the body.
0 - weak oxidation or alkalization;
00 - secondary oxidation or alkalization;
000 - strong oxidation or alkalization;
0000 - a very strong oxidation or alkalization.
Prevention - is the key to good health. Should periodically for pH balance of the body to avoid many zabolevaniy.Podelis with friends this useful information that will help keep health!
via takprosto cc

Most people disturbed acid-base balance, and because of this, develop the disease. In this first you feel constant fatigue, there are dizziness, headaches, cramps, insomnia and frequent colds.
Each of us can independently determine its acid-base balance with a special test. It can be purchased at the pharmacy with instructions for use. The optimal pH balance is 7. Verify it is best for an hour before eating or two hours after. If you have a pH less than this figure, the body creates a favorable environment for the development of infections. Change is possible by means of food that will help shift the balance of the body to the alkaline side. Alkalization of the body found is now extremely rare, so alkalizing foods in reasonable quantities useful to all.
From this table you can find out the extent to which foods affect the acid-base balance of the body.
0 - weak oxidation or alkalization;
00 - secondary oxidation or alkalization;
000 - strong oxidation or alkalization;
0000 - a very strong oxidation or alkalization.

Prevention - is the key to good health. Should periodically for pH balance of the body to avoid many zabolevaniy.Podelis with friends this useful information that will help keep health!
via takprosto cc
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