Instructions for cooking stew with meat and peaches in a pan
I cook a lot in autumn. vegetable-stewThis is a great solution for dinner. Delicious, useful and completely non-calorie! I used to stew eggplant, tomatoes, pepper and onions in a Cossack, and then ate stew as a side dish for meat.
Now I know how to make this stew even better! First of all, I cook it with you. pan-meatAnd then I add peaches to the dish. Recently, two of my friends visited me and were shocked by what they saw. “We’ve never seen food spoiled like this,” the girls offered to eat peaches separately, seeing what I was doing, but then, having tasted the dish, they were pleasantly surprised!
In fact, it is a restaurant dish of Uzbek cuisine, but you can easily make it yourself. Getting ready fast! While the meat is fried, I cut vegetables, I add peach at the end along with crushed garlic.
How to cook meat with vegetables today "Site" He will tell you how to cook. stew in a pan. Fragrant, appetizing, hearty and very tasty dish of Uzbek cuisine!
The ingredients
I also offer you another option for a vegetable dish for dinner - a lazy ratatouille with eggplant in the oven. One of the most delicious and at the same time simple dishes of Provence cuisine!
I'm sure you haven't tasted this stew! Meat and vegetables They are incredibly juicy, and the sweet taste of peach gives a special highlight to the dish. Try it and see for yourself!
Now I know how to make this stew even better! First of all, I cook it with you. pan-meatAnd then I add peaches to the dish. Recently, two of my friends visited me and were shocked by what they saw. “We’ve never seen food spoiled like this,” the girls offered to eat peaches separately, seeing what I was doing, but then, having tasted the dish, they were pleasantly surprised!
In fact, it is a restaurant dish of Uzbek cuisine, but you can easily make it yourself. Getting ready fast! While the meat is fried, I cut vegetables, I add peach at the end along with crushed garlic.

How to cook meat with vegetables today "Site" He will tell you how to cook. stew in a pan. Fragrant, appetizing, hearty and very tasty dish of Uzbek cuisine!

The ingredients
- 300–400 g of meat (cutting, pork or beef)
- 2-3 eggplant
- 1 pepper
- 2 tomatoes
- 1 large bulb
- 2-3 cloves of garlic
- 2 peaches
- 70g parsley
- tasteful
- salt, pepper to taste
- 2-3 tbsp vegetable oil for frying

- Wash the meat and dried with a paper towel, cut into small pieces. Smell it and taste it.
- Clean the onions and cut them in circles. Eggplant wash, clean, dry with a paper towel, cut with slices (cross) about 1 centimeter thick. Transfer the eggplant into a separate bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave for 10 minutes to go away bitterness.
- In a deep pan, warm up the vegetable oil and put the meat in pieces. Roast until there's a ruddy crust on the meat.
- While the meat is roasting, it is worth doing vegetables. Cut peppers with rings or semi-rings, tomatoes with circles, finely chop garlic, also grind parsley. Peel the peach and cut it in small pieces. Juice the eggplant and cut it with triangles.
- Add onions to the meat, stir. After 5-7 minutes, you can add eggplant. Cover the pan with a lid and mascara until the onion ceases to crunch.
- Add to the pan pieces of sweet Bulgarian pepper. Stir all the vegetables with the meat. Carcases for 3-4 minutes on average heat.
- Add the tomatoes and garlic. Pour your favorite spices to taste. Carcasses under the closed lid for 2 minutes, stirring periodically.
- At the end, add peach and carcasses for another 5 minutes. 2 minutes before ready sprinkle the dish with parsley.
- The dish can be consumed both hot and cold. Eat stew with a piece of bread or Uzbek cakes. Bon appetit!
I also offer you another option for a vegetable dish for dinner - a lazy ratatouille with eggplant in the oven. One of the most delicious and at the same time simple dishes of Provence cuisine!
I'm sure you haven't tasted this stew! Meat and vegetables They are incredibly juicy, and the sweet taste of peach gives a special highlight to the dish. Try it and see for yourself!