Why you should not eat only snacks

In the pursuit of a beautiful figure and health, we find a huge amount of information that concerns our diet. And the food we eat depends on the food we eat. quantity and quality.

Food Rules

The most difficult thing in this situation is to separate the grain from the chaff, because among the useful tips there are many harmful recommendations that have no scientific confirmation.

Rules of healthy eating In most cases, they are completely individual. This is a fact that should always be considered. What is great for one person can have the opposite effect on another.

What rules of nutrition should be discarded? Perhaps the answer to this question can improve your relationship with your body.

Harmful stereotypes about nutrition
  1. Snacking is bad.
    Our grandmothers have been telling us since childhood how harmful it is not to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    However, not all of us are suitable for this way of eating. Experts have long said that it is much better to eat. small-sized 5 or even 6 times a day.

    Such portions can really be called snacks, but if your body can get enough of them, why not?

  2. Family lunches
    It is very difficult to sit down together at the dinner table during lunch or dinner. Every member of the family scheduleAnd they all eat very differently.

    I think it’s a strange desire for some people. all together. And even more strange are the resentments of such people when their desire is impossible to fulfill.

    Even if everyone in the family eats separately, this does not mean that there is no love and understanding in the family. The rhythm of modern life dictates its conditions. And family gatherings can be arranged on weekends as something special. This time will be much more appreciated!

  3. Mandatory meals
    Now all people work in different fields of activity. Someone is a freelancer, wakes up at lunch and works until 3 a.m. And someone is an office worker who gets up every day at 7am and can't get out before 6pm.

    The first person will skip breakfast, but have a tight lunch and dinner. But for the second breakfast will be the main meal, which will provide it with energy for the whole working day.

    The key here is feeling good. If you’ve been skipping breakfast for years and are happy with your body and health, don’t think about what others say. Boldly stick to your food system!

  4. Mandatory products
    How many times have you heard from your parents that you have to take bread for soup, otherwise you don’t get full? That's bullshit!

    Flour products are distinguished by their wonderful taste, but they do not bring much benefit. These are fast carbohydrates that will only help gain a couple of extra pounds.

    Of course, your food should be varied. A sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is a prerequisite for a full diet. However, mandatory products may not be in it. Especially when it comes to baked goods.

  5. You have to finish everything.
    This is a rule that many learn in childhood. You can’t leave anything on the plate! It is time to drop this harmful advice.

    Eat as much as your body needs to be full. Do not eat if you already feel full. Of course, you should not eat all your family members!

The food habits of a person are formed since childhood. You should change them if you feel bad. However, do not blindly follow other people’s advice or continue old bad habits.

We sincerely wish you to make your correct diet, which will ensure good health and elevated mood every day.


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